Hello crazy cats! Starting off another entry here in what I find it to be a peephole into my mind. I have noticed, through the years, that we as humans are very voyeuristic. We love to pry into others people's business and look at the intimate details. It's kind of sick, demented and twisted, but we enjoy every second of it. If that's the case, then that would make me an accomplice with exhibitionist characteristics.
Anywho, so here I am. I'm enjoying life and trying to live it, even though it gets rough sometimes. I have opened myself to seeing new things and enjoying everything that life has to offer me. One thing I have learned is that when you open yourself to receive what life has to offer, you often get an enriching experience.
I have met someone. She is the most wonderful person I have met. Some may say that she is far from perfect. However, if I wanted perfect, I will die a lonely man. Perfect is too dull. Life is fun when little things intrigue you, envelope you, and drive you crazy about a person. She is all this and then some. She challenges me like no other has. It's like playing chicken with a train and all you have is a cheap football helmet for protection. She is so much fun.
The cool thing is that we don't fight. We discuss everything with passion. We don't go for the jugular. We try to get our point across without blood lust. It's so cool that we can. I can safely say that I feel comfortable arguing with her. When was the last time you were able to say that about anyone?
Now, that's just a small part of our relationship. I feel like a 13 year old 80's boy with his favorite Samantha Fox calender. She is a truly great person to talk to. We chat more on the phone than 12 year old girls talking about boys. I get butterflies in my stomach everytime I see her. She is smart, independent, and hotter than the light switch on the sun.
If you ask her, she'll tell you that I need glasses and a therapy. She thinks that she's a little rough. She thinks that some of her traits are a turn off. However, those are the traits that have me falling head over heels for her. Go figure!
So right about now, you're asking yourself "dude, what's the moral of the entry?" My answer would be F%$^ You!..... no not really.... Anyway, the moral is that when cupid sticks his head in your life, it doesn't matter what backgrounds you came from or the things that make you different. What matters is that one thing that brought you together.
You may say" but I don't have a lot in common." My answer is that's good. That means you have a new world to explore and you're not going to be bored anytime soon. Life is boring when you have someone who likes everything you do. There is no fun in that. The fun comes when you try something new.
As for "squaw" and me, we're having fun. If anything, I can say I met a great friend that I want part of my life. I'm glad she walked into my life. I was doing good, but now (with her in it), it became more interesting...
Well, I'm gonna call this one done. Thanks for sticking around for all the sappiness. There are puke buckets at the end of the entry. Enjoy your life. Keep safe and dream big!