Thursday, January 14, 2010

Here We Come to Save the Day!

Hey crazy cats,

I was just reading the news on (great product placement) and I noticed that the U.S. Navy is sending my old ship to Haiti! Yes, that's right the USS Carl Vinson (cell block 70)! The only aircraft carrier in the whole entire fleet who has an identity thinks it's a Minesweeper! That damned thing once went out for a 40 day qualifications mission and returned 9 months later! Just ask my friends (those who didn't jump ship and swam to another country that is...). I swear that our captain was none other than Captain Hector Barbosa (Pirates of the Caribbean movies...for all you non-Disney movie watchers).

There's nothing quite like waking up in the middle of the ocean amongst people who are as just as depressed and missing out on life as you are. The food was outstanding....not. The living accommodations were a little better than those of a Turkish prison inmate. Those were the days!

Anyway, the Vinson is on her way to the crisis zone. Usually, this means there will be no airwing onboard. They may have a helicopter squadron. The rest of the space (the hangerbay) will be for supplies for the area, which means that there will be no space for pretty much anything else.

While on the subject, I also read that the president of Haiti is homeless. least he now knows how the rest of his country lives. It's kind of sad when the government of a country doesn't even have a legitimate emergency response team. I heard Anderson Cooper, from CNN, say that the police are not stopping to help the people. No one knows where are they going to. It really is total chaos.

It's amazing the way we jump at the opportunity to help out a nation that got leveled by an earthquake. It took all of 40 hours. My question is the following. Could someone tell me why it took our same government 5 days to respond to Hurricane Katrina! Has anyone thought the same?! It seems ridiculous to me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping out the Haitian Nation. I'm just upset at the fact that we jump out of our pants and help nations, who think we're Satan's righthand, in the blink of an eye and yet we drag our feet to help our own. It's nuts I tell you! Where the heck is our priorities?

I don't believe in Isolationist Ideas. I believe we should lead by example. I think we should help our neighbor. However, I don't see North Korea, Iran, or even Saudia Arabia jumping to the chance either. The United States is usually the one that even before one has time to digest the news of a disaster, we're there with our help and money.

I'm just tired of the way we shell out money like it's candy to nations, without any accountability, and yet we still have people living in sub-conditioned trailers in New Orleans! Why?! Why must we look so great to others when we have a problem, no one helps us. Double standards.

However, I'm glad that we're going in. At least we know things are going to get done. Hopefully, we'll be able to get more people out of the rubble alive. My heart and prayers go to those who perished in the face of this natural disaster.

Well, I'm calling this one done. Y'all be safe. Keep safe and dream big!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Issues and Issues

Hey crazy cats, It's finally starting to get a little warmer here in Florida. There isn't that much ice in the mornings. It isn't that we're complaining down here. We're just not prepared to the cold weather and ice for days on end. However, the sun's out and the heat is slowly coming back up.
Anyway, I woke up this morning and read on the news about the horrific earthquake in Haiti. The country's capital is apparently destroyed. That's pretty bad. We all know that the death count is going to be high. That's just terrible.
That got me thinking again. Yep, more smoke... more fire engines racing down the road. I know that I'm not the only one noticing the event that are unfolding. I know that the government told us that the concept of global warming is as real as the tooth fairy, but I'm beginning to doubt that. I know that the government will not not or hold secrets from us....(pun intended).
It seems like the planet is pretty much pissed at us and is letting us know it. We, as humans, have been a parasitic entity on this world. We rape its natural resources and never even think twice about our actions. We do not care about what our grandchildren are going to inherit. We believe that the planet will continue to give us its bounty without any forms of repercussions.
It is unfortunate that most think this way. Only a few actually are thinking what might happen if we continue in this way. As a matter of fact, we are already seeing the ramifications of our actions. Granted, some of the things are natural in origin. I believe that the natural events are happening as a secondary action due to our incompetence of being stuarts of the planet. Call me crazy, but that's my stance.
I'm the first to admit that I'm not the most earth-friendly dude on the planet, but I do try. I don't think that many of us are really taking what's going on seriously. It's usually the whole "me" attitude. Eventually, it will catch up to us. I just hope we can change before we get to that point.
Moving onto another subject, as some of you know, from an entry done a couple of years ago, I am the proud owner of two beautiful African Grey Congo Parrots (Jasmine and Stitch). They have been such a delight. They continue to amaze me on a daily basis. Their curiosity is only shadowed by their caring and love.
Lately, both have been learning a little too much. They imitate every single sound they here. When I'm around them. They imitate me until the point of nausea. However, they also listen to other sounds when I'm not at home. I guess I have to leave the radio on because I hate the sound of dogs barking. Either that or expensive "game hens".

Anyway, I have to continue working, since I'm doing this entry on my work time. I love the government! Well, I hope everyone has a great day. Keep safe and dream big!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Zen and Now

Hello crazy cats! Salutations from the frozen tundra known as Southern Florida! Wow, I thought that a couple of cold days and then back to normal, but not here. I left the north in search for warmer surroundings. I guess I have to cross illegally in Mexico to escape the cold. Hmm, what a concept!

Anyways, another week is in full swing. The weatherman says that the temperature is supposed to get back to normal really soon. Yeah right! This comes from a person who says 40% chance of rain and there's not a cloud in the sky!

I've noticed that people are becoming less tolerant during this cold spell. I've seen people go to punches. I'm wondering if it's the shivering or just that people go nuts with the cold. Whatever it is, I wish things would get better.

People waste too much time in arguing and going on. Sometimes the best thing to do is be quiet and let the situation die. However, some will tend to disagree. They cite their right to express themselves. They say that they're angry and they're entitled to it. They go on and on about stupidity and beat a dead horse till you want to kill yourself. If you try to leave the room, they follow you and continue. "I need to get this off my chest", is their battle cry. Whatever!

I totally believe in treating others as you wish to be treated. I think I've had enough experience to see that there is such a thing as karma. If you do bad, bad will happen to you. If you do good, then you're life is enriched with many blessings. At least that's what we hope.

How can anyone go through life and be so angry at anyone or anything? Why do we waste our time and energies on something so useless as anger? To me, we are entitled to become angry now and then, but we shouldn't let it govern our lives. It is like some people get so obsessed with letting anger ruin their lives. I feel that it's like a drug. They need to feel it. It gives them purpose.

Some people let it brew all their lives. They are totally content with anger letting govern them. If presented with the opportunity to let it go, they will not do it. They would rather die a slow and agonizing death than forgive and move on. Case in point, the Middle East. They've been going at it since the beginning of time. It's pretty much pointless now and everyone has forgotten why they originally started fighting for. It's just a big waste.

Yet, that is the way some people live their lives, unfortunately. I have seen some people not let the anger go. I remember someone, who actually was angry with a best friend, not letting go to the point of letting that person die without saying I'm sorry. The thing is that I know that person wanted to say those words, yet never got the chance to.

So the question is what do we do when we feel anger towards someone. Here's the answer... it's a lot harder to do it... let it go. It helps you out in the long run. I believe in the less negative things you have on your soul, the better. It helps you sleep at night. The less stress you have, the more life you have.

It seems that people don't seem to understand this concept. It is such a shame that so much precious time is wasted on worthless anger. If we all just listened, we would do better. We don't have to agree with what is being said. All we have to do is acknowledge the other person's ideas. We avoid anger this way.

Well folks, I'm calling this one done. Have a great day! Keep safe and dream big!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Calgon Take Me Away and Leave Me For Dead!

Hey crazy cats, another cold day here in Florida. Hey, it even snowed on Saturday! I thought I suffered a severe stroke and was seeing things, but it was really snowing! Anyway, I pretty much had a pretty day day from the get go.

It pretty much all started when I woke up and realized that it was two degrees below "holy crap! I think I crapped my pants from the cold!" I really didn't want to get out of my warm bed, but I dragged my semi-comatose body out of the bed and on my way to work. Trust me, and I know a lot of you will agree, no one wants to leave a perfectly warm comfortable bed at the start of a cold day. However, as I dragged my body throughout the house and made myself up, I had a funny feeling things weren't going to go as planned. Of course, they didn't...

I left my cozy warm abode and made my way to the car. The wind through the breezeway was enough make even the most sane person set themselves on fire! As I was thinking of a million excuses to go back and call in, I noticed the frost on my car. I thought "wow, frost and snow in Florida..." On a little side note, I don't understand why scientists are going on about global warming.. There's no such thing! We're freezing!

I made it to my car and tried to turn on my total chick magnet mobile ( get the joke, right?). After several attempts, begging God, cursing up a storm, and finally hitting the steering wheel a couple of times, I gave up the notion that it was going to turn on without the help of jumper cables.

I stood out there, in the cold, for what seemed an eternity. I called everyone and their grandmothers. No one would answer. Finally, at around 7:30 am, someone finally came around. The Good Samaritan tried very hard to help, but to no avail. This time, the battery really died out. I abandoned all hope and left it in fate's hands. I finally realized that there might be a way out of the mess. Someone finally showed up with pair of jumper cables. I finally got the car started and dragged my butt to work.

When I got to work, I realized that my day was just getting better. Normally, my day is usually filled with maybe one bad person. It seemed like today it was full of it...literally. It didn't really matter to me. It made my day go by so much faster. As a matter of fact, I prefer it that way. Someone close to me works from home and she tells me that sometimes she wishes she had a job like mine.

So, to sum up my day, I got home (it was still cold out), made sure the car still worked, and thanked the Good Lord I made it home in one piece. Life isn't so bad when we take a moment to realize that no matter how much you fight, it's all messed up. We should enjoy every moment of it.

Well, I'm calling this one done. Keep safe and dream big!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Paging Dr. Phil!...

Hey crazy cats,

I usually take the weekends off, but today's entry comes as a surprise to me. I was sitting at home and minding my own business when I suddenly received a call! Usually, I let it go to voicemail. Who has time to listen to silly messages when you're watching Megan Fox running through a desert in a really tight outfit in Transformers 2 ( tell you don't do that and I'll call you a liar!). Anyway, I decided to answer it.

As it turns out, it was a relationship problem of some of my friends. I'm not going to go into detail, but it was pretty bad. Anyway, after two hours of listening and finally hanging up the phone, I began to think ( that's why you heard all those fire engines earlier). I know what you're thinking...oh no, it's another "relationship insight" entry!..Well, you're right!

I don't pretend to be an expert. Nor do I use this media as a platform to attack anyone. I just believe in finding peace and happiness. Sometimes, the ugly truth hurts though. It isn't easy realizing one's mistakes, accepting them, learning from them, and moving on.

Now, I know what alot are going to say now. Well, you're divorced! Yes Iam. And? I've learned from that moment in my life. Do I think getting married was a bad idea? No. I was very happy. Do I think getting divorced was a good idea? No. I hated it, but it made me better. I realized who I was after going through the fire of it. I realized that I love who I am and that I am capable of great love, even after such a destructive event. Do I hate my ex-wife?, I don't. I married her because I loved her, but that's in the past. Although I haven't spoken to her since it started, I do wish her the best in life. I can't say if it's reciprocated, since I haven't heard from her. However, her silence speaks volumes. That's ok.

Anyway, back to the topic. Relationships, nowadays, seem like that they have a fast shelf life. They usually last only a few years. If we look back in history, we notice that the relationship shelf life started in the mid-1960's ( Google it!)It pretty much started at the start of the sexual and cultural revolution. Both men and women awoke to a sense of not being bound by anything. To some degree, it was a fresh and radical way of thinking. In other ways, it was the start of the marriage decay.

Now, flash forward to 2010, 60% of marriages end in divorce in the U.S! What happened? When we get down to it, it's the lack of interest in making it work. Back in the day, people wanted their marriage to work. I know some people are thinking that women stood with their men because of money issues. To some extent, that's correct. However, women always had power.

I believe the problem really took flight in the 1980's. It was the "me" decade. What's in it for me? What can I get out of it? That was the common philosophy. That thought took root and found its way into the homes.

Divorces started to skyrocket! People didn't care that they were married for twenty years! They didn't care about the children. It was a mess. The problem became worse.

We are now a society that doesn't like to work for anything. we want satisfaction now! Just look at our everyday lives. We have remotes for everything. We don't even need to leave our house to shop ( Amazon....). We have our movies delivered to our door (Netflix)! We don't even care to show our children how a realtionship should be like (Hustler, Playboy, Penthouse, Spice, and countless others...).

We have forgotten how to be human. We would rather be angry at the other than forgive and move forward. We want to be angry. We want to hate. We want to wish ill to the other. We don't want to heal. We forgot how to truly love. It is easier to hate than to learn to forgive.

I agree that sometimes divorce is the only alternative. Not all stories have a happy ending. However, what would happen if we just hang in there a bit longer? What if we put more effort into our relationships? I'm just making an observation. Sometimes, being steadfast means being isolated. Compromise is the key.

So, my friend's relationship has ended. We're all saddened by it. I know it brought back stuff. I plan to help him the bet I can. It's not easy, but it can be done. All things happen for a reason (or at least we're lead to believe). All we can do is move forward and hope for the best. Keep safe and dream big!

A New Start

Hello everyone! it's been quite a bit of time since my last entry. I know. I know... I've been lazy. However, we are in a brand new year and it's time to kick it off right! For starters, Kalyki Films and Caribbean Sun Productions will be going online really soon. I'm trying to work on a plan for a show to showcase some of the talent we have here. Hopefully by the summer, we will have something already going full steam ahead. As for scripts, I'm working on a couple. I'm a slow typer so bear with me.

Moses, on the other hand, is doing great! You'll soon see more of him. I don't want to steal his thunder. So, I'm going to keep quiet. As for Veronica, well... we all miss her. She's just a phonecall away. I know we all want to see her again.

Last year was a very weird year. Lot's of good things happened to me and yet some strange things also happened. I hope this year things will be a very good way. I really can't categorize it as a bad year, but it wasn't that great either. Oh well, that's the story of my life.

This year, I'm looking forward to the Winter Olympics in Canada. I'm gonna enjoy them, eh? I love them. I don't know how am I going to keep up since I don't like cable. I haven't had cable in over five years! Oh well, where there is a will, there's a way.

Well, i'm going to keep this one short. I'll try not to let half the year pass before another entry. Keep safe and dream big!