Friday, January 30, 2009

All Good Things...

I want to start off by saying that I am doing very well. I have some good news about the site. In the near future, SamVidBlog News will be returning. I was just saving up some money to go HD. Trust me, this was harder to do than making Clay Aiken act straight. However, as you can see, I still try to keep up with my blogging.

Just a couple of things before I go into a fatal tailspin of observance of the human race. This weekend I turn 36! Wow! Four more years and I turn forty. I'm not planning anything for my party. Trust me, I really don't have the inclination to celebrate. Plus, It's Super Bowl Sunday. In other words, everybody is going to be watching the game. Oh well, maybe next year. Unless, there's a surprise birthday party.

Well, the year didn't start off too great. I haven't got a clue what's it going to be like. For starters, I have some bad news. Missy and I broke up. It wasn't like one of the typical breakup that I'm used to. The SWAT Team wasn't called in. It was very understanding and really wish Missy the best. She is a great person. Luckily, we decided to stay friends. We live and we learn.

This brings me to our subject. Relationships... We all go through them, whether we want to or not. Some of us have relationships that remind us of a beautiful movie we saw. Some of us have one that remind us of a stag film we saw at some bachelor party ( those are rare). Others have a relationship that remind them everyday that humans were put on this dirt ball to suffer til the bitter end (these are really abundant).

We as humans tend to look for a companion to join us in our quest for happiness. It is, after all, a beautiful journey. Some of us find that person fairly quickly. Others, well, let's just say we're still looking. What is it about us that need to find someone? I compare love to getting hit in the face with a sledgehammer. We don't care if it hurts or how bad the train wreck is going to be. We love everything about it. We're like sadists. However, when you fall in love, it's the best feeling in the world.

We become morons when we fall in love. We stay up late just to talk to that person. Sometimes, not even sleeping at all. We walk around with our flies open, a booger hanging out our nose, and a smile on our face. We think about that person every waking moment ( kind of obsessive isn't it?) We run to the phone, text message, email, or smoke signal just to see if it's them. We hold conversations with them in our heads for hours ( now we're getting really spooky). We make up nicknames for each other; like beba and boopy ( can you say diabetes?!). Finally, we want to know every single little detail about them ( this is the point where you should stop reading and get a restraining order).
Now, here's the kick to the nads... In America, over 60% of marriages fail! Holy crap! What gives?! Why bother subjecting ourselves to the pain and rigors of dating, courtship, and finally marriage just so we fail at it? There are many reasons that we can state why the marriage fails. My question is, where did WE fail in the relationship? Hasn't stopped being "til death do us part.." and become "til your punk &$$ gets on my last nerve"?
Today, I met a couple who have been married for 60 years! She is very independent and he is just the same. They told me that they went through hell and back. They even separated for a bit. When it came down to it, they didn't want to fail. It wasn't easy at all for them. Life hit them hard. By the way, they have no kids. You all can read through the lines and get the message.
A relationship works because you work at it. I know what you're saying... Oh yeah, Sam aren't you divorced? Unfortunately, yes. It wasn't because I gave up. I fought to the end and afterwards. It hurt really bad for a very long time, but I'm here. As I was saying, it works because you work at it. You have two choices. Either you kill the bum for leaving the toilet seat up and you fell in or you accept it and make him pay with hot dog dinners for a week. Either you go to jail because she asked you to take out the garbage 500,00 times within 5 minutes or you get off your butt and toss the garbage in the dumpster...along with her copy of "Sex in the City", in which case you'll be eating hot dog dinners for a month! It's all up to you.
You might say, I don't have to take that crap. Let me then put it this way... God doesn't have to put up with your crap and a meteor still hasn't smashed you into the ground. Remember, love is a four-letter word, just like the word work. Love = work. There's your lesson kids. There always will be a test on it in life.
Well, I'm calling this one done. Everyone enjoy yourselves this weekend. Enjoy life. You only have one. Keep safe and dream big!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Brain Boogers

Hey crazy cats,

I guess when I started to blog it was just to get my "funny side" out there. Lately, however, I have noticed that I have taken to express my thoughts with the viewing public. I guess I have some exhibitionist trait in me that wishes that everyone can see me (through the blog) and know a little more about me. 3-d and I were talking about this subject the other day. We both came to the conclusion that I'm simplistically complicated. My life is an open book with all the pages mixed around. To really understand me, one must let go of the preconceived ideas of knowing someone. I'm am constantly evolving. Even I don't really know why I do it. There is really nothing to me. I'm not the head of some super-corporation or some rich playboy. I'm just simple old sam.

I have done things in my life that are great. I lived in Central America, I've literally been around the world (thanks to the U.S. Navy), I've met people that have touched and enriched my life. I have saved lives (on more than one occasion). I also know that I've taken a life (thanks to the U.S. Navy). I have loved. I have been hurt. I have fallen. I have gotten back up. I have lost my way. I have found the path. I have lost my faith. I have asked for forgiveness. I'm a proud American. I'm a proud Puerto Rican. I am funny (not really, but my friends think so...). I am serious. I am slow to learn. I learn my lessons well. I am innocent of malice. I am guilty of loving. I have ADD. I have a big heart. I forget things. I remember to say I love you.

This is who I am. I used to hate the person who I was. Then, I stopped measuring myself to other people. I am unique. God made me this way. I love the work He did. I am one of a kind. To know me is to be confused, yet understand me at the same time. I will give the shirt off my back(even if it's my last shirt). I care for all, even though sometimes I am hated. I laugh with others. I cry alone. I believe that there still is good in the world. There are others who chose to love no matter what.

Life is beautiful. There shouldn't be room for hate. Enjoy life. You only have one to live. Take time and look at the beauty around you. You will be surprised. Look at the sun set. Look at a full moon. Listen to the songs birds sing. Take time and spend it with someone you love. Be nice to others, even if they're douche bags to you. Always believe in the power of love and the human heart.

Well, I'm gonna end this Hallmark Moment before someone passes out due to the sappiness. Have a great week everyone. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Keep safe and dream big!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Alcatraz V2.0

Hey crazy cats, it's the weekend...finally. All I have to say is I'm glad it's over. This week, I've been working on my apartment. I'm changing things around, making it more my own. I've come to realize that I haven't had anybody over my place. I am a very "closed" person. Sure I like to have fun with my friends, but I am very weird when it comes to my place. The thing is that I don't know why. My friends think I'm a weirdo and my girlfriend gets upset. They have a right. I really don't know why I don't share my place. It isn't like the place is in shambles. I tend to keep a very clean place. It's like I'm afraid to "open" up.

With this in mind, I set out to find what was the root problem to my dilemma. The more I looked into it, the weirder it got. I don't even let my close relatives in my home. I even freak out when the maintenance guys come over without me being there. So... I kept on looking for an answer. Could it be that I'm afraid of what people might think of me? Could it be that I'm afraid of feeling too personal. Could it be that I'm just a goober who needs to invite my friends ( and especially my girlfriend) over? I guess it's that I'm a goober who worries about dumb things. the dating world is still fairly new to me and I need to catch up with it.

So folks, I ask one thing of you. Help me out. I'm willing to hear to advise, just don't be too off the wall. I'm willing to reboot and have my life Sam V2.0. Who knows, this could be fun. I know I'm not the easiest person to get along with, but I'm a loving person. I definately want to try something new. Well, I'm gonna leave you all with that assignment. Let me know any ideas. Have a safe weekend. Keep safe and dream big..

Monday, January 12, 2009

La Nena Bella

I must 1st say Sammy you're the BEST....thanks for inviting me and the name change on the page...You are LOVED and Thank YOU....

Wow......What can I say....Well THANK YOU...To all my loyal fans, friends, co-workers, the guys at the bars, all the people I paid.....Wait EDIT...come on EDIT...Well that button don't work. Okay to be honest it was word of mouth that got everybody logged onto this site. I couldn't be happier to be a part of something so original, exciting and new.

Okay I think I've thanked everybody...Now to business...

My first order of business.....Let's lighten up the site a little...Give it a little femme touch!

Not taking anything away just adding love to it! I'm sure everybody would love to log on in this new year 2009 BABY....and the 1st thing they see is a different color on the sam page. I'll think of some other little add-ons that can be worked into the site. Also you all know that I enjoy participation from the viewers so email me and give me some suggestions.

I've enjoyed doing the site and keep your eyes adjusted there's more to cum....ooops you know what I mean.



And the Winner Is......

Hey crazy cats, I just wanted to take this moment and congratulate 3-D in her victory for the first annual SamVidBlog News Favorite Anchor. God only knows that the hits jumped up since she joined the team. As for the site, Look for some changes. I know she'll want to make changes since she now thinks that she is the supreme commander of the universe. God help us all... Anyway, once more congratulations to 3-D in her victory. Keep safe and dream big.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Zing Zang Zoom!

We went to the circus last night. Quite honestly, I wasn't expecting much. Boy, was I wrong. It was a very good show. I'm just posting some pics of before and during the show pics. As you've might have guessed, it was the Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus. The circus has come a long way.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Let the Sun Shine In...

Hey crazy cats, just thought I'd drop a few lines before the start of the weekend. On Friday I have palns to go to the circus. That's right, the circus is in town and I plan to see my family ( the clowns). I haven't been to the circus since I was a little kid living in Connecticut. I know that Missy and I are going to have lots of fun. That brings me to the theme of my latest entry.
We work two totally different shifts. It's really hard to see each other during the week. However, we do make an effort to do it. It's not that it bothers us trying to spend some time together. Not at all. We love making the effort and enjoy each others company. Since meeting Missy, I have found myself once more of thinking of things to do to make the her happy. I love paying attention to the little details that make the difference. I missed that so much. We really love to make each other happy. It took a long time, but I'm finally here.
They say things happen in life for a reason. To tell you the truth, I'm still wondering about a few. Everyone goes through things in life that has one thinking about why it happened. Sometimes, even when you change in order to better your life, things don't work out. You're stuck holding the check like some dude whose friends just left him at Appleby's holding a very large bill. If things are bad enough, one even get upset with God himself! These are very human and common things that happen.
However, not all is bad. God does hear you. God does help out. As stated numerous times before, I'm not a Bible Thumper. I'm just using my own experiences in life to understand the order of things. One of my answers is live with no pain. Let pain go. It just brings you down. I know that this is very hard to do. Sometimes the pain just wants to kill you. From what I learned....Fight! When you get tired, fight some more. Fight til you can't fight anymore. Life is precious. Fight as if your life depends on it. Always have a smile. If the world sees you smiling, then it wont see you if you're crying.
There will be a moment where the storm will end and the sun will come out. Mine was in the form of a friend who has become more. She is special. I never thought that I would ever find someone that special ever again. I'm glad I was wrong. 2009 looks like it's going to be very promising.
Well crazy cats, that's going to be it for me. You guys have a great weekend and enjoy yourselves. Keep safe and dream big!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Oh What a Beautiful Morning!

Hey crazy cats, welcome to a new year! I hope everyone had a great holiday season. Now, it's time to get back to reality. This Christmas and New Year's was outstanding for me. I can safely say that my biggest problem this year was how to make it from one part of the state to another, without being late. It was definitely an awesome month!
Now, we are in 2009! My resolutions this year border on the impossible. However, I can always try. I have one that everyone ( or close to everyone) in America has made. I want to lose more weight ( without gaining it back). That's like George W. trying to read a whole page of Sunday comics without looking up some words in the dictionary. However, I have put into play some things that will help me achieve my goal.
It's not for the looks that I'm doing this. My biological father passed on due to Diabetes. As a matter of fact, most of my family suffer from Diabetes. I have yet to develop Diabetes ( and I plan never to develop it).
I do want to lose my spare tire and the other tires as well. I have more spare tires than a flipping semi truck. I think I'm fast approaching the weight of "oh my God!, I can't see my toes!" I'm afraid to go to Sea World again. I'm afraid that they will put me in a tank and force me to do five shows a day. I can hear it now..."Hey kids! say hello to the great SAMU!" I'm not digging that.
The good thing is that I know i can do it. Well, there are other things that are happening this month that will be the beginning of a new moment for the U.S. and the world. In a couple of weeks, The first African-American president will be sworn in. That is amazing! I am looking forward to the new change. Hopefully, maybe within my lifetime, I'll see the first Hispanic president or even a woman president. Who knows...
I think that this year is going to be a year of personal and professional progress. We make our future. We should embrace the new year and strive to make it a year of a million blessings. That is the challenge for this year. Let's see how many good things we can make happen this year. Let's forget about the crappy year we had in 2008. Let's make it our year. The future is in your hands.
Well cats, I'm call this one done. The weekend is here and we are going to have fun. Welcome to a new day. Now, let's go seize the day. Keep safe and dream big!