Friday, October 1, 2010

It's a Smelly Situation

 Hey crazy cats! It's another beautiful day in sunny Florida. The Fall brings cooler temperatures and a nice cool breeze. Ah yes! The luxury of living in paradise!
 My blog today is a revisit to an old subject. When I worked at another part of the hospital, I was confronted by it day after day. When I moved to my current position, I was under the impression that I would never be subjected to the cruelty of it again! I am talking, of course, of very smelly body odor!
 Usually, I would be talking about smelly people that come off the street. Some of them have the excuse of being homeless (which is really sad. I wish more were done to help these people). Others, just really don't care or are trying to fool the system by making think that they are crazy.
 My whole problem isn't really with these people. It's with fellow employees that smell so bad they would make maggots gag! They literally smell so bad I have gotten sudden uncontrollable fits of rage! You all know what I'm talking about. That rage you get when the smell takes you by surprise. The smell is like a terrorist attacking your nostrils, with no mercy what so ever. These people's breath smell so bad it seems like they ate a gym sock sandwich! You swear that they intentionally ate hot garbage, filled with nasty rotten codfish, and purposely set out ruin every one's day.
 One thing is to have a mental disorder, in which your judgement for cleanliness is impaired. Another thing is to not give a fat rat's butt about not cleaning yourself. At first, you try to be supportive. You try to drop hints like saying how bad it smells. Then, it escalates to giving perfumes and soaps as Christmas or birthday presents. Finally, it reaches the pinnicle of putting up Glade Air Fresheners!
 I think that at this point the clues are very clear. Yet, to some, they are not! I am beginning to believe that only a bullhorn point-blank on the ears would be the only way to get the message across. Maybe, I could just take a bat write "smelly" on it and hit them across the face. Yet, I still don't think it will work.
 So, what to do? If I were still in the Navy, I doubt it would've lasted that long. I remember one time a sailor didn't like to showers. He was instructed to take showers under supervision. Worse yet, he had to demonstrate the use of soap. That's embarrassing if you ask me!
 So, here I am. I'm stuck with some smelly people. I tried putting Vicks up my nose, breathing through my mouth (like they do at the medical examiner's office), Febreeze, Plug-ins, and puking. Is it fair that I'm being subjected to some chemical warfare? No! Is it fair that I'm losing brain cells everytime I smell this person? No. Hopefully, some cosmic force is going to make things right.
 Anyways folks, I'm calling this one done. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. See you all back here soon. Keep safe and dream big.....someone pass the Lysol!

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