Monday, August 24, 2009

There's Just More To Love

Hey crazy cats! Another glorious week is off to a beautiful start! Things are starting to look up for the better for me. But enough about me. For today's entry, I'm going to go old-school. I'm going back to the style of writing I had done about a year ago. Today's subject is a subject that many laugh at, but we know we are guilty for having them. The subject of the day is..... fat! That's right! I said the "f" word! The word that starts world wars and causes divorces. many people know their overweight ( present company included), but refuse to let someone else tell them that they are. It's kind of funny if you think.

There are many ways to describe fat that finds itself settling in places where we don't want it to set. I mean, come on, why doesn't fat settle in our biceps or triceps? Nope, it settles in our "love handle" region. Some of us have "love handles" so big they should be called "love railings"!

Another region, that has recently been put into the spotlight, is the lower leg extremities. We, of course, are talking about "cankle". Yes! This region was thrown into the spotlight, like some guy throwing a bag full of puppies into traffic, by Monica Lewinsky. No one ever really understood why former President Bill Clinton had such a fascination with this woman. I figure it was one of two things. My first theory is that he had a little fetish with big girls. To tell you the truth, I really never liked skinny women. They nearly always so full of themselves. I can't stand shallow women. my second theory is that he realized that Hillary was more "handsomer" than he was ( I don't know what it means! Just accept it!).

We, as an American society are getting really big. We eat till we burst and we just don't stop! Since I work at a local hospital here in Florida, I see first hand how we address the issue. I have witnessed many times were a patient comes in and wants to lode weight. What's the first thing we do? We put him on a scooter! Why!!!? Oh my Flipping God! It's madness I tell you!

Anyway, I know I was, at one time, a planetoid! I was so flipping big that NASA was shooting space probes at me and making missions to put astronauts on me by 2025! I had a serious weight problem. It was a struggle everyday. It still is. However, the key is to continue and keep on, even if you have setbacks. That's what I've been doing.

I think my wake up call came when my friends told me that the back of my neck looked like I had a pack on "Nathan's Franks" Hotdogs on the back of my neck! That and the fact that I couldn't reach my shoes to tie them. I realized I was setting myself up for a serious health crisis. I had to become more health conscience. So, with a little help and alot of will power, I gave up eating a whole extra-large, hand-tossed, meat-lovers pizza from Pizza Hut ( I wish I were lying) and began to take control of my life. I'm not super-fit ( not by any means), but I'm on the right track. I know I can do better ( and I will get there). I'm just making the changes at a rate where it isn't a total shock to my system.

At any rate, The Global War on Cellulite is ongoing. It shall be won with strategery and unrelentless crusaderism. The fat has misunderestimated me. I shall use my verbosity on it.... Ok, enough of that! Anyway, I'm calling this one done! Keep safe and dream big!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lasiks with Ginsu Knives

Hello crazy cats, it's another fun-filled hump day! As of late, I've still been feeling a little under the weather, but I have been trying to ignore it and carry on. I guess it couldn't come at a better time because even my workload at work was low. It's kind of like a mini vacation. Anyway, I took this opportunity to reflect and meditate on things that have been affecting my life recently. I have been reflecting and thinking alot, to say the least. These moments have been an eye-opening experience.
Now before I get emails of people saying that I see the world through rose-colored glasses ( God, I hate that expression), let me say that I don't. I just refuse to let the world bring me down any more. I fight for my happiness.
Anyway, good things have been happening to me lately.i even came into some money recently and decided to treat myself. Unfortunately, my original plan did not come to flourish. The plan was to invite some I knew on a weekend fishing trip, but things didn't work out as planned. So, I quickly improvised and called up an old friend. Although we didn't do the fishing trip, we decided to catch a show and watch scary movies till we peed our pants. Actually, she peed, I laughed. Plus, she needed to get out of her house. She was going nuts. She was going through so much. life had her against the ropes and I know that this was a great stress reliever.
I try never to forget about how much our friends and loved ones mean to me. I cherish them with all my heart and they know that I love them dearly. I guess I had forgotten that there are people in this world that genuinely care about you and love you. I know that my family loves me, but it's nice to see others (besides family) can love you too. I recently have noticed that I'm saying things more open now. Before, I tended to hide my feelings, when it came to show of affection. Some series of unfortunate events, have made me face the real fact that you should tell them how you fell because tomorrow may be too late. Now, I'm not talking just about death. It may be that you no longer can say what you feel about that person. Life can be cruel sometimes.
Let me give you an example... I will not mention the names,but it will not matter anyway. The story takes place in 1986. Yeah yeah yeah...I know...ancient history... Anywho, I was in junior high. As I sat down for my first day of class in the new grade (notice I'm not telling you what grade. You figure it out), I met this girl. She was the sweetest girl I had ever met. We became friends and quickly found ourselves hanging around each other a lot. We were like totally awesome friends...Sorry, it's the 80's talking... right... We were pretty much inseparatable. We even went to see "The Goonies" together.I pretty much realized that we were attracted to each other, but I dared not try to make a move. I feared that I would damage what we had. I was already looking towards the break-up before we even dated! It was awful. I had a crush on this girl bigger than the whole United States had on Michael J Fox and Molly Ringwald put together ( by the way, Molly Ringwald is soooooo flipping hot!). I so way wanted to kiss her...again with the 80's talk!
Some how, she noticed the situation and tried to make it easier for me. Do you think this idiot went for it? NO! I was suffering from terminal nerdosity! I guess she got tired and went with some other dude. My heart was broken. I was devastated. I even failed the grade! It took me all summer to forget about her. Why did I let her get away? It was a dumb mistake. Years later, I bumped into her and we chatted. She even brought up the subject of us in school. We laughed and she told me that she had the biggest crush on me. She also said that she was devastated when I didn't ask her to be my girlfriend. I told her the truth. I was too scared. I was scared to live my dream of being her boyfriend. I was scared about the possible problems may might encounter. How stupid is that? So, as she walked away with her child, I realized that I should never hold myself back from being happy. Life is an adventure. Love is an adventure.
So, I bet I have lost everyone on the moral of the story. Well, me too. Anyway, don't live your life scared. Take the risk. You may have the best thing in life happen to you. Keep safe and dream big!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Fear of Fear

Hey crazy cats! Welcome to another entry in my blog. As many of you know, I have recently evolved the blog into one that has more depth and insight into my life. As always, I will try to deliver an honest and sincere account of what an ordinary person goes through in life. i think it's a good thing because I talk about things that many of us are just too stubborn or afraid to talk about. I'm not afraid to put stuff out there and have people evaluate and either use it or give me some pointers.
My entry today is a sort of puzzling one. There have been good things that have happen to me this weekend. Case in point, I have reunited with my old Navy buddies. It's great to catch up with their lives and to see that they are making it in this crazy world. It feels good. It's feels like time really didn't kill our friendships. I'm glad to have them again in my life.
However, unfortunately, This isn't the subject that I wanted to talk about. My subject today deals with a subject that we're all too familiar with...heartbreak. Now, before you guys begin to beat me up and give me some off the wall suggestions, let me say my piece and then you decide. Once you walk a mile in someone's shoes, that's when you begin to know them. First, let me shed some light on the subject.
Most times than not, men are afraid to show what they truly feel. People look at them as weak or sissies. They say that men are supposed to move on as if nothing happened. I guess that's why men have a problem either showing or conveying emotions. Little boys are told by their dads that boys don't cry. It's a sign of weakness. To show their emotions leaves them vulnerable to attack. We grow up believing this nonsense and making it the gospel truth. From a young age, we are taught to be emotionally cold.
When it comes to love, we are also taught that you should never "cry" or feel sad about a woman. We are told to forget that worthless so-and-so; that another one will come along. I find this very disturbing. To me, that is feeding the idea that women are just worthless objects for men's entertainment. The basic idea is that when a couple break up, the woman is at home crying while the guy is out getting "busy" with another woman. That is disgusting!
However, that's the world we live in. We live in a world where we must oppress what we feel. The thing is that sooner or later it all comes to the surface.We find our lives unfulfilled. Why do we do that to ourselves? Are we to believe that this is the correct manner in which to live?
Even more astounding is the fact that women are also buying into the idea of becoming separated from emotions. can you imagine a world where no one really is in touch with their emotions? This is chaos! Why must we live the way others taught us to live? Especially when we see that they're wrong! No wonder the world seems like it's losing its love.
Call me a hippie or whatever, I refuse to live by the status quo, when I see that it's wrong. Many times we just say to ourselves we will not show any emotion because we are afraid. We stopped trusting in each other. If we do trust, it's not completely. My question is why? Why do we do this to ourselves? Why are we afraid to live? Why have we lost faith in something we still want to believe in?
I am not blind to the fact that in life we get hurt. Trust me, I have had pain in my life. I understand that there are times when life, love, and everything else in between sucks. How many times we put ourselves out there and we hit with a fastball to the groin? This, however, doesn't stop me. I have learned that you stand up and fight for what you believe in. That, in itself, is a test of character.
I am a very passionate person. I care and love like if tomorrow is never going to come. The truth is we don't know if today is our last day. I don't want to have any regrets. till now, there are none.
We must not let life get in our way. If we do, we end up bitter and cold. We must not limit ourselves in what we love or believe in. Give your heart and passion to friends, family, and life. Be the one that everyone wants to be like. Do not be afraid of being vulnerable. If we limit ourselves, we will not be happy.
To end this entry, I have a little story... it's an ancient Chinese story...
There once was a very young bluebird. The bluebird was one of many in the nest. One day, one by one, the other bluebirds went to the edge of the nest, high above in the trees, and jumped out, so as to learn to fly. Many of them hit the ground hard. They flapped their little wings, but fell to the earth below. One by one, they made their way off the ground and took flight. Now, the very young bluebird, seeing what happened to the other ones, had some hesitations. However, the bird stepped to the edge and took the leap. It flapped its little wings, but it still fell to the ground. It crashed very hard. The little bluebird felt the pain running through every inch of its tiny body. The little bluebird decided that flying was much too dangerous. Flying would lead to falling and getting hurt. So the little bluebird decided to walk everywhere it went. As time passed, the little bluebird grew. It still looked up to the heavens and saw the others birds fly overhead. The bluebird became very sad. It didn't know why. One day, as fate would have it, the bluebird came across a snail. The bluebird saw how the snail looked up to the heavens with awe and cried. Moved by the snails, reaction, the bluebird came up to it. The bluebird asked the snail why did it cry. The snail responded, "If I had only wings to fly as high as I wanted and not be always on the ground so low." the bluebird responded" yes, but you can fall and really get hurt." The snail nodded " yes,but I would take that chance if it meant I could touch heaven..."
Keep safe and dream big!