Sunday, May 10, 2009

You Find Out Who Your Friends Are

Hey crazy cats! Another day here in the Sunshine State. Today's entry is going to go where in entry has gone before...sort of. Today's topic is about friends.

Well all have them. Some friends we see once in a blue moon. Others are like our partners in crime. However, there exists a small percentage of those that we consider our best friends. These wonderful souls are there when we need money, need a place to crash, cheer us up when things don't go our way, and walk right next to you when you walk through the fires of hell.

There are times when a friendship is tested. The tests may come in the form of a person you both like. It may come in the form of a moment of truth, such as doing drugs or talking someone out of suicide. What happens when a friendship is tested in the form of values and orientation?

To bring you into my world, I must first take you back a few years. When I lived in Connecticut, I had a childhood friend that quickly became one of my best friends. Actually, I became friends with his brothers and roamed around like a pack of hooligans that vaguely resembled the cast of the Ralph Macchio Acting Masterpiece ( if you don't know what sarcasm is, that's it.) "The Outsiders". It was pretty cool. We watched out for each other and took hits for one another.

As life usually does, we went our different ways and grew up. However, we always managed to stay in touch. it was so cool to experience the bonds of friendship and see that we would always be there for one another. (like totally BFF 4 life). We could call one another and know that the other ones had our back.

Things haven't changed much in our friendship. However, all friendships have to go through a test of fire. I tested it by going off to war and returning a different person. I think that they all accepted it well. Thank God too, the voices in my head actually like them (just kidding...about the voices).

I think that the true test of friendship came in the form of a little secret. Unbeknownst to me, they had a secret that they didn't share with me immediately. I guess they thought I was going to kill them or whatever. However, as the true friends that they are, they told me.

I have never thought or have ever discriminated against anyone. So I felt very comfortable with all people; regardless of race, color, nationality, etc... As you already can guess, they are gay. to me, it was like "'s the deal?" I'm not gay, but I respect those who are. I'm those that think "great! that means more women for me!" Why should I care about the sexual habits of my friends? I feel very comfortable being heterosexual. I love women, but I don't shove my ideas down anyone's throat. My friend has been there for a long time. He has always been like this. Why should it concern me any if he doesn't think that my girl is hot or thathe would be caucht dead with an issue of FHM in his house. The only problem is the we don't have guy talk about the "chicks" we're wanting to get with. However, I do find out how to decorate my house and what cologne to where. I think it's a fair trade.

So my friends, friendship shouldn't be about hate and bigotry. Friends are far and few between. True friends, no matter what package they come in, are there for you from the start to the very end. We should always strive to keep our friends close to us. After all, they are like family. Heck, sometimes, they're there more times than family is. Keep safe and dream big!

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