Friday, December 17, 2010

Who You Foolin' ?

 Hello crazy cats! It's finally getting warm here in Florida! I no longer have to turn on the heater at night and wear my long-johns to work....Actually, the only thing I did was turn on the heater. The cold-spell is finally leaving us.
 Well, it's almost Christmas. The trees are in homes across America. Almost everybody have finished their Christmas shopping. The families are making last-minute tweaks to their traveling plans, in order to see their loved ones. The festiveness is in the air.
 Two weeks from now, we bid 2010 goodbye. It was a rough year, but I feel it was a year of learning and growing. This year, I learned so much about myself. I've learned to truly forgive others, to move passed petty things that bothered me for so long and finally the meaning of being an open book to the rest of the world.
 In my journeys, I have let many, including everyone who read this blog, in on the ups and downs of this exploration. I haven't hid much, when it came to the pain and triumphs in my life. Many a times, I have wondered the reason or lesson behind some of the things that have happen. Sometimes, the lessons are easy. They are straight-forward and clear. Other times, it is like trying to find out the beginning and end of a noodle in a spaghetti plate.
 On thing I have tried to apply to every facet in my life is be true to oneself. Believe it or not, we do lie to ourselves. We lose track of our light within us. We forget to see things through the right lenses. We blame others for our misfortunes. We try not to accept responsibilities.
 Being true to oneself is to really be honest. If something is a crutch, vice, or addiction to us, accept it. Acceptance is the first part. Case in point, if we get to work late everyday, then we shouldn't be annoyed when we get called on it. If we lie to the people we care for, then why do we get upset when they call us on it? If we become angry at people after we did them wrong, then expect nothing good of it.
 We reap what we sow. There are times when we get shafted. It does happen. Case in point #2, I recently let myself really wide open. I trusted a certain person. I felt that I could say and reveal anything. I did. This person didn't hurt me, not one bit. However, they didn't even acknowledge the fact of my effort. It stung just a little. I was kind of bruised.
 Was it done intentionally? I doubt it. Was it done out of fear? Tough one to call. It isn't easy. I'm not easy. So the question is was I honest with myself? I guess I wasn't. I tried to fit a square peg in a triangle hole. I tried to turn a blind eye to the rest of the factors in a complex equation. In short, I lied to myself. Why? I don't have an answer.
  I don't want to go down that road again. However, as human as I am, I will. It's human nature. It bites. It stinks, but it's life. The easy way around this is to be honest with oneself. That way, All the obstacles are cleared. Once we are honest with ourselves, we have a peaceful conscience. We have no reason, on our part with our soul, to be upset, angry, or disillusioned.
 When we begin to be honest and accept ourselves, we begin a metamorphosis into someone better, someone we want to become. Well, this one is done. Everyone take care. Hopefully, I will make one more entry before the year is out. have fun! Keep safe and dream big!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dying is Worth Living For

 Hey crazy cats, greetings from the icy depths known as Florida. We woke up this morning with temperatures in the low 30's! Wow! Talk about a wake up. I moved down here to escape the cold weather and it seems to be following me. I guess the saying is true; you can run, but you can't hide. However, I keep on. The weather will soon get back to normal and I'll be back in my short sleeves and shorts.
 Today's entry is going to be an extension of what I've been writing about recently. I've noticed that occurrences have been happening that have merited me to touch on the subject. I don't pretend to be an expert on any subject. let's face it, I'm not even a novice! however, from what I learn, I share.
 Today I want to talk about the human spirit and its need to triumph. We all love the underdog stories. We love "Rocky". We've all cheer at the end of "The Karate Kid". We all cried at the end of "Men of Honor". We are all taught to fight and triumph over adversity. It is embedded in our DNA. It is the thing to do. Never give up. Never die.
 We see it everyday in sports. Athletes battle everyday for victory. They fight for the honor and prestige of being known as champions. They get paid a outrageous salary to perform and succeed at their respected profession.
 However, one thing that we haven't been educated to do is lose. We were never trained to die. We never like or acknowledge defeat. We fear death from the moment we are born. We look at death as though it is the end of existence.We make excuses when don't succeed. Bruce Lee once said, "To accept defeat — to learn to die — is to be liberated from it."
 Once we accept defeat, death, or any other form of failure, we are liberated from them. We no longer fear the world. We no longer fear our limitations. We are not bound to the mediocre existence that others dread. We finally begin to live. We finally begin to cherish life. We see the beauty of it all.
  Life isn't about whose the fastest, whose the strongest, or whose the smartest. Life is about enjoying the journey, seeing the beauty, feeling the warmth of it all. We see the wonders of what the Devine Creator wanted us to see. We see the newborn's smile while they sleep. We see the colors of the sunset for the first time. We hear our souls for the first time.
 Now with all that being said, failure (actually, the acknowledgement of it potential existence) is actually a good thing. When we see life without limitations, we brave a new frontier. That, my friends, is one of my new things I've learned.
 Well, it's another one done. I wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season. Keep safe and dream big.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Open Door Policy

 Hey crazy cats,  it's another entry in the insanity known as this website. It's been awhile since my last entry. it has been busy in my life, but I really want to make at least one more entry before the year is out. So, as usual, I'm going to jump into thee subject of this here blog-thingy.
Recently, I came across an interesting life lesson. It came in the form of a question. The question is ; "does everyone I know know how I feel about them?" How many times have we let those opportune moments pass us by? We take them for granted. We  believe that we will always have tomorrow. We forget  how fragile our lives really are.
 We sometimes take the people in our lives for granted too. I'm not saying that death is always at our  doorstep. Sometimes, if we wait too long, they leave. They don't leave because they want to. They leave because we push them to.
 There are times where we don't say an "I love you" or an "you mean so much to me" or even an "I'm glad you're here". Sometimes, people leave because they feel unwanted or unneeded. Sometimes, we do need words of enlightenment. We do need to know where we stand.
 We  must always strive to be open books. We shouldn't keep our true feelings hidden from our loved ones. How do you  expect to grow and prosper if you keep that seedling in your heart hidden from the sun? If we are afraid of getting hurt, it renders us weak and afraid to let our hearts grow. If problems are like rain, then we must let it rain. Even plants need rain  to grow.
 If we are afraid to live and love, then we are already dead. If we are afraid to dare, then we have stopped dreaming. If we lose faith, then our lives have no meaning. It is easy to pretend to live and be strong. However, living is taking that risk. Living is being courageous and making your own destiny.
 Do not be afraid to tell anyone how you feel. Everyone you meet is in your life for a purpose. Cherish them. Care for them. Let them know.
 We are only here on this earth for a little while. We are here for only a fraction of  a billionth of a moment. Let's make it worthwhile. Be not afraid of being true to yourself. Be honest and explore. Love while you still can.
 Well, I'm going to call this one done. Before I go, I want to wish everyone a happy holidays. Have fun and enjoy one another. Keep safe and dream big.