I have the distinct pleasure of meeting different people from various backgrounds each day. They come in each day, for their appointments, and share a moment of their lives with me. For the most part, it is quite a nice experience. At other times, I have to deal with people who are upset for one reason or another. Once the problem is solved, they become kittens. However, there is that special breed, which makes you wonder where did they come from. It isn't that they're dumb, not at all! It's just that they function in life and I'm left wondering how they do it.
Take for instance the case of Mr. Dolby ( not his real name), he is an elderly gentleman. He is very nice, but he is tone deaf! This guy couldn't hear ACDC playing atop dynamite truck, rolling through a nitroglycerin plant. The problem is that he thinks he doesn't need hearing aids. When he comes in, he comes up to you and proceeds to destroy your eardrums by saying hello. This guy has the voice of a sonic boom. He once put a woman into labor with just a sneeze... and she wasn't even pregnant! The guy couldn't keep a secret to save his life.
So then I started thinking. This guy is so deaf that the only way he could here the slightest of sounds would be if they strap two towers speakers on each side of his head. His ears are just there for cosmetic reasons. Another funny thing is that the louder you talk to him, the louder he gets. It gets to the point where you end up in a shouting match with the guy.
Th fun ones are the ones who are in denial that they have a weight problem. Mind you, I am overweight. I know I have to lose at least 30 lbs just to be in my target weight. However, I have accepted it and I try everyday to deal with it. The ones are the ones who wear shirts that say Tapout, Affliction, Athletic Department, etc... Who are they kidding?!! I didn't even know that athletic shirts came in size Shamu! I'm not talking about people with genetic conditions that predisposition them to obesity. These people were once in the military! I've seen some heavy heavyweights. I saw one person who was literally 300 lbs overweight! They're reason for their obesity was "I got tired". Got tired!!! With all the cardiac diseases out there, you think that would be motivation enough. Unfortunately, we, as Americans, do not think like that.
I really do love my job. I can't imagine me doing anything else, at least for now. Everyday is a new adventure with its own set of characters. You can't ask for a better place to work. Well, gonna keep it short today folks. I have lots to do. Keep safe and dream big!
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