Saturday, August 30, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Guess whose 50?

Some people will say that he made his bed, now he has to lay in it. Hopefully, with no young boys. He became the biggest thing since indoor plumbing and then went stupid. The guy owned everything from his own personal amusement park to the bones of the elephant man. Then, madness ensued.
First came all of the plastic surgery. All those nose jobs even scared the most veteran plastic surgery junkies in Hollywood. So what's wrong with the nose he had? Now, it looks like he stole Sailor Moon's Nose! Oh! Let's not start with the cheek bones. Before you guys remind me, I have not forgotten the chin. Way to go Mikey! I have a question. What is real on his face? the world may never know.
Then, came the controversial skin color procedure. He literally turned white! The man went from a black man to a scary looking white chick! Holy crap! I bet God is scratching his head saying," I don't recall making that lady...." I remember that the African American Community went ballistic over that. Jacko claims is was because of Vitiligo.riiiiiigggghhhhhttttttt. I remember seeing an article in San Diego about a news anchorman who was diagnosed with Vitiligo and he didn't change his color. He puts on make up and covers it up when he's on TV. Afterwards, he takes it off and is content with his skin condition. That's a hero.
Anywho... back to Mr.Under-the-Radar... I really hope he can get back on his feet and leave the weirdness behind. He went to court so many times for alleged child molestation and giving "Jesus Juice" to kids...Wow!...Like holy freakin wow! As a star he should know better to hang around people who can cause trouble. Not Jacko. He thinks that he's immune to these problems.
Then there was the fiasco when he went to Bahrain. he totally insulted the whole Muslim Religion by DRESSING LIKE A MUSLIM WOMAN! This came on the heels of him converting to Islam from Christianity ( Jehovah's Witness). Dear God! What next?.. Offering Buddha Lapland surgery? The Christians were glad he left and the Muslims think he's too freakin weird. For the first time in modern religion Muslims and Christians actually meet eye to eye on a subject that they both agree upon 100%. Go figure.
So here we are, 50 years of strange. It could be worse. we could have Billy Idol still singing. Or even worse.... Celine Dion could've been born here..Take care folks. Keep safe and dream big!
Monday, August 18, 2008
And Now the Weather

Monday, August 11, 2008
Seven Mary 3 and 4

So there I was, minding my own business, when a strange thought entered my mind. I was thinking about my childhood when TV shows from my childhood popped into my head. As I thought about these mind-numbing programs, the grand daddy of them all popped in and layed to waste all brain cells that were left. I was thinking about CHiPS! Ah yes, the TV series the set the record straight and brought to light the truth about the California Highway Patrol.
I remember being mesmerized by the opening sequence. It usually went like this... The scene would be one of tranquility on the L.A. Freeway. First of all, for those who have ever driven on the L.A. Freeway, IT IS NEVER TRANQUIL! You can literally be the Pope and once you get on that freeway, you lose your soul to the devil. You want to kill everybody in your way. Anyway, a super hot blonde will be driving her Chevy Nova in the left hand lane, going 20mph slower than the slow lane. When, all of a sudden, some jokers speed past by them. This, in turn, causes the biggest car wreck in the history of American Automobile Driving History! They look like Lemmings smashing into each other! It's so re-freakin'-diculous. So, here come the CHiPPers. A big chase ensues, in which the bad guys get away. ( cue the disco music intro).
Now, for the rest of the show, you are subjected to the worst story plots and dumbest excuse for criminals the world has ever seen. The story plots usually involved Officer Frank Poncherello pursuit of a skirt and officer John Baker's plight to crack a freakin' smile. Along the way, they solve petty crimes, all the while riding their motorcycles.
Many things bothered me about the show. Below is a list of some things that really irked me.
- How come Ponch never caught an STD?
- How come Ponch was never seen with a woman?
- No one died in those huge car wrecks!
- Two words: moose knuckles
- They never drew their weapons!
- Not a single shot was fired!( It's L.A. for Christ's sake)
- How could they breath in those super tight uniforms?
- What the hell was the difference between CHiPs and CHiPs Patrol?
- What's the deal with Barney? Didn't they have wieght standards back then?
- Why were Eric Estrada's teeth so spooky white?!
As a kid, I didn't really ponder these questions. As an adult, they really got under my skin. I knew that there was something off about the series. I just didn't know what it was. However, I look back at those times and smile. They were the best times of my youth. Who knows? maybe one day somebody will write about how big of a crock shows from today are. Until then, Keep safe and dream big!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Let The Games Begin

I am a huge fan of the Olympics. I love watching the spirit competition in full bloom. I love the the raw emotion when an athlete overcomes the odds and wins. I love to see the athletes cry as their nation's anthem is played, while they stand on the medals stand. Most of all, I love to see the opening ceremony. It is the moment when the hosting country takes center stage and goes all out and amazes its audience with a spectacular show for all to see.
If you're like me, chances are you are, you watch the Olympics from the comfort of your own home. You try to see the opening ceremony live. Granted China is half way around the world. Hey, we live in the age of the Internet. No more time delays, or so I thought. Seems like NBC didn't want anyone to see the flippin' opening ceremony, unless it was through their network. They literally blocked almost every single outlet. I had to wait till 7:30 pm EST, 6:30 CEN, to see the opening ceremony. That's fine. Well, 7:30 rolls around and I log onto an Internet TV site. I "tuned" in and what was I greeted with? NOTHING! They blocked their own networks! After an hour of trying to find an alternative, I decided to head to YouTube. Guess what? Apparently, the Nazis got their before I did. They threatened with lawsuits, fines, excommunication, and killing their eldest child if they didn't get their way.
Talk about ridiculous. They ruined my evening. However, I did manage to see some highlights of the ceremony. The Chinese went all out. They had more than 10,000 performers! They literally had more Chins than a Chinese phonebook performing that night! Let's not mention the fireworks. I think that they set off more fireworks than we dropped bombs in all the wars the United States had ever been in!...TWICE!
I heard that the Chinese government and the IOC got into some scruff because the performers didn't smile enough. Well, I say that you wouldn't be smiling too if you knew that one mess up and you become chop suey. The Chinese government has alot riding on these games. It's like they're saying to the world " Whatchu Got?!" They're not going to let anyone mess it up for them.
To me, the games are a time for all of humanity to reflect on peace. I reflect on how we can make the spirit of competition more gorish. I have a new line of Olympic games. Hopefully, you'll enjoy them too.
- water polo ( with sharks)
- 100 meter dash (with snipers)
- fencing (with machete)
- diving (into an empty pool)
- bare fisted boxing
- synchronized suicide
- beach volleyball (with landmines)
Those were some of the games in my Olympic world. Granted, it will be hell to win, but think of the endorsements! Anyway, I am catching a live feed from Beijing. I think that makes up for the anger I had last night. Well folks, you'll be hearing more about the games. I hope you stick around. Enjoy your weekend. Keep safe and dream big!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The WTF of the Month
Typical Monday

I arrived at the parking lot assigned to us around 7:40 every morning. I catch the bus from the parking lot to the hospital. I start working at 8 am every morning. This is where the madness begins. You see, I deal with veterans. Usually, they are very nice. They come up to you and you check them in for their appointment. They make their way to a chair, have a seat, and wait to be called. (Now you know that I was going to throw a monkey wrench into this.) However, everyday we get one patient who thinks he/she is better than the rest. Either they do not like waiting or they beleive that they know the system inside and out. Sometimes they are easy to difuse. Lately, that has not been the case. We treat all of them with upmost respect. But, oh boy,do they try us!
After awhile, to break up the monotany, we come up with different games to play. One of my favorites is the Google search of the day. We think of something from our childhood and we begin a Google search for it. It's amazing the things that you find!
By the end of the day, I ready to leave work and head for home. However, as fate's hairy palm hand would have it, getting home is an adventure. Traffic here is getting worse. Oh well, suck it up I guess. It could be worse. I don't know how, but I bet it could get worse.
Oh well, at least I got my fun job and I'm healthy. That's enough for me. Well folks, y'all have a good week. Remember to make work fun. You're stuck there for eight hours a day. Take it easy . Keep safe and dream big!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Fast Foward

Friday, August 1, 2008
Food For Thought