I'm usually a nice guy. I love helping out people who ask me for help. I even help out those who don't even ask for help. I love being friendly. I enjoying knowing that I was able to brighten up someones day, when they're having a terrible day. I love making children and adults alike feeling that they are special enough for me to care.
At times, the task is difficult. Sometime people that I meet aren't in the best of moods. Yet, I don't let that deter me. I love a challenge and the satisfaction one feels upon getting through and making that person's day. There is nothing quiet like that feeling.
With that being said, do you know what is the biggest monkey wrench in my gears to stop helping? Body odor. I have come across some individuals that have a stench so bad that they would make a maggot gag! I have smelled beer farts that were more pleasant that their body stench. Their stench is like a mixture of vinegar and rotten milk. It's like burnt hair mixed with booby sweat. You can smell them leaving their house 15 mile away. It's just terrible!
It's hard to even concentrate when they come up to me. My eyes begin to water and my lunch makes its way to the back of my throat. It's like I can't even breath. Their stench literally takes the oxygen out of the air around them. They are a walking biohazard weapon!
The problem is that they don't even care. I'd understand if they were homeless or severely mental incapacitated, but alot aren't. They know full well that they smell like the devil's buttcrack and they don't care about it. What gives???!!!!
What's worse is when they come in with their spouse. They drove all the way to the hospital with this individual. How the heck did they survive driving all the way in with the windows up. If it were me, I'd be like the family dog with my head sticking way out the window. As a matter of fact, I would probably strap myself to the roof of the car.
What ever happened to persoanl hygene? What ever happened to getting ready to go see the doctor. Don't they believe in soap? Or how about deodorant? Come on, we only live in the 21 st century and you have not heard of this thing that kills odor?
I have the right to tell the individual that they offend me. Their odor is an invasion into my sanity. I think that there should be a law against offensive odor. Oh well, maybe just looking at them funny I'll let them know how I feel. Well folks, take care. Have a safe weekend. Keep safe and dream big!
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