Hey crazy cats, it's the weekend and it's time to unwind. If you're like me ( and chances are you're not), then you had a rough week. I had a pretty rough week with everything. Things, at times, don't seem to go right. That's life. You have to deal with problems that show up in your life like that really bad explosive diarreah when you're walking in the middle of Universal Studios and you don't make it in time to the bathroom. We must look for ways to deal with them.
This brings me to our next exciting entry. What I am about to say is probably wierd, but it's the truth. Anger is a wasted emotion! I don't believe in getting all Hulk-like angry anymore. Maybe it was the Asian philosophy that I was exposed to or maybe it's realizing that life's too short. Mind you, I do get upset. I just don't go berserk. Why? Anger clouds the mind. Anger is the result of feeling hopeless. If you believe that you can control at least your response to any given situation, then you will never be truly angry.
Now you may be saying "big flipping deal, Mr. Miagi!"However, think about this. imagine yourself in a situation where the person tries to get a negative reaction from you and they fail. I'm not saying that you don't feel upset. I'm just saying controlling all that negative energy and redirecting it into a positive energy you can use. If you use that energy to let's say workout, write a song, clean your house... something physical that have a very positive outcome. I remember one time I was upset about something at work. when I got home I was getting to the point of just being angry. I quickly went outside and started taking pictures. I took at least 200 pictures that day. When I finished, I was so relaxed and was able to think things rationally. Buddhists do this quite a bit. I look for the things that enrich my life and help me express myself better.
Some people love that about me. They have asked me how do I keep cool? It's just something I do and something I learned. When you realize that there are somethings you can't change, or there are somethings you can change but with lots of effort, then you look for a way to overcome the negative feeling and try to let go. It is, in essence, the ultimate form of control.
When I first started in martial arts, I used to get so frustrated because I wasn't able to beat my opponents. As a matter of fact, I lost all of my sparring matches against this one guy. I was at the point where I wanted to give up. Then the instructor sat me down and gave me the most useful information I have ever received. The way he said it set off a chain reaction in my mind and helped me reach a level I never thought possible.
Other people hate that about me ( just ask my ex-wife). They usually don't like the fact that they will not get the reaction they want from me. I can argue without losing it. I cuss you out with actually cussing or losing it. Truth be told, it's so much fun.
There are times when I will eat my philosophy like a boa constrictor eating a mouse. There are time when I want to go crazy like a chihuahua that just ate a bottle of steroids and washed it down with Red Bull. They are far and few between.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that,although there are moments in life that merit a good old fashioned meltdown, we shouldn't be so quick to meltdown at everything. When you have control over your emotions, then you have control over what upsets you and what makes you happy. Life is too short and precious to let some douche-bag ruin it for you. Nothing is better in this world than when a jerk with road rage comes up along side of you and you just laugh because he can't control himself. Trust me, they won't know what to do with themselves.
Well, I'm gonna call this one done. Take care of yourselves and have a great weekend. Keep safe and dream big!
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