Friday, May 29, 2009

The Art of a Meltdown

Hey crazy cats, it's the weekend and it's time to unwind. If you're like me ( and chances are you're not), then you had a rough week. I had a pretty rough week with everything. Things, at times, don't seem to go right. That's life. You have to deal with problems that show up in your life like that really bad explosive diarreah when you're walking in the middle of Universal Studios and you don't make it in time to the bathroom. We must look for ways to deal with them.

This brings me to our next exciting entry. What I am about to say is probably wierd, but it's the truth. Anger is a wasted emotion! I don't believe in getting all Hulk-like angry anymore. Maybe it was the Asian philosophy that I was exposed to or maybe it's realizing that life's too short. Mind you, I do get upset. I just don't go berserk. Why? Anger clouds the mind. Anger is the result of feeling hopeless. If you believe that you can control at least your response to any given situation, then you will never be truly angry.

Now you may be saying "big flipping deal, Mr. Miagi!"However, think about this. imagine yourself in a situation where the person tries to get a negative reaction from you and they fail. I'm not saying that you don't feel upset. I'm just saying controlling all that negative energy and redirecting it into a positive energy you can use. If you use that energy to let's say workout, write a song, clean your house... something physical that have a very positive outcome. I remember one time I was upset about something at work. when I got home I was getting to the point of just being angry. I quickly went outside and started taking pictures. I took at least 200 pictures that day. When I finished, I was so relaxed and was able to think things rationally. Buddhists do this quite a bit. I look for the things that enrich my life and help me express myself better.

Some people love that about me. They have asked me how do I keep cool? It's just something I do and something I learned. When you realize that there are somethings you can't change, or there are somethings you can change but with lots of effort, then you look for a way to overcome the negative feeling and try to let go. It is, in essence, the ultimate form of control.

When I first started in martial arts, I used to get so frustrated because I wasn't able to beat my opponents. As a matter of fact, I lost all of my sparring matches against this one guy. I was at the point where I wanted to give up. Then the instructor sat me down and gave me the most useful information I have ever received. The way he said it set off a chain reaction in my mind and helped me reach a level I never thought possible.

Other people hate that about me ( just ask my ex-wife). They usually don't like the fact that they will not get the reaction they want from me. I can argue without losing it. I cuss you out with actually cussing or losing it. Truth be told, it's so much fun.

There are times when I will eat my philosophy like a boa constrictor eating a mouse. There are time when I want to go crazy like a chihuahua that just ate a bottle of steroids and washed it down with Red Bull. They are far and few between.

 I guess what I'm trying to say is that,although there are moments in life that merit a good old fashioned meltdown, we shouldn't be so quick to meltdown at everything. When you have control over your emotions, then you have control over what upsets you and what makes you happy. Life is too short and precious to let some douche-bag ruin it for you. Nothing is better in this world than when a jerk with road rage comes up along side of you and you just laugh because he can't control himself. Trust me, they won't know what to do with themselves. 

 Well, I'm gonna call this one done. Take care of yourselves and have a great weekend. Keep safe and dream big!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A New Horizon

Hey crazy cats,
Things have been kind of crazy lately, actually for quite some time. I guess I'm very happy about most of the things that are happening in my life. However, there are a few things that are happening that I wish I didn't have to go through. Hey, that's life for you. I'm definitely not going to complain about it. I'm enjoying this little thing called life.

I also want to mention a certain person who came into my life recently. Her presence has been felt and I thank God everyday for the blessing. She reminds me everyday to cherish what I've been given. Her friendship is felt deep in my soul and I am learning the word happiness once more. this brings me to what I want to discuss.

Many of us believe we are happy. If anyone asks us if we're happy, we tend to say yes. However, when a special person comes into our lives, we realize that we haven't really experienced full happiness. Did we lie when we said we were happy? Certainly not. We just didn't experience the next level of happiness. Life is so beautiful when we open the doors windows to our hearts and let the warm breeze of friendship and love in.

Many of us have been dealt a crushing blow by those forces that do not believe in love. Some of us have become apathetic. Some have become jaded. Still others have closed off their hearts and have not let the anyone else in. We become scared and try to minimize the potential risk of opening up.

I, for one, am adventurous. Do I leave myself vulnerable? Yes. Do I get hurt at times? Yes. It's well worth the risk. I try to have as little "what if?" as possible in my life. I consider myself a very strong and independent person. I don't "need"to be loved, but I am capable of loving with all my heart. that's what we all must do.

Let's leave the pain to one side. Let's leave the past pains in the past. Who knows, the next time you see or meet someone may be the beginning of a beautiful new journey. keep safe and dream big!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

You Find Out Who Your Friends Are

Hey crazy cats! Another day here in the Sunshine State. Today's entry is going to go where in entry has gone before...sort of. Today's topic is about friends.

Well all have them. Some friends we see once in a blue moon. Others are like our partners in crime. However, there exists a small percentage of those that we consider our best friends. These wonderful souls are there when we need money, need a place to crash, cheer us up when things don't go our way, and walk right next to you when you walk through the fires of hell.

There are times when a friendship is tested. The tests may come in the form of a person you both like. It may come in the form of a moment of truth, such as doing drugs or talking someone out of suicide. What happens when a friendship is tested in the form of values and orientation?

To bring you into my world, I must first take you back a few years. When I lived in Connecticut, I had a childhood friend that quickly became one of my best friends. Actually, I became friends with his brothers and roamed around like a pack of hooligans that vaguely resembled the cast of the Ralph Macchio Acting Masterpiece ( if you don't know what sarcasm is, that's it.) "The Outsiders". It was pretty cool. We watched out for each other and took hits for one another.

As life usually does, we went our different ways and grew up. However, we always managed to stay in touch. it was so cool to experience the bonds of friendship and see that we would always be there for one another. (like totally BFF 4 life). We could call one another and know that the other ones had our back.

Things haven't changed much in our friendship. However, all friendships have to go through a test of fire. I tested it by going off to war and returning a different person. I think that they all accepted it well. Thank God too, the voices in my head actually like them (just kidding...about the voices).

I think that the true test of friendship came in the form of a little secret. Unbeknownst to me, they had a secret that they didn't share with me immediately. I guess they thought I was going to kill them or whatever. However, as the true friends that they are, they told me.

I have never thought or have ever discriminated against anyone. So I felt very comfortable with all people; regardless of race, color, nationality, etc... As you already can guess, they are gay. to me, it was like "'s the deal?" I'm not gay, but I respect those who are. I'm those that think "great! that means more women for me!" Why should I care about the sexual habits of my friends? I feel very comfortable being heterosexual. I love women, but I don't shove my ideas down anyone's throat. My friend has been there for a long time. He has always been like this. Why should it concern me any if he doesn't think that my girl is hot or thathe would be caucht dead with an issue of FHM in his house. The only problem is the we don't have guy talk about the "chicks" we're wanting to get with. However, I do find out how to decorate my house and what cologne to where. I think it's a fair trade.

So my friends, friendship shouldn't be about hate and bigotry. Friends are far and few between. True friends, no matter what package they come in, are there for you from the start to the very end. We should always strive to keep our friends close to us. After all, they are like family. Heck, sometimes, they're there more times than family is. Keep safe and dream big!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

One Crazy Week

Hey crazy cats, I'm back for another entry in what seems to be a lot of people's guilty pleasure. I didn't know that there were many people out there with some voyeuristic tendencies. It's kind of spooky and cool at the same time. Why would anyone think my life is remotely interesting is beyond me. However, thank you very much!

Well, another weekend gone and another step closer to my eventual parting from this existence. Just kidding. Anyway, Father is doing a lot better from everything. I'm so glad. He is my inspiration. He taught me everything good that I know. I wish him a speedy recovery.

There's a couple of things that I have to mention. the first one is that I managed to kill off eight very expensive tropical fish with one single wireless keyboard. Yep, I dropped my keyboard into the aquarium. Don't ask me how because I have yet to figure out that one. The only say in grace was that they all went really quickly.

I feel really bad about it, but remember I'm the same guy who opened a parakeet cage and had one fly out and meet its demise with a ceiling fan at full blast! Poor thing. It took me hours to get him out of the wall! Not to mention the cost of repairing the wall. Wow, those little suckers can really cause damage!

Anywho, work is ok. Nothing really new there.Then again, it's a government job. When was the last time something productive was done by the government. Really, what next? It's going to take an African American president and some sort of flu to..... oh wait....oops.... never mind.

On to better things... For those of you who care, here comes the part where I talk about my single life. For those of you who don't care, here's the part where you guys laugh at me and point fingers. Anyway, I'm such a studly hunk of a man that I have women hurting each other just to get near me. Oh wait, that's the medication talking. Actually, I know of corpses,dumped by the side of train tracks, who have seen more action than me. I pretty much have the worse luck with women ever known to man! If I were Adam, there wouldn't be a human race. Eve would've grabbed the serpent, made a noose, and hung herself! No one seems to like an honest guy anymore.

So what does a guy like me do? I listen to other people in my situation. I try to go out there and meet people. This is were the weird part comes in. I remember when women wanted to be treated with respect and dignity. Nowadays, I see that isn't the case. I've met women who don't care about themselves, their bodies, and their reputation. What ever happened to getting to know someone? Now, it's "that was great! By the way, what's your name? Oh and don't bother calling." That kind of attitude takes me for a loop. I will never understand the humans!

Now before you go thinking that I'm the strikeout king, I did meet someone this week. AND SHE'S NOT A DRUNK! She sounds really sweet and shares alot in common with me. If anything, I think we have established a good foundation for a friendship. I don't want to give away too many details because you guys won't come back to the blog and see if anything else has happened. So, stay tuned.

Well, crazy cats, I gonna call this one done. I have homework to do and not alot of time to do it in. Have a great weekend everyone. Keep safe and dream big!