Ok let's face it, I'm not a brilliant guy. Heck, I'm lucky I can breath and walk at the same time. With that said, it's amazing for me to do the simple things in life. Before I go any further, let me state that there is someone in my life. I haven't felt this good in a really long time. Maybe it's the fact that I have someone to talk to or maybe it's the fact that she hasn't put a restraining order on me yet....who knows? Whatever it is, all I know is that I'm finally having some fun.
However, I do feel sorry for her. You see, I'm not the easiest person to have a relationship with. I pretty much know that God has a sense of humor because that's the only way to explain me. Let me explain how bad am I at relationships. I will take my present life as an example. When I first met Meli ( pronounced mel-ee), I had no idea she was interested in me. I was so clueless it wasn't funny. That's me though...Mr. Clueless.. Mind you, I do know how to treat my girl. It isn't like I'll forget her name or forget her birthday. I do forget that sometimes people will worry for me. I, on occasion have forgotten to call.
It's amazing that I have even got another person in my life. Let me tell you how Meli and me met. ( cue the wavy dream sequence)... It was another day at the hospital.( move over Nicolas Sparks). She came in for her appointment. ( due to HIPPA laws, I cannot tell you what hospital or what type of appointment). I had noticed her, my luck is terrible when it comes to picking up women. Just ask 3-d, she has been witness to my pathetic approaches.
She asked me to meet up with her for lunch one day, which I did. The embarrassing part was that I couldn't talk to her. I was so nervous. It was like I had gotten kicked in the head by a Kentucky Derby Racehorse and was suffering a stroke at the same time. I was sweating like a two dollar french whore in Sunday mass. I was more lost than Paris Hilton taking the S.A.T. An Arab with a stuttering problem made more sense than I did. Luckily, she looked passed at the complete babbling nerve jello-o that I was.
So here we are. I have gotten out of the dateless/girlfriendless scene. I must say it's been pretty cool. I am not hard to get along with. I tend to be really easy going. However, I also tend to be forgetful. This is going to be very interesting. I'm like a big Great Dane puppy. He doesn't mean to destroy the house when he wants to play ball with you, it just ends up that way.
So here I am, I'm dating again. It's very strange to be dating again. I didn't imagine myself in this really cool relationship. Life has a way of making up for crappy moments. I am going to take it slow. There is no rush what so ever. I'm taking the slow boat to China. I know that she is going to be on that same boat. We're having fun and that's what it's all about.
Well folks, it seems as cupid went postal and laid down some serious artillary on me. That's cool. Don't worry folks. Soon, SamVidBlog News will make its return. Keep safe and dream big!
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