Hello crazy cats! Another weekend is coming to a close. For most of us, it's back to work on monday. The weekend comes and goes so darn quickly. Oh well, it seems all of life is going the same speed. Today, I took the day to clean up the place a bit. I reverted back to my Navy days and cleaned the hell out of everything. I even gave the fish a bath!
My morning did not start off with this intention. I fell asleep last night around 4 am. I was very tired by the time I hit the sack. However, as cosmic law dictates, I woke up at 7 am. I tried, in vain, to go back to sleep. So, around 8 am, I got my butt out of bed. Now, usually normal people would just make breakfast and start their day. Not me. I was determined to tire myself out and go back to sleep. So, with this idea in mind, I decided to clean the house. No one ever told me that this is very addicting. I forgot about breakfast... and lunch and dinner. I noticed that my parrots were looking at me with a concern look. It was if as though they were betting on how long I could go before dropping dead.
The problem is that I didn't become tired. Oh no. I became more energetic! I know that the root cause of my energy is my stress. I try like crazy to reduce my stress. Yet, it's still there, like a buzzard waiting for its prey to fall dead. I keep on going.
I'm kind of glad that this cleaning bug has come over me. Usually sundays are bad for me. i hate that I have nothing to do on sundays. Most of my friends are working or spending time with their families (remember, I am single....). So, it becomes a trial trying to find something to do.
Anyway, that's not why I logged on and began to write this entry. I wanted to use this moment to get some things off my chest ( like I always do). Have you ever encountered a situation or person that just leaves you dumbfounded by the messed up way they approach life? You know, they don't pay their bills, or they blame their problems on everyone else but themselves, or they have more issues than The New Yorker, or they say something and mean something else? If you can't think of anyone, chances are you that person.
These people lull you into caring for them and then strike your very being with pain, like a demented kid with a wiffle ball bat. The thing is that they know they're causing pain, but they don't care. They would rather let you suffer because they do not want to suffer themselves. What is more messed up is that they make it seem that you provoked it. They're too afraid to accept their actions.
These people truly fall under the "poisonous relationships" category. they seem very pleasant at first. They weave their web of "woe is me" and "you can trust me". The problem is we fall for it. Our hearts and faith in love and caring are shattered every time we meet people like this. For some of us, we want to bring good to the world. We hear everyday how bad is it and we want to change that. We care for others. We want to lend a hand. We want to believe in love. We are also the ones who really get hurt.
To love is not a weakness. To care is not a disease. It is not a trait for some fallible part of our being. I stress that the most courageous people are those who love with no prejudice. Even though they might get hurt, they'll do it for the greater good.
However, these people aren't the ones we're discussing. People who use other people are really off their marker mentally. It's a narcissistic trait that they display. They believe in the "me" mentality. It's them before anyone else and if there is room left over, it's them even more. I personally can't stand those types. I dealt with them too much already. recently, I came across one who can't seem to get the idea the they are the one who is wrong. That's too bad. Even though I personally do not wish any harm, we see that Karma has a way of coming around. I just hope they realize it in time.
As for me, I'm going to continue to clean my house and try to eat something. I know that things happen for a reason. I'm just waiting to get my answer. Till then, have a great week. Love one another. Keep safe and dream big!
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