Hey crazy cats! Another glorious week is off to a beautiful start! Things are starting to look up for the better for me. But enough about me. For today's entry, I'm going to go old-school. I'm going back to the style of writing I had done about a year ago. Today's subject is a subject that many laugh at, but we know we are guilty for having them. The subject of the day is..... fat! That's right! I said the "f" word! The word that starts world wars and causes divorces. many people know their overweight ( present company included), but refuse to let someone else tell them that they are. It's kind of funny if you think.
There are many ways to describe fat that finds itself settling in places where we don't want it to set. I mean, come on, why doesn't fat settle in our biceps or triceps? Nope, it settles in our "love handle" region. Some of us have "love handles" so big they should be called "love railings"!
Another region, that has recently been put into the spotlight, is the lower leg extremities. We, of course, are talking about "cankle". Yes! This region was thrown into the spotlight, like some guy throwing a bag full of puppies into traffic, by Monica Lewinsky. No one ever really understood why former President Bill Clinton had such a fascination with this woman. I figure it was one of two things. My first theory is that he had a little fetish with big girls. To tell you the truth, I really never liked skinny women. They nearly always so full of themselves. I can't stand shallow women. my second theory is that he realized that Hillary was more "handsomer" than he was ( I don't know what it means! Just accept it!).
We, as an American society are getting really big. We eat till we burst and we just don't stop! Since I work at a local hospital here in Florida, I see first hand how we address the issue. I have witnessed many times were a patient comes in and wants to lode weight. What's the first thing we do? We put him on a scooter! Why!!!? Oh my Flipping God! It's madness I tell you!
Anyway, I know I was, at one time, a planetoid! I was so flipping big that NASA was shooting space probes at me and making missions to put astronauts on me by 2025! I had a serious weight problem. It was a struggle everyday. It still is. However, the key is to continue and keep on, even if you have setbacks. That's what I've been doing.
I think my wake up call came when my friends told me that the back of my neck looked like I had a pack on "Nathan's Franks" Hotdogs on the back of my neck! That and the fact that I couldn't reach my shoes to tie them. I realized I was setting myself up for a serious health crisis. I had to become more health conscience. So, with a little help and alot of will power, I gave up eating a whole extra-large, hand-tossed, meat-lovers pizza from Pizza Hut ( I wish I were lying) and began to take control of my life. I'm not super-fit ( not by any means), but I'm on the right track. I know I can do better ( and I will get there). I'm just making the changes at a rate where it isn't a total shock to my system.
At any rate, The Global War on Cellulite is ongoing. It shall be won with strategery and unrelentless crusaderism. The fat has misunderestimated me. I shall use my verbosity on it.... Ok, enough of that! Anyway, I'm calling this one done! Keep safe and dream big!