Sunday, January 18, 2009

Brain Boogers

Hey crazy cats,

I guess when I started to blog it was just to get my "funny side" out there. Lately, however, I have noticed that I have taken to express my thoughts with the viewing public. I guess I have some exhibitionist trait in me that wishes that everyone can see me (through the blog) and know a little more about me. 3-d and I were talking about this subject the other day. We both came to the conclusion that I'm simplistically complicated. My life is an open book with all the pages mixed around. To really understand me, one must let go of the preconceived ideas of knowing someone. I'm am constantly evolving. Even I don't really know why I do it. There is really nothing to me. I'm not the head of some super-corporation or some rich playboy. I'm just simple old sam.

I have done things in my life that are great. I lived in Central America, I've literally been around the world (thanks to the U.S. Navy), I've met people that have touched and enriched my life. I have saved lives (on more than one occasion). I also know that I've taken a life (thanks to the U.S. Navy). I have loved. I have been hurt. I have fallen. I have gotten back up. I have lost my way. I have found the path. I have lost my faith. I have asked for forgiveness. I'm a proud American. I'm a proud Puerto Rican. I am funny (not really, but my friends think so...). I am serious. I am slow to learn. I learn my lessons well. I am innocent of malice. I am guilty of loving. I have ADD. I have a big heart. I forget things. I remember to say I love you.

This is who I am. I used to hate the person who I was. Then, I stopped measuring myself to other people. I am unique. God made me this way. I love the work He did. I am one of a kind. To know me is to be confused, yet understand me at the same time. I will give the shirt off my back(even if it's my last shirt). I care for all, even though sometimes I am hated. I laugh with others. I cry alone. I believe that there still is good in the world. There are others who chose to love no matter what.

Life is beautiful. There shouldn't be room for hate. Enjoy life. You only have one to live. Take time and look at the beauty around you. You will be surprised. Look at the sun set. Look at a full moon. Listen to the songs birds sing. Take time and spend it with someone you love. Be nice to others, even if they're douche bags to you. Always believe in the power of love and the human heart.

Well, I'm gonna end this Hallmark Moment before someone passes out due to the sappiness. Have a great week everyone. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Keep safe and dream big!


Anonymous said...

Hey Sam! We talked on the occasion of my last Coumadin were ARE simplistically complicated! I love what you write, how you make me laugh. Keep up the great commentaries!!!

Sam said...

Thanks! I'm just here to be an organized chaos!