Hey crazy cats! The holidays are all over us like head lice on a trailer park trash kid. We have endured the storm that is known as 2008. For most of us, it has been a year full of trials and tribulations. For others (like myself), it has been a year of enlightenment. I've learned so much in a year. I am willing to say more than I have learned over the last ten years. Father once said, " If you can't achieve it with love, you can't ever achieve it.". I believe it to be true. Many of my friends have worried about me over the last couple of years. I know that today they breath alot easier as they see the storm finally passing in my life. It has been a very bumpy road, but I'm very happy with the things that are happening. Everything that happens in life , in essence, is a stone needed to construct a bridge needed to cross the great divide that separates man from his creator.
Before you go thinking I'm getting too whatever, let me assure you that I'm not a Bible-thumping person who thinks that everyone is going to hell if they don't accept my way of thought. Trust me, I'm very far from that. I just want to share some of the stuff that has helped me enrich my life and is part of something that make me who I am.
For starters, if you hadn't noticed, I love laughing at things that would anger alot of people. I think that if do not have a sense of humor or the ability to laugh at life's ugly moments, then you are bound to suffer alot. not meaning to say I haven't got issues. God only knows I have more issues than "The New Yorker". This was put to the test during and after my divorce. This moment, up to date, has been the most destructive event that has happened in my life. People have asked me if I hate my ex-wife for the way she destroyed our marriage. I can honestly say no. I wish her the best in life. I gave all my love, all my soul, all of my being to our marriage, but it wasn't enough. I would have given anything, at the time, to save the one thing that God gave me that I loved with all my heart. She once said that love never fails. Truth be told, she is right. However, something else failed. It was the faith in that things could get better with effort is what failed. I was willing to seek help. She wanted out. I learned you can't love for two people. I have no regrets.
So here I am two and a half years into the single life. It has been a very strange time. Things have changed since last I was single. Women have become very aggressive. That's cool... to a certain extent. Call me old-fashioned, I guess. Yet, a new sun has risen in my life. A new relationship has taken root. Am I afraid? Is a turkey afraid of November? However, I am not a coward. I push forward. I want to see what's beyond the horizon.
I do like my life. I think it's wonderful that although life throws you some pretty ugly fastballs, if you want, you can be better than before you started. I'm not saying that there's never going to be days when I feel like trash. Those days will come. They just make me appreciate the good days when they come. It's all how you look at your problems.
Well folks, I'm going to cut it short for today. I am ready to party and have fun with family. Everyone take good care of one another. Don't let Santa catch you being naughty. Remember, the guy is wanted in 14 different countries. He is considered armed and dangerous. Anywho, have fun this holiday season. Keep safe and dream big.
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