Some people will say that he made his bed, now he has to lay in it. Hopefully, with no young boys. He became the biggest thing since indoor plumbing and then went stupid. The guy owned everything from his own personal amusement park to the bones of the elephant man. Then, madness ensued.
First came all of the plastic surgery. All those nose jobs even scared the most veteran plastic surgery junkies in Hollywood. So what's wrong with the nose he had? Now, it looks like he stole Sailor Moon's Nose! Oh! Let's not start with the cheek bones. Before you guys remind me, I have not forgotten the chin. Way to go Mikey! I have a question. What is real on his face? the world may never know.
Then, came the controversial skin color procedure. He literally turned white! The man went from a black man to a scary looking white chick! Holy crap! I bet God is scratching his head saying," I don't recall making that lady...." I remember that the African American Community went ballistic over that. Jacko claims is was because of Vitiligo.riiiiiigggghhhhhttttttt. I remember seeing an article in San Diego about a news anchorman who was diagnosed with Vitiligo and he didn't change his color. He puts on make up and covers it up when he's on TV. Afterwards, he takes it off and is content with his skin condition. That's a hero.
Anywho... back to Mr.Under-the-Radar... I really hope he can get back on his feet and leave the weirdness behind. He went to court so many times for alleged child molestation and giving "Jesus Juice" to kids...Wow!...Like holy freakin wow! As a star he should know better to hang around people who can cause trouble. Not Jacko. He thinks that he's immune to these problems.
Then there was the fiasco when he went to Bahrain. he totally insulted the whole Muslim Religion by DRESSING LIKE A MUSLIM WOMAN! This came on the heels of him converting to Islam from Christianity ( Jehovah's Witness). Dear God! What next?.. Offering Buddha Lapland surgery? The Christians were glad he left and the Muslims think he's too freakin weird. For the first time in modern religion Muslims and Christians actually meet eye to eye on a subject that they both agree upon 100%. Go figure.
So here we are, 50 years of strange. It could be worse. we could have Billy Idol still singing. Or even worse.... Celine Dion could've been born here..Take care folks. Keep safe and dream big!
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