We as humans always look for a natural high. We tend to look for things that excite us. Some of us look for extreme sports, in which brings us to the brink of death. Others, like myself, look for less dangerous things. These less dangerous things include horror movies. In my personal opinion, horror movies are the best thrill rides on the planet. They're cheap to obtain and are readily available.
However, one must choose what limit to take your thirst for scariness to. I, at the beginning, did not know my limits. I have literally been scared s***less. I have had nightmares that have last longer than a Britney Spears rehab stay. I believe that some of the movies have given me phobias against insects, sharks, hockey mask wearing psychos, contortionist 12 year old girls who can spin their head all the way around, clowns, voluptuous chainsaw wielding women, and mothers who hate wire coat hangers.
So I started to ask myself, "self?" Self said," whatchu want?! Caint you see I'm watchin' Jerry Springer?!!!" So after self finished watching Springer, I asked again. this time, I asked why do we subject ourselves to unnecessary grief? Truth be told, I don't know why?
What I can tell you is that I have scared myself retarded countless of times. I remember sitting down and watching "The Omen" and, afterwards, look through my hair "just in case". I know that the chances of being Satan's offspring are remote, but I just wanted to make sure. Another movie that took me for a loop was "Jaws". I was so scared. I was even scared to get in a bathtub. I was afraid that the shark was going to swim up the pipes and attack me under the bubbles in the bubble bath.
I wasn't really scared of Jason Vorhees from the "Friday the 13th" movies. I figured that he only attacks white kids with rich parents who send them off with over-sexed teenagers into the middle of the woods. Since I lived in the ghetto (and her mama cried....) I was safe.
Now, there is only one movie in existence that I cannot watch until this very day. Even the mere mention of the name causes uneasiness in my heart. I know that alot of you out there know which movie I am talking about. This movie is responsible for 3o-something year old men crawling into bed with their parents because they were so scared to sleep elsewhere. The movie I am talking about is, of course, "The Exorcist". I don't know what drugs the author was smoking when he wrote this, but the boy, even to this day, needs to be beaten down.
I remember crying, having snot coming out my nose and down my face, begging for my mommy, peeing in my pants, feeling faint, and yelling like a 12 year old girl when I saw just the trailer to this movie.... and that was two weeks ago! God only knows how much I hate that movie.
So, before I finish this entry, I want to know what your thoughts are. Let me know what horror movie do you hate the most. Just click on the blue "comments" link under the article and leave your thoughts. Well, that's it for now. Have a great rest of the week and I'll see you guys here this weekend for our show. Keep safe and dream big.
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