Hey crazy cats! I recently had an interesting situation dawn on me. It wasn't so much about how to deal with work or dealing with the insane traffic here in Florida. It was, however, with an issue that really makes people stop and think for a moment. The issue is of letting go.
Within the last couple of weeks, I have experienced the loss of a friend, the graduation of a family member, and one of my close friends moving away. All of these issues dealt with letting go.
The first issue is quite obvious. the passing of a person unexpectedly really leaves one coping with so many questions. For what it's worth, I've gotten pretty decent in dealing with loss at this level. Sounds morbid, I know. However, once we accept the fact that we, as humans, aren't eternal then it becomes a little easier to accept when a close person or loved one passes.
The second issue is more like dealing with the fact that my family members are growing up. i remember when I arrived here 5 years ago, they were just little rugrats in middle school. It has been a wonderful experience seeing them grow and learn.
The third issue, well... let's just say that because of the Internet, there won't be a reason not to stay in contact. So I'm not going to put the person's name out there and say they better stay in contact. It wouldn't be right. It would be funnier that all holy hell, but it wouldn't be right. Plus, I don't want to get my teeth knocked out.
All these things have an underlying theme of loss and acceptance. We have a rough time doing this. We tend to like to hold on to things and people that makes us feel good and bring happiness in our lives. This isn't a bad thing either. It's just that things do change.
I, for one, can tell you about acceptance of things that we don't want, the feeling of sorrow when the change is so hard that you think you're going to die, and the anxiety that makes your heart beat so fast it wants out of your chest because its all overwhelming. Yet, we survive. We don't like the change, but we press on.
My whole outlook now on change is totally different from a few years ago. I look at it now with a sense of wonder and hopefulness. I'm not saying that I'm immune to the feelings that change may evoke. I'm just saying that I try to look at it in a different light.
We are always evolving. If we look, we see it everyday. Things never stay the same, no matter how hard we try. Sometimes, the change isn't good. Most of the time, if we look at it, it's for the best! we will enjoy the outcome.
Now, before I close this one out, I do have one thing more to say. However, it will be "encrypted". It is meant for someone. Let's see if they pick up on it. Yippee, a mystery!...
Me di cuenta que fuiste tu. Sabes que hay otras formas como conseguirme, si quieres. Creo que seria bueno que hablemos, sin nadie interesarse. Me gustaria...MNB.
OK folks, this one is heading off to Arizona to get deported. Have a great rest of the week. Keep safe and dream big!
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