Remember when you were growing up and you had some bad days? I remember growing up and hearing on the radio songs that were meant to cheer people up. These songs were catchy. There was "Don't Worry Be Happy" by Bobby McFerrin and "Hold On" by Wilson Phillips. You know full well you remember that song...."Some day somebody's gonna make you want to turn around and say goodbye.Until then baby are you going to let them hold you down and make you cry.Dont you know? Dont you know things can change.Things'll go your way.If you hold on for one more day.Can you hold on for one more day.Things'll go your way.Hold on for one more day". You're an 80's kid and and you love it!
Anywho...What a bunch of garbage that was?! I'm talking smelly, oozing garbage juice and full of maggots garbage. For all I care Bobby McFerrin can get mugged and sodomized and the Wilson Phillips clan can drink a Clorox and Draino cocktail and go tap dancing on a mine field.
Things don't get better! They just get wierder. As always, I will use my life to demonstrate how the universe is crapping its pants and it doesn't care.
For a few years, I have had major catastraphic events every year! While other people go through these events maybe a few times throughout their life, I'm going through them like pudgy fat kid at the desert stand in Denny's, with no intention to stop.
Let's start off a few years ago. Back in 2006, my then-wife was driving my Ford Explorer from work. Out of nowhere, the steering wheel locked up and she literally destroyed the vehicle. Luckily, she walked away from the wreck. I also suffered a mini-stroke. A couple of months later, grandpa passed on. Finally, to finish off the year, my wife wanted to divorce me.
Let's move on to 2007. What a fun year! I started my year more depressed than Kurt Cobain with a shotgun and a thought. In May of that year I got sick and literally dropped dead. luckily, it was in an emergency room. Needless to say, my stay was like a scene from the movie "Hostle". When I finally got out of the hospital, a few weeks later, I was involved in an accident. I was rear ended by some idiot looking at a girl on the side of the road. To finally finish off the year, I got divorced.
Finally 2008... At this point, I'm running scared like the kids in the "Final Destination" movies.
To sum it all up, I got food poisoning, broke a rib, broke a finger, and got into two more accidents! I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm the most unluckiest guy on the planet. My life is like "Survivor", a spanish soap opera, and "Sabado Gigante" all wrapped up into one.
You may ask," dude, has this messed you up?" I'll answer,"Nah, just don't give me a gun...." Life is too short and beautiful to let it go by and not enjoy the good parts of it.
Don't go thinking it's only the medication talking... Although, some of the stuff that I've taken would knock out a African Bull Elephant. I've actually opted to do it naturally. I really don't want to take the chance and grow dependant on the meds. Plus, I really can't remember much on meds.
Some of you may ask,"Well, where do you go from here?" To tell you the truth, I have no clue. That's what makes it so interesting. At times life is rough, I'll admit it. It feels like I'm walking through a thick fog ,near a cliff, and I'm dizzy. I feel sometimes like God put a "kick me " sign on my back. However, I don't like to lose, so I continue to fight.
Well, enough of that! Sorry about the delay in postings. I have a lot things going on, but I will try to keep up with my postings. Keep safe and dream big!
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