You see....If you look around, you'll notice things that really stick out and grab you. They are usually things that you don't mind at all, but if you were asked about it you'd have a totally different opinion. Case in point.... i was at work when I saw something that shook me me up and slapped me around like a hamster in a clothes dryer.
I remember being told as a kid that we should all grow old gracefully. It was expected of us to be adults and to head into our golden years with respect and dignity. I was even under the impression that we should serve as role models to the younger generations. Well..... that has changed...dramatically.
I'm not saying what I saw is wrong. What I am saying is that it's totally funny. A mature lady checked into the clinic the other day( when I say mature, I mean 60-70 year old). She had a Bible in hand and was very nice. Now, you may say that what's wrong with that? I'll say nothing is wrong with that. I see alot of people come in, sit down, and read the Bible, the Qua ran, or another religious book.
The thing that got me was that she was all tattooed up! And they weren't old tattoos either. They were fairly new! They weren't small one either. This lady, grandmother by day and hell slayer by night, had a HUGE tribal band on both arms, a set of tribal wings on her back, and a heart wrapped in thorns high on her chest. She even had a tribal tattoo on her neck! I was awestruck by the way she spoke of her darling grandchildren and how she wants them to grow up in a Utopian world.
Here's a lady that looks like a supreme leader of Hell's Angels and she is talking like she is the reincarnation of Mother Teresa! You're 70 years old! Act your age!!! Now, before you go criticizing me about whatever you think that I'm doing wrong, I want to state that I have the best intentions with my opinions.
I believe you should always act young. Age is nothing but a number. Youth is in the heart. However, there comes a moment when we should accept the fact that if we're going to act young, we should do it in moderation. We don't want to cause a commotion by walking into Sunday service wearing a Marlyn Manson t-shirt. We don't want our family to die of embarrassment by being caught shoplifting Victoria Secret underwear at the mall. It's just not right!
Plus, I can imagine this old....I mean mature lady when she passes on. What is she going to be buried in? A black wedding dress with an upside down cross? or how about a casket in the shape of axe? i can see it now, as her grandchildren look on, the music at the wake will be "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica.
Folks, I am not saying to be one of the products of the "machine". What I am saying is have some dignity and respect for yourself as you head off into the "waiting room" years. Anywho...that's all the time I have for today...Keep safe and dream big.
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