I want to start off by saying that I am doing very well. I have some good news about the site. In the near future, SamVidBlog News will be returning. I was just saving up some money to go HD. Trust me, this was harder to do than making Clay Aiken act straight. However, as you can see, I still try to keep up with my blogging.
Just a couple of things before I go into a fatal tailspin of observance of the human race. This weekend I turn 36! Wow! Four more years and I turn forty. I'm not planning anything for my party. Trust me, I really don't have the inclination to celebrate. Plus, It's Super Bowl Sunday. In other words, everybody is going to be watching the game. Oh well, maybe next year. Unless, there's a surprise birthday party.
Well, the year didn't start off too great. I haven't got a clue what's it going to be like. For starters, I have some bad news. Missy and I broke up. It wasn't like one of the typical breakup that I'm used to. The SWAT Team wasn't called in. It was very understanding and really wish Missy the best. She is a great person. Luckily, we decided to stay friends. We live and we learn.
This brings me to our subject. Relationships... We all go through them, whether we want to or not. Some of us have relationships that remind us of a beautiful movie we saw. Some of us have one that remind us of a stag film we saw at some bachelor party ( those are rare). Others have a relationship that remind them everyday that humans were put on this dirt ball to suffer til the bitter end (these are really abundant).
We as humans tend to look for a companion to join us in our quest for happiness. It is, after all, a beautiful journey. Some of us find that person fairly quickly. Others, well, let's just say we're still looking. What is it about us that need to find someone? I compare love to getting hit in the face with a sledgehammer. We don't care if it hurts or how bad the train wreck is going to be. We love everything about it. We're like sadists. However, when you fall in love, it's the best feeling in the world.
We become morons when we fall in love. We stay up late just to talk to that person. Sometimes, not even sleeping at all. We walk around with our flies open, a booger hanging out our nose, and a smile on our face. We think about that person every waking moment ( kind of obsessive isn't it?) We run to the phone, text message, email, or smoke signal just to see if it's them. We hold conversations with them in our heads for hours ( now we're getting really spooky). We make up nicknames for each other; like beba and boopy ( can you say diabetes?!). Finally, we want to know every single little detail about them ( this is the point where you should stop reading and get a restraining order).
Now, here's the kick to the nads... In America, over 60% of marriages fail! Holy crap! What gives?! Why bother subjecting ourselves to the pain and rigors of dating, courtship, and finally marriage just so we fail at it? There are many reasons that we can state why the marriage fails. My question is, where did WE fail in the relationship? Hasn't stopped being "til death do us part.." and become "til your punk &$$ gets on my last nerve"?
Today, I met a couple who have been married for 60 years! She is very independent and he is just the same. They told me that they went through hell and back. They even separated for a bit. When it came down to it, they didn't want to fail. It wasn't easy at all for them. Life hit them hard. By the way, they have no kids. You all can read through the lines and get the message.
A relationship works because you work at it. I know what you're saying... Oh yeah, Sam aren't you divorced? Unfortunately, yes. It wasn't because I gave up. I fought to the end and afterwards. It hurt really bad for a very long time, but I'm here. As I was saying, it works because you work at it. You have two choices. Either you kill the bum for leaving the toilet seat up and you fell in or you accept it and make him pay with hot dog dinners for a week. Either you go to jail because she asked you to take out the garbage 500,00 times within 5 minutes or you get off your butt and toss the garbage in the dumpster...along with her copy of "Sex in the City", in which case you'll be eating hot dog dinners for a month! It's all up to you.
You might say, I don't have to take that crap. Let me then put it this way... God doesn't have to put up with your crap and a meteor still hasn't smashed you into the ground. Remember, love is a four-letter word, just like the word work. Love = work. There's your lesson kids. There always will be a test on it in life.
Well, I'm calling this one done. Everyone enjoy yourselves this weekend. Enjoy life. You only have one. Keep safe and dream big!
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