Here’s something that has grabbed my attention today. Apparently, in Paris, France, astronomers have detected the presence of methane in the atmosphere of a planet, known by the tag of HD 189733b, some 63 light years from Earth. The team has also discovered the presence of water in its atmosphere.
Wow! That is flipping amazing! WHATEVER!!! How about this… Where the bloody blue blazes is Osama Bin Laden? Seven years after 9-11 and we still can’t find the douche bag. Are you kidding me?!!!! We can detect methane molecules in the atmosphere of a planet we will never get to see, but we can’t find a six foot tall Saudi Arabian with a 25 million dollar bounty on his head. He’s on freaking dialysis for Christ’s sake! Seven flipping years and still nothing. This guy is coming out with more videos than the Girls Gone Wild franchise and we still manage to botch it up and not capture him. What gives?
How about this…we turn those super telescopes and center in on the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan and look until the damned things fall out of the sky. Or even better… We get some trigger happy hunting country boys, their bloodhounds, an unlimited supply of ammo, and let them loose on that mountain range. Heck, I’ll even pay for the plane tickets! In no time flat, we will have him.
If you ask me, it seems the power that be do not want him found. Don’t take my paranoia at face value though. I have a funny feeling that we will find Bigfoot, Nessy, Jimmy Hoffa, Elvis, and the existence of aliens before we find this worthless waste of genetic material. Keep safe and dream big.
Wow! That is flipping amazing! WHATEVER!!! How about this… Where the bloody blue blazes is Osama Bin Laden? Seven years after 9-11 and we still can’t find the douche bag. Are you kidding me?!!!! We can detect methane molecules in the atmosphere of a planet we will never get to see, but we can’t find a six foot tall Saudi Arabian with a 25 million dollar bounty on his head. He’s on freaking dialysis for Christ’s sake! Seven flipping years and still nothing. This guy is coming out with more videos than the Girls Gone Wild franchise and we still manage to botch it up and not capture him. What gives?
How about this…we turn those super telescopes and center in on the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan and look until the damned things fall out of the sky. Or even better… We get some trigger happy hunting country boys, their bloodhounds, an unlimited supply of ammo, and let them loose on that mountain range. Heck, I’ll even pay for the plane tickets! In no time flat, we will have him.
If you ask me, it seems the power that be do not want him found. Don’t take my paranoia at face value though. I have a funny feeling that we will find Bigfoot, Nessy, Jimmy Hoffa, Elvis, and the existence of aliens before we find this worthless waste of genetic material. Keep safe and dream big.
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