Hello ALL.....Especially the LADIES!!!!
You know the old saying "It's better to have loved, than to never love at all." Well something like that I know you all know what I'm talking about.....
Who came up with that damn saying...It had to have been someone with Half A Heart! It's nice to be in Love but it's even better to be loved back...Trust me I'm the master at loving an not being loved...IT HURTS....But you live and learn the next time it comes around...Love that is..You take a deep breath and hold your breath and pray for the best! It's hard....VERY HARD...to want to be LOVED soooooooooooo bad that you'd do just bout anything...Well okay I'm lying you'd do ANY and EVERYTHING for the possibility of True LOVE! Don't give up...Just keep your fingers crossed and continue to be yourself..don't change for nobody and if you really LOVE the person you're with just keep focused.
Believe me it'll be hard..people will give you their opinion and you have to be strong enough to hear what they're saying and not act on everything they say...Yea statistics show 99.999999999999% of the time Friends w/ Benefits don't end up the way the person that is HEAD OVER HEALS really wants...
These are you're options when put in this situation:
A:Love...Love....Love like there's no tomorrow and enjoy all the good times before they run out...
B:Try very hard to keep your half of your heart that Loves to yourself and keep the benefits rolling...
C:Keep your Friend and cut the Benefits....Not you want I know but you save yourself the heartache and keep your friend. It sucks but this way you don't loose out on a beautiful friendship.
or good ole
D:Put everything out there from the beginning and talk EVERYTHING out...especially if you think your friendship is important....Don't assume...Cause we all know what that does...if IT..(the friendship w/Benefits) starts to confuse you...Then it's time to sit and chat again...Keep the COMMUNICATION lines open if you don't want IT to fail.
Well now YOU ALL have the keys...you know what to do and what not to do!!! Now let's see how many of you will do the (RIGHT THING) best thing! Keep your head up people it's not the end of the world even though sometimes it seems like it!When you think you've cried enough....take a nice cold shower cry some more and when you're finished squeeze your pillow really tight cry some more until you fall asleep.....Or you can do like I do and tell your little one your chest hurts ...he'll play Dr. by giving you a BIG kiss and hug..you can keep crying until they fall asleep then when you wake up...if you're without your FRIEND...Just pray your day goes by fast and wish for a better tomorrow! Believe it'll all be alright and it shall...Though things may not end up the way YOU want it will be OKAY!
Be STRONG....Loving people and continue to be YOU...One day You too will be LOVED!
You know the old saying "It's better to have loved, than to never love at all." Well something like that I know you all know what I'm talking about.....
Who came up with that damn saying...It had to have been someone with Half A Heart! It's nice to be in Love but it's even better to be loved back...Trust me I'm the master at loving an not being loved...IT HURTS....But you live and learn the next time it comes around...Love that is..You take a deep breath and hold your breath and pray for the best! It's hard....VERY HARD...to want to be LOVED soooooooooooo bad that you'd do just bout anything...Well okay I'm lying you'd do ANY and EVERYTHING for the possibility of True LOVE! Don't give up...Just keep your fingers crossed and continue to be yourself..don't change for nobody and if you really LOVE the person you're with just keep focused.
Believe me it'll be hard..people will give you their opinion and you have to be strong enough to hear what they're saying and not act on everything they say...Yea statistics show 99.999999999999% of the time Friends w/ Benefits don't end up the way the person that is HEAD OVER HEALS really wants...
These are you're options when put in this situation:
A:Love...Love....Love like there's no tomorrow and enjoy all the good times before they run out...
B:Try very hard to keep your half of your heart that Loves to yourself and keep the benefits rolling...
C:Keep your Friend and cut the Benefits....Not you want I know but you save yourself the heartache and keep your friend. It sucks but this way you don't loose out on a beautiful friendship.
or good ole
D:Put everything out there from the beginning and talk EVERYTHING out...especially if you think your friendship is important....Don't assume...Cause we all know what that does...if IT..(the friendship w/Benefits) starts to confuse you...Then it's time to sit and chat again...Keep the COMMUNICATION lines open if you don't want IT to fail.
Well now YOU ALL have the keys...you know what to do and what not to do!!! Now let's see how many of you will do the (RIGHT THING) best thing! Keep your head up people it's not the end of the world even though sometimes it seems like it!When you think you've cried enough....take a nice cold shower cry some more and when you're finished squeeze your pillow really tight cry some more until you fall asleep.....Or you can do like I do and tell your little one your chest hurts ...he'll play Dr. by giving you a BIG kiss and hug..you can keep crying until they fall asleep then when you wake up...if you're without your FRIEND...Just pray your day goes by fast and wish for a better tomorrow! Believe it'll all be alright and it shall...Though things may not end up the way YOU want it will be OKAY!
Be STRONG....Loving people and continue to be YOU...One day You too will be LOVED!
1 comment:
i know too well how you feel. how can anyone throw away a heart who loves you? i'll never know...
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