There are things in life that will make anybody squirm upon hearing it. The following entry is pretty gross. So, if you have a weak stomach, I suggest you look away and wait for the next entry. With that said, Let me begin the story.
On Saturday, I became thirsty and got me a soda. This is a usual event for billions of people around the world. I popped it open and began to drink from it. I noticed that the flavor was slightly off, but I didn't mind. I kept on. About half way through the can, I felt something in my mouth. At first, I thought it was something that I had eaten and finally made its way towards my stomach. However, something told me to talk a closer look.
The first thing that came into my mind was that I had somehow inhaled a gnat. This usually happens to people when they talk outside. Yet, this felt too big to be a gnat. I spat it out to take a look at it. To my horror, it was the one thing that I never imagined to be in the soda. It was a nightmare to accept what just had happen. I HAD JUST DRANK A SODA FILLED WITH MAGGOTS!!!! The bad part was that I was halfway done with the can!
It is needless to say that I didn't stop vomiting until I felt my soul coming out with the heaving. I nearly passed out from all the stress. The las t time I had thrown up like that was when I ate maggots when I was 17 years old. That's right, you read right. This was my second time! I couldn't believe it either.
My life has been filled with events that would cause anyone else to seek medical help for the traumatic disorders caused by the events. I don't know why, but I think that I'm God's favorite toy. I don't mind it. It makes for an interesting life.
So the next time you have a bad day, remember this... Yours is nothing compared to mine. Trust me, your life is good compared to mine. I don't complain about it, but know that. Anyway, I hope you all have a great week. Remember to vote for your favorite SamVidBlog News Anchor. You're gonna see some campaign commercials going up. Just be aware that we're sailing into the madness known as Sam's Paradise. Have a good one folks. Keep safe and dream big!
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