Monday, August 9, 2010

Booyah! Motivation

 Hello crazy cats,
 It's another beautiful hot day in sunny Florida. Summer is trucking along and the fun is in full swing. Summer is a time for hot dogs, hamburgers, bbq, and vacation!
 We are now into August. This year is flying by quickly. I was just sitting here daydreaming and thinking about yesteryear. A while back, the beginning of August was a time which I loved. It was full of fun and celebrating. Now, although it's still fun, it has become less of celebration and more of just normal fun time.
 This brings me to the latest thought for this entry. We all seem to get complacent in the lives we live out. We celebrate anniversaries, birthdays, weddings, divorces, World Cups, and other life milestones. We sometimes forget that, although these things bring us great joy, they are temporary. We receive the good and forget that, sometimes, there is bad that accompanies them. It's all part of life.
 Recently, one of my friends has been going through a tough time. He is very optimistic. He goes out with his friends and has a pretty good time. He's back into the swing of things. However, he did let us, his friends, know that things aren't all peachy-king. That's the way life works.
 So you may be asking yourself what's the purpose of this entry? Well it isn't a sad entry. I'm here to motivate people to the point of self-combustion! Are tired of being down? Are you tired of waking up and thinking the day sucks? Are you tired of being sick and tired? Then just walk outside!
 It sounds ridiculous, but it's true! We tend to let ourselves be sucked into our sadness. Well, the buck stops here! We all have bad days. We all go through rough moments. If we don't watch ourselves, we fall into this terrible spiral of despair.
 I remember that when I went through a rough moment years ago. I was on my way to the Persian Gulf and I had to leave my then wife behind. She was going through a rough time. However, country came first. War was on the menu and I was being served.
 As I was leaving, I couldn't help but think how big of a douche bag I looked like. No one understood why I just couldn't stay behind ( God only knows I tried). It was very tough for me to go and leave someone who I cared for go through such a trying time in their life. Yet in the end ( depends on how you see it), things turned out fine.
 Life has a way of fixing itself. The only problem is we must accept the outcome. Sometimes it sucks. I admit it. Sometimes we are doing a little jig. Whatever the outcome, we must venture forward. Life is full of splendor and wonder. If I were to have gotten stuck in my depression when my life fell apart, I would've never have started my business. If I wouldn't have had a catastrophic event, I wouldn't have met the wonderful people in my life.
 We shouldn't wait on anyone or anything to help us. People say that things happen for a reason. I say bull do-do. Things happen because they happen. It's up to us to take advantage of the moment and turn a negative into a positive. We must have an indomitable spirit. We must alway strive to win. Life is beautiful. Life is hard. Life is all worth it!
 Now go out there and get them tigers! Keep safe and dream big!

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