There are days that just don't seem to end. There are time where you wish that you would've stood in bed. That's how my week is turning out so far. Let me explain ( or at least try to) how my week has been going.
I started off the week by going to work and realizing that now our patient population from the north is making its way down to us. This means that our workload is about to get really heavy. For the most part, our Floridian patient population are nice. We do occasionally get that one patient that you want to make disappear and have his/her picture show up on a milk carton. Most understand that the federal government is overworked and underpaid. They treat us with dignity and respect. That all changes when the "snowbirds" show up. They are literally the most obnoxious bunch of degenerates anyone can ever meet. They demand everything at the moment and have a very low patience level. Anyway, we try our best to help them. With that said, you all know that I ran into some already. However, this is not the theme of this entry.
You see, this week I had to get my annual TB test done at the hospital. Ever since I came back from Iraq ( Persian Gulf), I knew I developed a hypersensitivity to the doggone test. No one paid attention until this week. I went tho employee health like a good employee and presented myself for testing. I advised the nurse the I was hypersensitive to the test. She looked at me as though I dropped my pants and and peed in her corn flakes, while she was eating. Just because I don't have the letters RN after my name doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. Mind you, I was a Hospital Corpsman for eight years in the Navy. Still though, she looked at me as though I had a booger hanging off the end of my nose. I stood quiet as she proceeded to administer the test. She gave me my sub dermal injection and I was gone from her office.
Less than twenty four hours later, I was back in her office with a reaction to the test that had them scrambling like roaches when the lights come on. when they saw that the site turned red and had "grown" considerably, they acted as if I had that disease from the movie "12 Monkeys". Now I know how bad TB is. However, I did tell them about what was going to happen because I knew that although I didn't have TB, I was exposed to it at one point in my military career. So off they shove me like some leper from the Bible. I was told to go to radiology to get x-rays. Luckily, I found someone and told them my whole ordeal. They finally listened and decided not to take me out into a field field and shoot me like one of the undead.
Now, if they would've listened to me a lot of people would have not pissed their pants. I don't pretend to be Doogy Houser. All I'm saying is sometime we can prevent making ourselves look like the poster boy for King/Queen of the Village Idiots if we just take a minute to analyze the situation.
I know that we always jump too quickly. We are human afterall. How many times this has happened to us. We get upset because we can't find the keys to the car and we're holding them all along.... ok, so maybe that only has happened to me...but you get the idea. So I ask everyone to take one moment in their stressful lives and stop and think when a situation comes up. It may mean the difference between being successful or looking like Britney Spears take a MENSA exam.
Anywho...have a safe day eveyone and don't forget to tune in this weekend for another webisode of SamVidBlog News. Keep safe and dream big.
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