Hello crazy cats! This entry is kind of like something I came across and something I recently witnessed happen to one of my friends...well, sort of. The question I will ask is one that we don't see often in our age and time. If it happens and it works, it is nothing short of a miracle.
The article I read posed the question would you remarry your ex? Wow! I know! I know that about 90% of you will yell out not just no, but heck no! Then you start thinking...hmmmm.... Well, if the conditions were right I would. Then you start to think about the bad times first. However, those bad thoughts turn into good thoughts. Before long, you have a feeling of comfort.
You probably think I'm crazy or just plain stupid. Yet, I've seen this happen quite a bit recently. One of my friends ( she will remain nameless) called me up the other day with an interesting dilemma. She was seeing this guy, but not dating him (can someone tell me the difference?). An old flame came by. She loves everything about this guy. She also didn't want much to deal with him.
Mind you, when my friends speak with me about certain issues, I never try to tell them what to do. I only suggest alternatives and let them either pursue the alternatives or make up their own. The decision is always theirs to make. This way, they always feel empowered. I never say you should break up or forget that loser. I try to just present the facts, that they've told me, and clarify any confusion. They usually have the answer all along.
So back to the story... Yes, she did end up back with the old flame. She has never looked happier. She understands that there's going to be rough spots. All relationships, especially rekindled ones, have them. She has proven to me that if you really want to, anyone of us can do or achieve anything.
I know some people (mostly my friends....right Vero?) are wondering my thought about the subject. Well... hmmm. I would like to make peace with everyone. I would love to close that chapter in my life. I would love to say thanks, I'm sorry, and maybe even leave with a smile. As for reviving a relationship, that's a good question. I figure that even if I ever entertained the idea, it takes two to reconcile. So, I guess it's like North and South Korea. No one ready to make the first move, neither negatively or positively.
I guess it's really my fault. I'm usually the one who braves first. I guess I grew tired after I tried several times early in the event. I grew jaded. I became bitter. I later grew out of it, but I never made an effort to revisit the issue. I know of couples who have done the closure thing and have worked out well. They've gone on with their lives after the closure.
So, I guess I would like closure. As for the question?...well, the jury is still out on that one. I will not say never. I will not say impossible. I've seen The Creator do some amazing, way off the wall, jaw-dropping, logic-defying things in my life. So, my answer is I have no answer (that's really politician-like).
Anywho, please feel free to give me freedback, opinions, share stories either here or on my Facebook page. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a great weekend. Keep safe and dream big!
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