Hey crazy cats, I hope everyone is being safe this weekend. Unfortunately for me, I had an incredibly trying week. It began on Monday when I found out that a close friend of mine regrettably took his life. The news really shook me because I would have never imagined this tragedy. As I write this entry, I still am in shock over the events that transpired. I know that his family will have to take lots of time to heal from this life-altering event. My heart and prayers goes out to them.
In other items, I regrettably have to inform that a certain person and I are no longer seeing each other. I really thought that this one might really begin to change everything. Alas, I was wrong. It didn't end as most relationships end. However it ended anyway. I do feel upset. I am sad. I wish things would have turned out different. Let me be the bad guy in this one. I'll take the hit. As a matter of fact, it usually is the guy who takes the heat. I don't mind.
One thing is for sure, I didn't cheat. I never lied. I don't have any regrets. One thing I have noticed recently, women have a tough time accepting the fact that a guy can care and love with all their heart. I am guilty of that. I can't stand the society in which we live in today. Everything has become disposable. There is no willingness to try to work at something worth fighting for. However, both must be willing to work at it. I leave this relationship with the knowing that I worked at it. I really hope to one day find that special someone. I know she is out there somewhere.
I know I'm going to need some time after this one. I did get too involved. that's what happens when you're a romantic. Again, no one is to blame. It just didn't work out. Did I agree with the breakup? No. Did I fight against it? No. Why you may ask? I don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with me. We all have free will. We chose our own destiny. We make our lives.
So as I end this week, I look back at the losses. None of them were for the good. I grieve over both. However, tomorrow is a new day. The sun shall rise. Although it hurts, it will get better. I ask for prayers for those of us who hurt, mourn, and cry tonight. I say to them to lean on me as I lean on you. We will get through this. Use my strength to get you through. today you lean on me. Tomorrow it will be me on you.
To everyone else I ask to take care and love each other as if it were your last day. Love unconditionally. Respect each other. Say I love you. If tomorrow never comes, will the ones you love know how much you loved them? Keep safe and dream big!
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