Hey crazy cats, I know that's it's been awhile and I know it's really gut wrenching to wait for so long for a new entry.... who am I kidding? Anywho, I have been busy with so many other things, but I do try. It isn't that I don't like to write anymore. It's just that I hardly have time.
Anywho, let me move on to the subject at hand. For the past few years, I have been on a journey. I haven't paid a ticket, nor do I travel to exotic lands anymore ( did it in the Navy). I actually think that this journey has been the most fulfilling one of my life. As you've guessed it, I'm talking about finding out who am I.
It all started in 2005. I left on a cold January day for parts unknown in the Persian Gulf. What started out as a six month sea tour, has become a journey to find out who I am and why I am. Many people think that this makes a person a little self-centered, if not careful. However, the true journey makes one grow and realize the way one can grow and try to reach their full potential.
Many times, when an life-altering event happens in one's life, we tend to look at only the negatives of the event. If we look a little beyond the obvious, we find a full resource of knowledge. It's very easy to fall into depression or low self-esteem, if we let it control us.
Also, we, as humans, tend to shift the blame elsewhere. We reluctantly accept responsibility for outcomes of our actions. We see the acceptance as a weakness and not as a device to help us achieve a higher level of ones growth. We must remember that to err is human. It is ok to make a mistake. It is not ok to totally deny what happened.
What happens if the mistake or misfortune comes as a result of a series of unfortunate events? What happens if the the misfortune only needed a little dedication and we decide not to pursue it? It is not easy to see the future. It is not easy to accept that sometimes our actions become ultimatums that we purposely or involuntarily set on ourselves.
I have come to the realization and acceptance that my time I spent in the service and away from home, when my presence could've been a defining moment, may have played in part to the problems I had later. Without going into details, I truly do regret for causing pain to all around me. Although I believed with all my heart that I was doing right, I was actually doing damage. Back then, I didn't see this. Back then, I thought I was soley right. I have grown since then.
This was a catalyse that set in motion the start of a new day. I realized that life isn't about right or wrong. The world isn't black or white (thank God). It's actually full of diverse colors, from the darkest of dark; to the most brilliant of brights. There are definitely many sides to any issue. It just depends on one's willingness to accept this information and actually try to see it.
So this bit of info has brought me to where I am today. I have grown and continue to do so. No longer am I the person whose sole intent was to win an argument or fight. I now seek knowledge. i try very hard to see the world as others see it. If I agree with it, I incorporate it into my life. If I don't agree, I respect that person's viewpoint. Everyone has a right to what they believe in.
As for deep rooted anger and the unwillingness to even talk to the person, well...that's very petty and immature. There is no need for such drama. If we all just gave a moment to reason, we would see that it does us more harm than good. It is better to move on from that.
"Forgiveness is to set a prisoner free and realize that you were the prisoner." That sums it up. We mustn't just forgive others who have wronged us. We must forgive ourselves too. You would be very surprised what you can accomplish when you forgive yourself. Things will turn around.
Anyway crazy cats, I'm calling it done. Hope you enjoyed this entry's rants and raves. have a safe week. As always..... Keep safe and dream big!