Ok. So, I was reading the news when I came across this bit of info. By the time you finish reading this entry, you'll either be appalled or laughing in stitches on the floor. It seems like a couple in Cesena, Italy were caught copulating in a confessional booth in a Roman Catholic Church. you may ask, so what's the big deal? Well... They were getting busy while the Bishop was celebrating mass! Holy Crap! That gives a new meaning to "second coming". I'm not a Catholic, but darn that's some messed up stuff. Why a church? I mean come on! Wow!
Anywho, so that incident got me thinking. What would possess a normal person to do incredibly stupid things? Another stupid incident happened in New York. Picture this, if you will. You're several thousands of feet off the ground and you're skydiving. Someone in the group is recording all the events that are transpiring that day. He is the only person on the team who is not wearing a parachute or skydiving gear. you jump out of the plane and seconds later you see a sack of human potatoes hurling pass you at speeds that would make the road runner pee its pants. Well, needless to say it was the "tard" with the video camera.
I really try to look at the positve side of humanity. I try to be nice to others, but how can you do that when people like these are out there. Another instance of people who aren't right is the case where a group of people in Canada are suing casinos because of their addiction to gambling! That's like a john sunig a hooker for his addiction to sex, a crackhead suing the drug dealer for his jonesing, or Kurt Cobaine suing the bullet maker for ending his life!
We really need to stop and think. We have our priorities all screwed up. We live in a world where criminals have more rights than the law abiding citizens. The Supreme Court has ruled that those caught and imprisoned in Gitmo have the right to civilian courts. While we're at it, why don't we give them the acess codes to launch our nuclear arsenal. For crying out loud! Alot of these people who were released went back and picked up weapons to fight against us! Oh well...
The world is a strange place. I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow I see in the news that the Pope himself is cutting a gangsta rap album. All I have to say is that it is up to us to point out to the morons that they're messing up. Apparently, someone needs to tell them that they are village idiots. Who knows, maybe that will help them from snapping out of the "duhhh" spell they're under. If Darwin were alive, I would've spit in his face and ask him to explain what's going on!
Well folks, I want to say thanks to all of those folks who go out of their way to read my entries and agree with my insanity. It helps feel alot better that there are other out there. Keep safe and dream big.
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