Hello crazy cats! Salutations from the frozen tundra known as Southern Florida! Wow, I thought that a couple of cold days and then back to normal, but not here. I left the north in search for warmer surroundings. I guess I have to cross illegally in Mexico to escape the cold. Hmm, what a concept!
Anyways, another week is in full swing. The weatherman says that the temperature is supposed to get back to normal really soon. Yeah right! This comes from a person who says 40% chance of rain and there's not a cloud in the sky!
I've noticed that people are becoming less tolerant during this cold spell. I've seen people go to punches. I'm wondering if it's the shivering or just that people go nuts with the cold. Whatever it is, I wish things would get better.
People waste too much time in arguing and going on. Sometimes the best thing to do is be quiet and let the situation die. However, some will tend to disagree. They cite their right to express themselves. They say that they're angry and they're entitled to it. They go on and on about stupidity and beat a dead horse till you want to kill yourself. If you try to leave the room, they follow you and continue. "I need to get this off my chest", is their battle cry. Whatever!
I totally believe in treating others as you wish to be treated. I think I've had enough experience to see that there is such a thing as karma. If you do bad, bad will happen to you. If you do good, then you're life is enriched with many blessings. At least that's what we hope.
How can anyone go through life and be so angry at anyone or anything? Why do we waste our time and energies on something so useless as anger? To me, we are entitled to become angry now and then, but we shouldn't let it govern our lives. It is like some people get so obsessed with letting anger ruin their lives. I feel that it's like a drug. They need to feel it. It gives them purpose.
Some people let it brew all their lives. They are totally content with anger letting govern them. If presented with the opportunity to let it go, they will not do it. They would rather die a slow and agonizing death than forgive and move on. Case in point, the Middle East. They've been going at it since the beginning of time. It's pretty much pointless now and everyone has forgotten why they originally started fighting for. It's just a big waste.
Yet, that is the way some people live their lives, unfortunately. I have seen some people not let the anger go. I remember someone, who actually was angry with a best friend, not letting go to the point of letting that person die without saying I'm sorry. The thing is that I know that person wanted to say those words, yet never got the chance to.
So the question is what do we do when we feel anger towards someone. Here's the answer... it's a lot harder to do it... let it go. It helps you out in the long run. I believe in the less negative things you have on your soul, the better. It helps you sleep at night. The less stress you have, the more life you have.
It seems that people don't seem to understand this concept. It is such a shame that so much precious time is wasted on worthless anger. If we all just listened, we would do better. We don't have to agree with what is being said. All we have to do is acknowledge the other person's ideas. We avoid anger this way.
Well folks, I'm calling this one done. Have a great day! Keep safe and dream big!
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