I remember a few years ago when people used to get used issues that they had with everyday living. If you had allergies, you suffered through the allergy season and made the best of it. If you had an upset stomach, you would get Alka Seltzer and sleep the rest of it off. That changed as soon as the pharmaceutical companies embarked on a journey to "help" us live better.
First came Allegra, this little thing helped us breath better. We could be standing under a tree having tree copulation and we'd feel a slight discomfort. Then came the "little purple pill". This little puppy made it easier to eat any food you wanted ( for those with stomach ulcers and other messed up GI things). You literally could eat hot coals smothered in napalm and feel good about yourself. You can actually eat your mother in law's cooking and not suffer the wrath of the gods of culinarious.
If you think the pharmaceuticals stopped there, then you're probably the biggest idiot on the planet and don't deserve to breath the same air as the rest of humankind. No sir-eee. They didn't stop there. They developed the grand daddy of them all. The pill that would change the way we look at senior citizenship forever. That's right... I'm talking about Viagra. The pill that totally damaged my mental image of Bob Dole.
Never mind finding the cure for cancer. Never mind finding the cure for Diabetes. And forget about ending world hunger.... We really needed to find a cure for Erectile Dysfunction! Holy crap, I'm glad that we, in the United States, have our priorities super straight.
However, it doesn't end there! We don't seem to care about the real problems that are plaguing
us as a people. Do you care about the problems with malnutrition? No! Do you care about the starving pygmy children of New Guinea? No! Do you care about your hair being angelically soft and to burn fat while you sleep? YES!!!
So my question is where is our priorities? Old men are wanting to use parts that lost their warranty years ago. I am surprised that they are not falling over from massive heart attacks from the exercise. I thought that people at that age would forget how to or even care about doing it. Oh well, I guess I was wrong.
I have noticed that the medicine that we recieve now-a-days doesn't cure you from the problems that you may have. They just help you cope with them. They figured out that the money isn't in curing diseases. The money is in helping you live with them longer. To me. that's really messed up. Oh well, we feed the machine.
So the moral of the story is that we should re-examine ourselves and see what we need to do to set our priorities straight. We don't need a pill for this or that. We need to take control of the situation or the situation will take control of us. Well... It's the start of a new week. Everyone take care of yourselves.
Before I go... I want to thank Roni and Moe for joining me on my journey into craziness. I love the way they can let loose and think way outside of the box. I hope that the little project we have can grow and bear beautiful fruits. Keep safe and dream big!
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