Hey crazy cats, It's been a weird month like many of you may know. I thought this year was going to be less crazy than last year, but I guess I was wrong. So far this year, I discovered that alot of people do not know the meaning of the word hate. Actually, they do... They don't know the meaning of the word love or forgiveness.
It's Sunday early morning as I write this. I was sleeping when I was awakened by a bad dream. Usually, I just shrug it off and go right back to sleep. This dream, however, had other plans for me. I dreamt about someone I really care for. I saw them in trouble and I couldn't help. This troubled me so much that I woke up with my heart racing. Now, it's 2 am and I'm making an entry on my blog.
I'm not generally superstitious. I tend to be kind of analytical. However, this one bothered me alot. So,this got me thinking. Many people state that they would help a loved one til they can't anymore. Now before you say it, I know we've covered this before. What happens when helping is the only way to get through? What if the US had said " hey World War II isn't our fight." or if Jesus had said " fagedaboutit..." As a matter of fact, there is a proverb about my theme of this entry. Hopefully, I won't mess it up too bad. Here it goes. There was once this orchard owner. He owned many trees that gave fruits. There was one tree that didn't gave any. He told his foreman, " I want you to chop down that tree and put it in the fire." The foreman said," Sir, give it some more time. I will take care of it and feed it. If by next year it does not give fruit, then I will do as asked." I know I took some creative liberties. Sue me!
I learned many a things from this. First, the foreman was just buying time. He believed in something and he needed more time. Second, perseverance. How many of us are willing to stick it through, even though it looks bleak. It's easy to root for the home team when they're winning. It's hard to see the sun when on the horizon all you see is storm clouds. Life isn't always easy. Life isn't always fair.
Another proverb that helps get my point across ( after all, this is my blog..thank you very much) " greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for his brother". What I see in this passage is that you don't necessarily have to throw yourself in front of a bullet in order to save your brother ( or sister). However, if that's what it takes, so be it.
Too many times, we become accustomed to what we are told is right and wrong. We are told to fight and keep fighting until we see that the problem becomes rough. What if the pilgrims would have said " f^%$ that! I ain't crossing no ocean!" We would have our country. What if George Washington would have said " f^%$ that! I ain't crossing no Potomac!"
It's easy to face a problem. It's hard to stick to it when the going gets tough. We are not cowards. Now if you think that I have gotten off the subject, well.... let me say this... The message is there. My friends, sometimes life doesn't give you an envelope with the answers inside of them. Sometimes, if you read between the lines, you will find all the answers.
Remember never to give up. Always push forward. You are the only one who can change your mind. Fight for your loved ones! Love should never know no boundaries. As a beautiful person once said, if you can't achieve it with love, you can never achieve it. Keep safe and dream big!
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