Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Little Rain

Hey crazy cats! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend (or what's left of it...). I just wanted to take this moment and just type away some things that have been in my mind lately.
 Unfortunately, it hasn't been a bed of roses lately for me. Yes, even I get into some ruts. I've noticed that life is a lot like a roller coaster ride. We have our beginnings, ups, downs, screams, twists, loops, turns and finally ending. Depending on what the Divine Creator chose to gave you, you can have a fairly nice ride or you can have a cookie tosser.
 I think that I'm going through a drop in my life. Granted, I enjoy the ride. I just don't like my heart and stomach pressing up on my uvula. The beauty of it all is that there's going to be an upswing. In essence, it's all part of life.
 That brings me to my entry. I've noticed lately that people aren't really allowed to grieve. Whether it be the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, the loss of a job, or the frustrations of life, we have been told that it's not right to be sad.
 Now before anyone jumps down my throat with the issue of depression, let me state that this is about being sad. If you are depressed, please seek the help. I believe that those who seek help for their depression are very strong and courageous people. However, this entry is about being slapped now and then by life.
 We are continuously told that being sad is a weakness and we should do everything in our power to stop it. My question is then...why? I believe that we should feel sad from time to time. I feel that we need a little reminder of sadness and pain in order to make us appreciate what we have in our lives now.
 I've seen many people say that their lives are better when a relationship ends. if there was drugs, abuse, or any violent crime, then I would say yes. It is better physically and emotionally the scars will heal. Again, I do not speak about the extremes.
 I recently broke up with a woman who I found to be the best little gift from heaven. You may ask why the heck did I break up with her then?! Well, let's put it this way, love doesn't always win. Sometimes, respect has a lot to do with it.
 When I was married, we made a rule in the house never to call the other names. I've never even used the word stupid. It was about having respect for the other's feelings. Towards the end, however, I was called everything to include some choice words that even Ike would've never said to Tina.
 OK, back to the entry... Although I did what I that to be right, I still feel a sense of loss. There is an emptiness. I spent a lot of time getting to know this person. I walked away before things would have gotten worse. This does not make it any better.
 Am I sad? Yes. I am very sad. Now I'm not going to say that it was her loss, or good riddance, or any of that other garbage. It's not true. However, time will heal the pain. Time will move forward. This experience will be added to my soul. I have learned.
 Unfortunately, joy cannot exist without sorrow. Love cannot exist without pain. Even in sunny Florida it rains. It's a part of life. So let yourself be sad. Cry if you want to. It does the soul good. Tomorrow, it's a new chapter. hey, just because the roller coaster is at the bottom doesn't mean the ride is over. Hang on, the thrilling part is about to start! Keep safe and dream big!

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