Today's entry is going to be one of sheer anger. I can't believe, even in this day and age, the ignorance of displayed still by some individuals. Now, before I go any further, let state that my girlfriend and her friend were present when this crime against humanity and God was committed. I was honestly not doing a thing wrong.
We went to the Improv in Ybor City. It was a good show. The comics were really good. We were laughing from start to finish. If anyone is looking for a good show, and you are in Tampa, Fl., stop by. You will not be disappointed. Anyway, Melissa had a couple and so did her friend. I was the DD. I figured it was the wise thing to do. As we left the show, she asked me to go get the car, while she waited. After all, I was not going to make her walk a couple of blocks in heels. After all, I do have some intelligence.
I shuffled quickly through the neighborhood. A Puerto Rican in the wrong part of town is a really bad thing. I made it to the car and proceeded to go and pick up he girls. I drove like I was on my way to the Proctologist. I wasn't going to risk anything to this car. As I pull up to the curb, I notice a police cruiser behind me. I didn't think anything of it. They file in and we make our way back home...or so I thought.
Half way down the block, the police code bars go on and he's signaling me to pull over. We are all baffled in the car. Why the heck is this guy pulling us over. Then, I remembered. I'm PUERTO RICAN! Apparently, it is a serious crime to be Puerto Rican in Ybor City. I am considered worse than a terrorist with explosives at the Vatican!
As he approached the vehicle, the rest of the car's passengers wondered what was going on. He immediately asked for my license, registration, and proof of insurance. He never once told us what we did wrong. I guess he was making everything up as he went along. I realized that I had become a victim of racial profiling.
I don't understand how we fit the description. My music wasn't playing loud, there were no gaggle of children all over the back street, or even the street glow lights. Hell, I didn't even have the goofy Puerto Rican flag hanging from the rearview mirror. So officer T.J. Hooker decided to be a total douche bag. I stood shut because I didn't want the women to get dirty from all my blood and brain matter spraying everywhere.
Now, here's the kick to the head. I wasn't given the ticket. My girlfriend was given the ticket! I guess he wanted to show that white girls aren't supposed to date hispanics. Maybe if she sat in the back seat, the policeman would've thought that I was her driver. Oh well, the world will never know.
From here on in, we're taking the video camera wherever we go. YouTube is going to be my new friend. I am not causing trouble. I'm just insuring that trouble leaves me alone. Too bad Johnny Cochran is dead. At least I know that I wasn't doing anything wrong.
Well folks, sorry about he sriuosness of the entry. I just needed to vent some. This is the only way I know that I can vent and not get arrested. Ok folks, stay tuned, hopefully we'll record and post a show this weekend. By the way, I know that there were problems with last week's show. I heard that the problem has been solved. So, take a look at it, if you haven't. On that note, keep safe and dream big!
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