Hey crazy cats! So here I am. We are one week away from Thanksgiving. The holidays are almost upon us. 2007 started off kind of rocky and then it just got worse. Rising gas prices, a never ending war , and pregnant man plagued our news media. As for me, I think I finally made a turn for the better. My life is looking really good and I feel great. Hopefully, 2009 will be the year of Sam.
Well, today I stood home from work because I felt a little sick. It could be the change in weather or it could be the fact that I ate 12 sushi rolls. All I know is that I pleased the porcelain god today. I realized that a day home from work is like a day home from school. I just sat around the house and did nothing. I literally drifted in and out of sleep throughout the day. When I was conscience, I managed to log on to YouTube and watch some old episodes of "You Can't Do That On Television". That's right, I watched that show. Hey look, if you don't want to admit that when no body's looking you do the same, that's OK. At least I'm happy to say that I'm that flipping crazy to admit it.
It brought back so many memories of my youth. I remember when my mom used to steal cable from the next door neighbors and we used to watch it. I used to sit in front of the TV every Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. As stated before, I was an 80's kid. In other words, the TV was my nanny. I was easily amused by the often lame Canadian humor that was brought into my home, thanks to Nickelodeon and the stolen cable.
I was jumping for joy when one of the cast members would "slip up" and say the word water. I would pee my pants in delight when someone would utter the words "I don't know?". To me, the show was way ahead of its time. It would tackle subjects that would be current, but put it into a way that young kids would understand. If you have never seen the show, then go over to YouTube and check it out. Trust me, you will not be disappointed.
I loved every sketch on the show. I loved the opposites, Barfs Burgers, the locker jokes, the executions, the bum looking dad, and there's still more to the show. The show was nicely written, without being to condescending to children. It would keep a kid glued to the TV for the half hour duration.
By now, I know that alot of you, who have watched the show, are remembering your favorite parts or episodes. This show is up there with Dangermouse, Thundercats, He-Man, Transformers, G.I. Joe, Murder She Wrote.... wait a minute....let's skip that last one. Well, you get the gist of it.
It was done during a time when it was fun to watch television. The show didn't rely on product placement, violence, sex, or anything offensive to be a delight. I wish that television would go back to that. That's one of the reasons I gave up watching television over five years ago. Way too much garbage on.
Well folks, I'm calling this one done. You all take care. I'll see you this weekend, hopefully, for another edition of SamVidBlog News. Keep those votes coming in. Every vote counts. Come back often. There's going to be more campaign commercials. It's going to be alot of fun. We are going to get alot weirder. Keep safe and dream big!
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