Did you ever have one of those moments when you wish things would've been different? You know what I'm talking about. Like when you show up to get a parking spot, only to realize that the car in front of you was the last car the lot could hold. Or you show up to the bank at 5:05 pm and they closed at 5:00. Kind of sucks... That's the stuff that we are faced on a daily basis, as we make our way in this journey called life.
There are times when it seems unfair. There are times that it seems that you wish you could turn back the hands of time and make them work in your favor. However, that's what makes life more fun. I know that we can get angry at the unexpected. We get impatient when things don't go our way. Just remember to enjoy life. You only have one. Might as well enjoy it and make everyone else hate theirs. Nah, just kidding...
Although I do write some strange things on my blog, I want people to understand that I am merely pointing out the little things that we let get to us. I really am NOT that crazy. I believe we waste alot of time on the small stuff. So my advise to you is to let it go and enjoy life.
Ok, enough of the Jack Handy moment. It was another typical Monday at work. Nothing bad, nothing good. However, on the bus ride from the parking lot to work ( yes, we have to ride the bus. And yes, it's a dog gone converted prison bus!), I sat down and wanted to get a quick power nap before making my way from the bus stop to the hospital. I don't understand why, but I am always reminded of a prisoners "green mile" as he walks to the throne of sizzle. At other times, I kind of vaguely here the theme to the Exorcist ( you know, the part when the priest begins to walk up the long stairs). Anyway, back to the story.... I was trying so hard to grab a nap when I hard some guy begin to talk. He was trying to start some idle conversation, but the lady he was talking to wasn't interested. This didn't stop Mr. I'll-Carry-Conversation-With-You-Whether-You-Like-It-Or-Not. This guy was more annoying than Usher trying convince the world that he is not conceded.
That's when it hit me. Why do we put up with these people. They know that we don't want to talk to them. So, ( to borrow from Angry Black Man) WHY?! TELL ME WHY??!!! Why, do we put up with them. As I felt the voice of the little boy from "The Shining" begin to scream "RED RUM! RED RUM!" in my head, I gave him the "dude nobody cares" look. Apparently, he mistook it for the "dude, I am so flippin interested in your pathetic, lame, total waste of time story" look. He continued to talk to me until I faked me slipping into a coma.
The poor lady that he was originally was talking to, tried to fake falling asleep, but he wasn't hearing any of it. He continued to talk to her. I swore I thought I saw her trying to slice her wrists with a napkin edge. If given the choice of hearing the douche bag or sucking on a muffler of a 76 Buick with a bad transmission, she would've chosen the Buick.
Luckily, the bus ride isn't that long. When we arrived, she ran off the bus faster than illegals running off a jobsite when INS shows up. I know that tomorrow, she will show up with an IPod and blast that thing till she bleeds out the ears if he sits next to her again. So please folks, remember to be nice and quiet when you're on the bus. Nobody cares about the grandkids antics during the weekend on Monday morning at 7:00 am. Just have a cup of shut the heck up and enjoy the bus ride to work. If you don't, it may be your last.
Well crazy cats, that does it for this entry. Enjoy your week. Have lots of fun. Keep safe and dream big.
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