Hello crazy cats! It's finally getting warm here in Florida! I no longer have to turn on the heater at night and wear my long-johns to work....Actually, the only thing I did was turn on the heater. The cold-spell is finally leaving us.
Well, it's almost Christmas. The trees are in homes across America. Almost everybody have finished their Christmas shopping. The families are making last-minute tweaks to their traveling plans, in order to see their loved ones. The festiveness is in the air.
Two weeks from now, we bid 2010 goodbye. It was a rough year, but I feel it was a year of learning and growing. This year, I learned so much about myself. I've learned to truly forgive others, to move passed petty things that bothered me for so long and finally the meaning of being an open book to the rest of the world.
In my journeys, I have let many, including everyone who read this blog, in on the ups and downs of this exploration. I haven't hid much, when it came to the pain and triumphs in my life. Many a times, I have wondered the reason or lesson behind some of the things that have happen. Sometimes, the lessons are easy. They are straight-forward and clear. Other times, it is like trying to find out the beginning and end of a noodle in a spaghetti plate.
On thing I have tried to apply to every facet in my life is be true to oneself. Believe it or not, we do lie to ourselves. We lose track of our light within us. We forget to see things through the right lenses. We blame others for our misfortunes. We try not to accept responsibilities.
Being true to oneself is to really be honest. If something is a crutch, vice, or addiction to us, accept it. Acceptance is the first part. Case in point, if we get to work late everyday, then we shouldn't be annoyed when we get called on it. If we lie to the people we care for, then why do we get upset when they call us on it? If we become angry at people after we did them wrong, then expect nothing good of it.
We reap what we sow. There are times when we get shafted. It does happen. Case in point #2, I recently let myself really wide open. I trusted a certain person. I felt that I could say and reveal anything. I did. This person didn't hurt me, not one bit. However, they didn't even acknowledge the fact of my effort. It stung just a little. I was kind of bruised.
Was it done intentionally? I doubt it. Was it done out of fear? Tough one to call. It isn't easy. I'm not easy. So the question is was I honest with myself? I guess I wasn't. I tried to fit a square peg in a triangle hole. I tried to turn a blind eye to the rest of the factors in a complex equation. In short, I lied to myself. Why? I don't have an answer.
I don't want to go down that road again. However, as human as I am, I will. It's human nature. It bites. It stinks, but it's life. The easy way around this is to be honest with oneself. That way, All the obstacles are cleared. Once we are honest with ourselves, we have a peaceful conscience. We have no reason, on our part with our soul, to be upset, angry, or disillusioned.
When we begin to be honest and accept ourselves, we begin a metamorphosis into someone better, someone we want to become. Well, this one is done. Everyone take care. Hopefully, I will make one more entry before the year is out. have fun! Keep safe and dream big!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Dying is Worth Living For
Hey crazy cats, greetings from the icy depths known as Florida. We woke up this morning with temperatures in the low 30's! Wow! Talk about a wake up. I moved down here to escape the cold weather and it seems to be following me. I guess the saying is true; you can run, but you can't hide. However, I keep on. The weather will soon get back to normal and I'll be back in my short sleeves and shorts.
Today's entry is going to be an extension of what I've been writing about recently. I've noticed that occurrences have been happening that have merited me to touch on the subject. I don't pretend to be an expert on any subject. let's face it, I'm not even a novice! however, from what I learn, I share.
Today I want to talk about the human spirit and its need to triumph. We all love the underdog stories. We love "Rocky". We've all cheer at the end of "The Karate Kid". We all cried at the end of "Men of Honor". We are all taught to fight and triumph over adversity. It is embedded in our DNA. It is the thing to do. Never give up. Never die.
We see it everyday in sports. Athletes battle everyday for victory. They fight for the honor and prestige of being known as champions. They get paid a outrageous salary to perform and succeed at their respected profession.
However, one thing that we haven't been educated to do is lose. We were never trained to die. We never like or acknowledge defeat. We fear death from the moment we are born. We look at death as though it is the end of existence.We make excuses when don't succeed. Bruce Lee once said, "To accept defeat — to learn to die — is to be liberated from it."
Once we accept defeat, death, or any other form of failure, we are liberated from them. We no longer fear the world. We no longer fear our limitations. We are not bound to the mediocre existence that others dread. We finally begin to live. We finally begin to cherish life. We see the beauty of it all.
Life isn't about whose the fastest, whose the strongest, or whose the smartest. Life is about enjoying the journey, seeing the beauty, feeling the warmth of it all. We see the wonders of what the Devine Creator wanted us to see. We see the newborn's smile while they sleep. We see the colors of the sunset for the first time. We hear our souls for the first time.
Now with all that being said, failure (actually, the acknowledgement of it potential existence) is actually a good thing. When we see life without limitations, we brave a new frontier. That, my friends, is one of my new things I've learned.
Well, it's another one done. I wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season. Keep safe and dream big.
Today's entry is going to be an extension of what I've been writing about recently. I've noticed that occurrences have been happening that have merited me to touch on the subject. I don't pretend to be an expert on any subject. let's face it, I'm not even a novice! however, from what I learn, I share.
Today I want to talk about the human spirit and its need to triumph. We all love the underdog stories. We love "Rocky". We've all cheer at the end of "The Karate Kid". We all cried at the end of "Men of Honor". We are all taught to fight and triumph over adversity. It is embedded in our DNA. It is the thing to do. Never give up. Never die.
We see it everyday in sports. Athletes battle everyday for victory. They fight for the honor and prestige of being known as champions. They get paid a outrageous salary to perform and succeed at their respected profession.
However, one thing that we haven't been educated to do is lose. We were never trained to die. We never like or acknowledge defeat. We fear death from the moment we are born. We look at death as though it is the end of existence.We make excuses when don't succeed. Bruce Lee once said, "To accept defeat — to learn to die — is to be liberated from it."
Once we accept defeat, death, or any other form of failure, we are liberated from them. We no longer fear the world. We no longer fear our limitations. We are not bound to the mediocre existence that others dread. We finally begin to live. We finally begin to cherish life. We see the beauty of it all.
Life isn't about whose the fastest, whose the strongest, or whose the smartest. Life is about enjoying the journey, seeing the beauty, feeling the warmth of it all. We see the wonders of what the Devine Creator wanted us to see. We see the newborn's smile while they sleep. We see the colors of the sunset for the first time. We hear our souls for the first time.
Now with all that being said, failure (actually, the acknowledgement of it potential existence) is actually a good thing. When we see life without limitations, we brave a new frontier. That, my friends, is one of my new things I've learned.
Well, it's another one done. I wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season. Keep safe and dream big.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Open Door Policy
Hey crazy cats, it's another entry in the insanity known as this website. It's been awhile since my last entry. it has been busy in my life, but I really want to make at least one more entry before the year is out. So, as usual, I'm going to jump into thee subject of this here blog-thingy.
Recently, I came across an interesting life lesson. It came in the form of a question. The question is ; "does everyone I know know how I feel about them?" How many times have we let those opportune moments pass us by? We take them for granted. We believe that we will always have tomorrow. We forget how fragile our lives really are.
We sometimes take the people in our lives for granted too. I'm not saying that death is always at our doorstep. Sometimes, if we wait too long, they leave. They don't leave because they want to. They leave because we push them to.
There are times where we don't say an "I love you" or an "you mean so much to me" or even an "I'm glad you're here". Sometimes, people leave because they feel unwanted or unneeded. Sometimes, we do need words of enlightenment. We do need to know where we stand.
We must always strive to be open books. We shouldn't keep our true feelings hidden from our loved ones. How do you expect to grow and prosper if you keep that seedling in your heart hidden from the sun? If we are afraid of getting hurt, it renders us weak and afraid to let our hearts grow. If problems are like rain, then we must let it rain. Even plants need rain to grow.
If we are afraid to live and love, then we are already dead. If we are afraid to dare, then we have stopped dreaming. If we lose faith, then our lives have no meaning. It is easy to pretend to live and be strong. However, living is taking that risk. Living is being courageous and making your own destiny.
Do not be afraid to tell anyone how you feel. Everyone you meet is in your life for a purpose. Cherish them. Care for them. Let them know.
We are only here on this earth for a little while. We are here for only a fraction of a billionth of a moment. Let's make it worthwhile. Be not afraid of being true to yourself. Be honest and explore. Love while you still can.
Well, I'm going to call this one done. Before I go, I want to wish everyone a happy holidays. Have fun and enjoy one another. Keep safe and dream big.
Recently, I came across an interesting life lesson. It came in the form of a question. The question is ; "does everyone I know know how I feel about them?" How many times have we let those opportune moments pass us by? We take them for granted. We believe that we will always have tomorrow. We forget how fragile our lives really are.
We sometimes take the people in our lives for granted too. I'm not saying that death is always at our doorstep. Sometimes, if we wait too long, they leave. They don't leave because they want to. They leave because we push them to.
There are times where we don't say an "I love you" or an "you mean so much to me" or even an "I'm glad you're here". Sometimes, people leave because they feel unwanted or unneeded. Sometimes, we do need words of enlightenment. We do need to know where we stand.
We must always strive to be open books. We shouldn't keep our true feelings hidden from our loved ones. How do you expect to grow and prosper if you keep that seedling in your heart hidden from the sun? If we are afraid of getting hurt, it renders us weak and afraid to let our hearts grow. If problems are like rain, then we must let it rain. Even plants need rain to grow.
If we are afraid to live and love, then we are already dead. If we are afraid to dare, then we have stopped dreaming. If we lose faith, then our lives have no meaning. It is easy to pretend to live and be strong. However, living is taking that risk. Living is being courageous and making your own destiny.
Do not be afraid to tell anyone how you feel. Everyone you meet is in your life for a purpose. Cherish them. Care for them. Let them know.
We are only here on this earth for a little while. We are here for only a fraction of a billionth of a moment. Let's make it worthwhile. Be not afraid of being true to yourself. Be honest and explore. Love while you still can.
Well, I'm going to call this one done. Before I go, I want to wish everyone a happy holidays. Have fun and enjoy one another. Keep safe and dream big.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Mistletoe and Athlete's Foot
Hey crazy cats! It's another beautiful day here in sunny Florida. the year is finally winding down and we're heading into the Christmas Holiday Season faster than Lindsey Lohan heading into rehab after a court appearance. This time is the time of year where everyone starts to reflect on all they are thankful for and begin to welcome family and loved ones into their house. it is also the time where all of us single folk realize that we don't have a date for anything during the holidays!
It's really awkward to start dating during the holidays. For one, you don't want to seem desperate. Second, let's face it, why do you want to buy a gift for a person who may not stick around after Martin Luther King Jr Day (I know I know.....cheapskate). Third, your family will look at you and wonder what were you thinking when you bring that "prize catch" ( Zuckerman's Famous Pig...That's a Charlotte's Web reference) to dinner.
So where does that leave us? Well, for starters, it's almost zero hour. Unless you can pay off a hooker, who looks like Julia Roberts (cue Roxette), you out of luck. It's hard finding that special someone during the year. It becomes nearly torturous during the holidays. Furthermore, family members add to the embarrassing situation when they see you alone and then try to play matchmaker. They say things like "I have the perfect girl for you". Then you're stuck with a morbidly obese, emotional train wreck with 17 kids who is dying for attention (you're gonna eat that?!! (see other entries for this reference)).
Everyone hates being alone for the holidays, but I'd rather be alone than with Miss I-Need-To-Take-My-Meds-So-I-Don't-Wig-Out-And-Kill-Everyone-At-The-Party. Does it suck? Hell yeah it does! Is it livable? Sure is. Am I going to be the object of matchmaking at its worse? Does Charlie Sheen have a sex fetish? Yep and Yep! Am I sad because if it? Nope... Not one bit.
I actually enjoy the fact that I don't have too many problems during the holidays. There isn't the problem of finding the right gift (although it is cool to look for the perfect gift). I spend my time with my family and friends. That's enough for me. Yeah right!!! People who know me know that I'm a clown. I love having fun. Sometimes, I get on their nerves.
Sorry about that ADD moment. Back to the subject at hand... We have to learn how to live comfortably with ourselves...alone. Once that objective is achieved, then the rest comes as an added bonus to life. There isn't a reason to be depressed. There isn't a reason for sorrow. So big deal we're alone....but are we truly? We have friends. We have family. Isn't that what the holidays are all about? Why must we think that we need someone in our lives during the holidays to validate our existence?
Yes, I will admit that it is great having someone during the holidays. It is nice to kiss someone under the mistletoe. However, I don't buy into the lies and propaganda that our society has placed upon us when it comes to relationships and the holiday season. It is dangerous to think in that manner. Why do you think the suicide rate jumps dramatically during the holidays?
My friends, all I ask is for you to enjoy the holidays. Who knows, maybe I'll ask you to accompany me to a dinner or two....hmmm, I'll get back to you on that. Keep safe and dream big!
It's really awkward to start dating during the holidays. For one, you don't want to seem desperate. Second, let's face it, why do you want to buy a gift for a person who may not stick around after Martin Luther King Jr Day (I know I know.....cheapskate). Third, your family will look at you and wonder what were you thinking when you bring that "prize catch" ( Zuckerman's Famous Pig...That's a Charlotte's Web reference) to dinner.
So where does that leave us? Well, for starters, it's almost zero hour. Unless you can pay off a hooker, who looks like Julia Roberts (cue Roxette), you out of luck. It's hard finding that special someone during the year. It becomes nearly torturous during the holidays. Furthermore, family members add to the embarrassing situation when they see you alone and then try to play matchmaker. They say things like "I have the perfect girl for you". Then you're stuck with a morbidly obese, emotional train wreck with 17 kids who is dying for attention (you're gonna eat that?!! (see other entries for this reference)).
Everyone hates being alone for the holidays, but I'd rather be alone than with Miss I-Need-To-Take-My-Meds-So-I-Don't-Wig-Out-And-Kill-Everyone-At-The-Party. Does it suck? Hell yeah it does! Is it livable? Sure is. Am I going to be the object of matchmaking at its worse? Does Charlie Sheen have a sex fetish? Yep and Yep! Am I sad because if it? Nope... Not one bit.
I actually enjoy the fact that I don't have too many problems during the holidays. There isn't the problem of finding the right gift (although it is cool to look for the perfect gift). I spend my time with my family and friends. That's enough for me. Yeah right!!! People who know me know that I'm a clown. I love having fun. Sometimes, I get on their nerves.
Sorry about that ADD moment. Back to the subject at hand... We have to learn how to live comfortably with ourselves...alone. Once that objective is achieved, then the rest comes as an added bonus to life. There isn't a reason to be depressed. There isn't a reason for sorrow. So big deal we're alone....but are we truly? We have friends. We have family. Isn't that what the holidays are all about? Why must we think that we need someone in our lives during the holidays to validate our existence?
Yes, I will admit that it is great having someone during the holidays. It is nice to kiss someone under the mistletoe. However, I don't buy into the lies and propaganda that our society has placed upon us when it comes to relationships and the holiday season. It is dangerous to think in that manner. Why do you think the suicide rate jumps dramatically during the holidays?
My friends, all I ask is for you to enjoy the holidays. Who knows, maybe I'll ask you to accompany me to a dinner or two....hmmm, I'll get back to you on that. Keep safe and dream big!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Up is Left and Down is Green
We've all had it when we were young. We all remember how terribly uncomfortable we felt when we were around that person. We felt like our world was complete, yet falling apart all at the same time. Their eyes were like shining beacons in the dark, yet we were afraid to look them in their eyes for fear they would see the feeling we harboured for them. Our hearts quickened when we see them and at the same time they make our hearts just want to stop. We find everything wrong with the way we're dressed (when they see us). It really is a blender of emotions.
We think that these feelings eventually leave when we reach our adulthood. We find it clumsy and embarrassing to continue to feel this way. Some of us, actually find this feeling to be a weakness. We think it to be very childish to even suggest its nurturing and growth. My question is why do we choose to oppress these feelings? Aren't these feelings the ones that poets and artists write about? Aren't these the feelings that last all our lives?
These feelings eventually develop into something more. These feelings are the foundation of what we will experience later as love. Maybe that's why so many relationships aren't so romantic. Maybe that's why so many relationships fizzle.
However, my entry is about the way we feel and not even think about telling that person how we feel. Recently, I've had these feelings (believe it or not). I know it's stupid, but I can't bring myself to say anything. Maybe it's for the best. I'd rather keep a friendship. However, the feelings have been there for quite some time. It's hard to rationalize with your heart. It's hard to control what we feel and who for.
Sounds silly, huh? Why would a grown man (whose almost 40) feel this way. No actions were taken to pursue anything with this person. I believe I hide it very well. As far as she knows, I'm just a funny goober. Again, maybe it's just for the best.
Some my question to you all is what would you do? I would like to hear some really thought out answers. It's easy to say yes or no. It's really easy to say a prefabricated answer. It's not easy to say what you really feel. It's one of the most difficult things to do.
I'm really interested to hear some of the responses. As for me, I will not say anything. Not because I'm afraid, but rather I respect this person so much. I don't want to risk damaging something really nice. It's just me. However... Well, let's just say I'm always open to the possibilities.
Well, I'm calling this one done. Everyone have fun! Keep safe and dream big!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Dr. Psycho Sam's Blah-Blah-Palooza: By-gones be By-gones
Hey crazy cats! We're off and starting another week. Fall is in the air. We, here in Florida, feel it in the air. The temperature this morning was a cool 60 degrees. You can't ask for anything more.
Enough about the weather! I'm going to jump right into the entry. Today, the subject is going to be about grudges. You know full well we have all had grudges. We get angry at someone and we hold onto negative feelings for as long as possible. We look for reasons to keep in our silly ways. My question is why?
To understand why people do the things they do is to go completely insane. We are all different, yet so much alike. Most of us laugh at what the consensus thinks is funny. We all get angry at what we all think is an injustice. It is amazing, however, to see how many of us will tend to go against the norm and become angry, to the point of a psychiatrist's golden dream, at people.
Usually, a grudge is directed to someone we know fairly well. It can be a family member, a best friend, or a co-worker. The grudge goes from an upset feeling to a deep-rooted hate. It's like a venom that takes a strangle-hold on our conscience and heart and does not want to let go. It slowly corrodes the soul and makes us lose our light from within.
When we look at it like that, there isn't a real reason to keep a grudge against anyone. Sometimes the best thing to do is to let go. The first step is the hardest. It is like walking across hot coals. Yet, it can be done. All it takes is swallowing our pride, keep a check on anger, and letting the other person how you feel without trying to hurt them with attacking words. Tough job, huh?
I don't pretend to hold the cure-all answer to life's greatest mysteries. I don't pretend to give you the magical spell to make people change who they are. I do talk about who I am, who I've become, and what I feel. Some will like it. Some will hate me...even more. I try to be the best person possible. Life is way too short to hate.
I recently had an encounter with a person who I was truly upset at. We sort of stopped talking to each other on a really sour note. Two months had passed before we started talking again. We didn't start off by saying we were sorry or that we had valid reasons for our argument. We just simply started talking. We were reminded how great it was just to talk. It was like going back to the way we used to talk before the argument.
About half way through our talk, we started to talk about what happened. Instead of arguing, we talked. We said we were sorry. It wasn't a forced apology. It was geniune. It was beautiful. Our friendship stood the test of an argument. Our foundation has been solidified.
Now, the question is were we holding a grudge against each other? No. We were just a little stung. Sometimes, in friendships, stuff like that happens. I'm just glad it worked out very well. I don't like making enemies. Life is about making positive influences on other people's lives.
Now, if we could only do the same with.....nevermind. Having that happen is like wishing for a million dollars. It could happen, but chances are slim...
Anyway folks, I'm calling this one done. Have an outstanding week. Keep safe and dream big!
Friday, October 1, 2010
It's a Smelly Situation
Hey crazy cats! It's another beautiful day in sunny Florida. The Fall brings cooler temperatures and a nice cool breeze. Ah yes! The luxury of living in paradise!
My blog today is a revisit to an old subject. When I worked at another part of the hospital, I was confronted by it day after day. When I moved to my current position, I was under the impression that I would never be subjected to the cruelty of it again! I am talking, of course, of very smelly body odor!
Usually, I would be talking about smelly people that come off the street. Some of them have the excuse of being homeless (which is really sad. I wish more were done to help these people). Others, just really don't care or are trying to fool the system by making think that they are crazy.
My whole problem isn't really with these people. It's with fellow employees that smell so bad they would make maggots gag! They literally smell so bad I have gotten sudden uncontrollable fits of rage! You all know what I'm talking about. That rage you get when the smell takes you by surprise. The smell is like a terrorist attacking your nostrils, with no mercy what so ever. These people's breath smell so bad it seems like they ate a gym sock sandwich! You swear that they intentionally ate hot garbage, filled with nasty rotten codfish, and purposely set out ruin every one's day.
One thing is to have a mental disorder, in which your judgement for cleanliness is impaired. Another thing is to not give a fat rat's butt about not cleaning yourself. At first, you try to be supportive. You try to drop hints like saying how bad it smells. Then, it escalates to giving perfumes and soaps as Christmas or birthday presents. Finally, it reaches the pinnicle of putting up Glade Air Fresheners!
I think that at this point the clues are very clear. Yet, to some, they are not! I am beginning to believe that only a bullhorn point-blank on the ears would be the only way to get the message across. Maybe, I could just take a bat write "smelly" on it and hit them across the face. Yet, I still don't think it will work.
So, what to do? If I were still in the Navy, I doubt it would've lasted that long. I remember one time a sailor didn't like to showers. He was instructed to take showers under supervision. Worse yet, he had to demonstrate the use of soap. That's embarrassing if you ask me!
So, here I am. I'm stuck with some smelly people. I tried putting Vicks up my nose, breathing through my mouth (like they do at the medical examiner's office), Febreeze, Plug-ins, and puking. Is it fair that I'm being subjected to some chemical warfare? No! Is it fair that I'm losing brain cells everytime I smell this person? No. Hopefully, some cosmic force is going to make things right.
Anyways folks, I'm calling this one done. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. See you all back here soon. Keep safe and dream big.....someone pass the Lysol!
My blog today is a revisit to an old subject. When I worked at another part of the hospital, I was confronted by it day after day. When I moved to my current position, I was under the impression that I would never be subjected to the cruelty of it again! I am talking, of course, of very smelly body odor!
Usually, I would be talking about smelly people that come off the street. Some of them have the excuse of being homeless (which is really sad. I wish more were done to help these people). Others, just really don't care or are trying to fool the system by making think that they are crazy.
My whole problem isn't really with these people. It's with fellow employees that smell so bad they would make maggots gag! They literally smell so bad I have gotten sudden uncontrollable fits of rage! You all know what I'm talking about. That rage you get when the smell takes you by surprise. The smell is like a terrorist attacking your nostrils, with no mercy what so ever. These people's breath smell so bad it seems like they ate a gym sock sandwich! You swear that they intentionally ate hot garbage, filled with nasty rotten codfish, and purposely set out ruin every one's day.
One thing is to have a mental disorder, in which your judgement for cleanliness is impaired. Another thing is to not give a fat rat's butt about not cleaning yourself. At first, you try to be supportive. You try to drop hints like saying how bad it smells. Then, it escalates to giving perfumes and soaps as Christmas or birthday presents. Finally, it reaches the pinnicle of putting up Glade Air Fresheners!
I think that at this point the clues are very clear. Yet, to some, they are not! I am beginning to believe that only a bullhorn point-blank on the ears would be the only way to get the message across. Maybe, I could just take a bat write "smelly" on it and hit them across the face. Yet, I still don't think it will work.
So, what to do? If I were still in the Navy, I doubt it would've lasted that long. I remember one time a sailor didn't like to showers. He was instructed to take showers under supervision. Worse yet, he had to demonstrate the use of soap. That's embarrassing if you ask me!
So, here I am. I'm stuck with some smelly people. I tried putting Vicks up my nose, breathing through my mouth (like they do at the medical examiner's office), Febreeze, Plug-ins, and puking. Is it fair that I'm being subjected to some chemical warfare? No! Is it fair that I'm losing brain cells everytime I smell this person? No. Hopefully, some cosmic force is going to make things right.
Anyways folks, I'm calling this one done. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. See you all back here soon. Keep safe and dream big.....someone pass the Lysol!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Dr. Psycho Sam's Blah-Blah-Palooza: Rediscovering Discovered Country
Hello crazy cats! This entry is kind of like something I came across and something I recently witnessed happen to one of my friends...well, sort of. The question I will ask is one that we don't see often in our age and time. If it happens and it works, it is nothing short of a miracle.
The article I read posed the question would you remarry your ex? Wow! I know! I know that about 90% of you will yell out not just no, but heck no! Then you start thinking...hmmmm.... Well, if the conditions were right I would. Then you start to think about the bad times first. However, those bad thoughts turn into good thoughts. Before long, you have a feeling of comfort.
You probably think I'm crazy or just plain stupid. Yet, I've seen this happen quite a bit recently. One of my friends ( she will remain nameless) called me up the other day with an interesting dilemma. She was seeing this guy, but not dating him (can someone tell me the difference?). An old flame came by. She loves everything about this guy. She also didn't want much to deal with him.
Mind you, when my friends speak with me about certain issues, I never try to tell them what to do. I only suggest alternatives and let them either pursue the alternatives or make up their own. The decision is always theirs to make. This way, they always feel empowered. I never say you should break up or forget that loser. I try to just present the facts, that they've told me, and clarify any confusion. They usually have the answer all along.
So back to the story... Yes, she did end up back with the old flame. She has never looked happier. She understands that there's going to be rough spots. All relationships, especially rekindled ones, have them. She has proven to me that if you really want to, anyone of us can do or achieve anything.
I know some people (mostly my friends....right Vero?) are wondering my thought about the subject. Well... hmmm. I would like to make peace with everyone. I would love to close that chapter in my life. I would love to say thanks, I'm sorry, and maybe even leave with a smile. As for reviving a relationship, that's a good question. I figure that even if I ever entertained the idea, it takes two to reconcile. So, I guess it's like North and South Korea. No one ready to make the first move, neither negatively or positively.
I guess it's really my fault. I'm usually the one who braves first. I guess I grew tired after I tried several times early in the event. I grew jaded. I became bitter. I later grew out of it, but I never made an effort to revisit the issue. I know of couples who have done the closure thing and have worked out well. They've gone on with their lives after the closure.
So, I guess I would like closure. As for the question?...well, the jury is still out on that one. I will not say never. I will not say impossible. I've seen The Creator do some amazing, way off the wall, jaw-dropping, logic-defying things in my life. So, my answer is I have no answer (that's really politician-like).
Anywho, please feel free to give me freedback, opinions, share stories either here or on my Facebook page. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a great weekend. Keep safe and dream big!
The article I read posed the question would you remarry your ex? Wow! I know! I know that about 90% of you will yell out not just no, but heck no! Then you start thinking...hmmmm.... Well, if the conditions were right I would. Then you start to think about the bad times first. However, those bad thoughts turn into good thoughts. Before long, you have a feeling of comfort.
You probably think I'm crazy or just plain stupid. Yet, I've seen this happen quite a bit recently. One of my friends ( she will remain nameless) called me up the other day with an interesting dilemma. She was seeing this guy, but not dating him (can someone tell me the difference?). An old flame came by. She loves everything about this guy. She also didn't want much to deal with him.
Mind you, when my friends speak with me about certain issues, I never try to tell them what to do. I only suggest alternatives and let them either pursue the alternatives or make up their own. The decision is always theirs to make. This way, they always feel empowered. I never say you should break up or forget that loser. I try to just present the facts, that they've told me, and clarify any confusion. They usually have the answer all along.
So back to the story... Yes, she did end up back with the old flame. She has never looked happier. She understands that there's going to be rough spots. All relationships, especially rekindled ones, have them. She has proven to me that if you really want to, anyone of us can do or achieve anything.
I know some people (mostly my friends....right Vero?) are wondering my thought about the subject. Well... hmmm. I would like to make peace with everyone. I would love to close that chapter in my life. I would love to say thanks, I'm sorry, and maybe even leave with a smile. As for reviving a relationship, that's a good question. I figure that even if I ever entertained the idea, it takes two to reconcile. So, I guess it's like North and South Korea. No one ready to make the first move, neither negatively or positively.
I guess it's really my fault. I'm usually the one who braves first. I guess I grew tired after I tried several times early in the event. I grew jaded. I became bitter. I later grew out of it, but I never made an effort to revisit the issue. I know of couples who have done the closure thing and have worked out well. They've gone on with their lives after the closure.
So, I guess I would like closure. As for the question?...well, the jury is still out on that one. I will not say never. I will not say impossible. I've seen The Creator do some amazing, way off the wall, jaw-dropping, logic-defying things in my life. So, my answer is I have no answer (that's really politician-like).
Anywho, please feel free to give me freedback, opinions, share stories either here or on my Facebook page. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a great weekend. Keep safe and dream big!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Dr. Psycho Sam's Blah-Blah-Palooza: Genesis
Hey crazy cats! I have decided to start something that I probably shouldn't be starting. I'm going to call the segments Dr. Psycho Sam's Blah-Blah-Palooza. I'm not an expert on anything. I'm even qualified to tell you to get lost. As always, this is meant for entertainment. if you use it in your life, be aware of all the fire and brimstone that will follow! You've been warned! Keep safe and dream big!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Go! Go! Power Rangers!
Hey crazy cats! I was just reading the news in Puerto Rico, when I came across some very crazy news. The article I was reading dealt with the cast of "The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers". Admit it, you watched it too. As a matter of fact, you mimicked the fights against the Putty Patrol. Anywho, they were doing like a "where are they now" thing with them. So, without further ado, here you go!
Jason David Frank: The White Ranger. After MMPR, he had small parts in shows. He now owns several Karate Dojos and has developed his own form of the art. He's married and has one child. he has also made his pro MMA debut recently. He won the fight.
Thuy Trang: The Yellow Ranger. After MMPR, she went on to do small jobs. Tragically, she died on September 3, 2001 in a car accident.
Amy Jo Johnson: The Pink Ranger. After MMPR, Amy has done quite a bit of work on TV. She has a daughter . She continues to do small work.
Walter Emanuel Jones: The Black Ranger. He did quite a bit of work, after the show. He appeared in "Dogwalker". He has had some problems with the law. In July 2009, he was busted for DUI. The charges were dropped in April 2010.
David Yost: The Blue Ranger. After the show. He hasn't done much. He came out of the closet, went back in, then came back out. That's about it.
Austin St. John: After MMPR, he retired from acting. He's a paramedic in Sterling, Virginia. There are rumors that he wanted to star in a gay porn movie (seriously).
There you have it! That's enough of me. I just wanted to end the week on a weird note. Y'all take care of yourself! Keep safe and dream big!
Jason David Frank: The White Ranger. After MMPR, he had small parts in shows. He now owns several Karate Dojos and has developed his own form of the art. He's married and has one child. he has also made his pro MMA debut recently. He won the fight.
Thuy Trang: The Yellow Ranger. After MMPR, she went on to do small jobs. Tragically, she died on September 3, 2001 in a car accident.
Amy Jo Johnson: The Pink Ranger. After MMPR, Amy has done quite a bit of work on TV. She has a daughter . She continues to do small work.
Walter Emanuel Jones: The Black Ranger. He did quite a bit of work, after the show. He appeared in "Dogwalker". He has had some problems with the law. In July 2009, he was busted for DUI. The charges were dropped in April 2010.
David Yost: The Blue Ranger. After the show. He hasn't done much. He came out of the closet, went back in, then came back out. That's about it.
Austin St. John: After MMPR, he retired from acting. He's a paramedic in Sterling, Virginia. There are rumors that he wanted to star in a gay porn movie (seriously).
There you have it! That's enough of me. I just wanted to end the week on a weird note. Y'all take care of yourself! Keep safe and dream big!
From Tiger to Cheetah
Hey crazy cats, it's almost the weekend. I hope everyone is getting along nicely and things are going great. Today I decided to dive into the topic of Tiger Woods. Yep, it was only a matter of time. I really don't know what to make of all of it. Let me state my case and you can comment on it.
I believe the Elin deserves some props for handling the situation the way she did. Divorce is never pretty. Hearts are broken and lives are torn apart. What was once the most beautiful and purest form of love our imaginations can conceive becomes a rotting pile of what once was beautiful roses. To make matters worse, children are involved. As if the destruction of love weren't bad enough, when children are involve it makes it infinitely worse.
However, my entry isn't really about the road to destruction that both went down. My entry is about the night in December. As Tiger's SUV came dashing out the garage and rounding the corner, he lost control and smashed a fire hydrant and then a tree. He couldn't blame the snow because in lives in FLORIDA! So my whole dilemma is what really happened?
We all know. Tiger goes into another room. Elin picks up his phone. She sees all the texts that the fool left on the thing. She goes spider-monkey. He makes a mad dash for the door. Elin becomes "Hulk smash" angry. By now, Tiger figures that he needs to get out or it's his day of reckoning.
So he gets into his SUV, he figures that it's now or never. He sets in his course, hits the gas, goes from 0-120 mph in .0000000000002 seconds. Little does he know that he will not get far! Seconds later, glass goes flying, bumpers come off, and a golf pro gets a concussion.
There lies the mystery! You see, Tiger claims Elin never hit him. However, there was a golf club ( one of those really super expensive ones), blood, an ambulance ride, and finally a cover up. We all know what truly happened. Tiger got his claws clipped!
If you think I'm siding with Tiger, you're nuts! The dude thought he was all powerful. He slept around, even while his wife was pregnant! That's really cold-blooded! Plus, she is a hot looking woman! So I ask why Tiger why?!
Now, he's going to shell out money, for a pretty long time, for a stunt that lasted maybe 15 minutes. The equation doesn't add up. He played and he lost. He lost big. He knows that he was the reason for the destruction of his marriage.
So, the moral of the story? Do I really need to state it? We all know. Elin will suffer the heartbreak til the check clears. Tiger will suffer the failed marriage til another bimbo comes his way. The children will suffer the most. They are the true victims.
Folks, be good to your spouse. Cherish what you have. Tomorrow may be too late. Keep safe and dream big!
I believe the Elin deserves some props for handling the situation the way she did. Divorce is never pretty. Hearts are broken and lives are torn apart. What was once the most beautiful and purest form of love our imaginations can conceive becomes a rotting pile of what once was beautiful roses. To make matters worse, children are involved. As if the destruction of love weren't bad enough, when children are involve it makes it infinitely worse.
However, my entry isn't really about the road to destruction that both went down. My entry is about the night in December. As Tiger's SUV came dashing out the garage and rounding the corner, he lost control and smashed a fire hydrant and then a tree. He couldn't blame the snow because in lives in FLORIDA! So my whole dilemma is what really happened?
We all know. Tiger goes into another room. Elin picks up his phone. She sees all the texts that the fool left on the thing. She goes spider-monkey. He makes a mad dash for the door. Elin becomes "Hulk smash" angry. By now, Tiger figures that he needs to get out or it's his day of reckoning.
So he gets into his SUV, he figures that it's now or never. He sets in his course, hits the gas, goes from 0-120 mph in .0000000000002 seconds. Little does he know that he will not get far! Seconds later, glass goes flying, bumpers come off, and a golf pro gets a concussion.
There lies the mystery! You see, Tiger claims Elin never hit him. However, there was a golf club ( one of those really super expensive ones), blood, an ambulance ride, and finally a cover up. We all know what truly happened. Tiger got his claws clipped!
If you think I'm siding with Tiger, you're nuts! The dude thought he was all powerful. He slept around, even while his wife was pregnant! That's really cold-blooded! Plus, she is a hot looking woman! So I ask why Tiger why?!
Now, he's going to shell out money, for a pretty long time, for a stunt that lasted maybe 15 minutes. The equation doesn't add up. He played and he lost. He lost big. He knows that he was the reason for the destruction of his marriage.
So, the moral of the story? Do I really need to state it? We all know. Elin will suffer the heartbreak til the check clears. Tiger will suffer the failed marriage til another bimbo comes his way. The children will suffer the most. They are the true victims.
Folks, be good to your spouse. Cherish what you have. Tomorrow may be too late. Keep safe and dream big!
Monday, August 23, 2010
A Rare Gem
Hey crazy cats, I hope everyone's week has started off on the right note. Today, I'm just going to jump right into my entry. It's kind of like standing under the shower while the water is still cold. so, let's get started.
What is a friend? Is it someone you know at work? Is it someone you have a crush on? Is it someone who gives you money? Is the value of friendships measured on the amount of friends you have on Facebook? Or is it the "fame" you have by how many people follow you on Twitter. How many of us have friends who will literally walk through hell with you, just to make sure you come out fine?
A friend is a person who we care about, love, admire, share our pain and triumphs, who gives you a hand when you're down and who is there to share a laugh. They have the strength to tell us when we make a mistake. They help us to achieve more. They cry when we cry. They are those that we wish we were kin.
A friend will not back stab you or take advantage of you. They are there at whatever hour when you need an ear. A friend is there to give you strength when you need it. They are there to let you know your fly is down. A friend listens and not judges.
So my question I ask is who fits this description in your life? Many of you will say God. Good on you! religion is very good. Others will say family. Very well. Family is very good too. However, think really hard. Is there someone besides God and family who fits this description? Does a name immediately pop in your head or does it take forever to think of someone?
It's not an easy task to really find out who your friends are. I say if you have a friend...a true friend, cherish them! They are very hard to come by. Lately, friendships are based on how or what services can be provided.
As I said, these little gifts from heaven should be appreciated. For those of you who are married, make sure your spouse is your best friend. Trust me, it's a title they would love to hear come from your lips. They are not a ball and chain.
Well, if you're expecting a whimsical ending, well you're out of luck. I just wanted to put a little thought in your head as we start off this week. To all my friends, thank you for being in my life. Without you, I'd be really empty and boring.... well, just empty. Keep safe and dream big!
What is a friend? Is it someone you know at work? Is it someone you have a crush on? Is it someone who gives you money? Is the value of friendships measured on the amount of friends you have on Facebook? Or is it the "fame" you have by how many people follow you on Twitter. How many of us have friends who will literally walk through hell with you, just to make sure you come out fine?
A friend is a person who we care about, love, admire, share our pain and triumphs, who gives you a hand when you're down and who is there to share a laugh. They have the strength to tell us when we make a mistake. They help us to achieve more. They cry when we cry. They are those that we wish we were kin.
A friend will not back stab you or take advantage of you. They are there at whatever hour when you need an ear. A friend is there to give you strength when you need it. They are there to let you know your fly is down. A friend listens and not judges.
So my question I ask is who fits this description in your life? Many of you will say God. Good on you! religion is very good. Others will say family. Very well. Family is very good too. However, think really hard. Is there someone besides God and family who fits this description? Does a name immediately pop in your head or does it take forever to think of someone?
It's not an easy task to really find out who your friends are. I say if you have a friend...a true friend, cherish them! They are very hard to come by. Lately, friendships are based on how or what services can be provided.
As I said, these little gifts from heaven should be appreciated. For those of you who are married, make sure your spouse is your best friend. Trust me, it's a title they would love to hear come from your lips. They are not a ball and chain.
Well, if you're expecting a whimsical ending, well you're out of luck. I just wanted to put a little thought in your head as we start off this week. To all my friends, thank you for being in my life. Without you, I'd be really empty and boring.... well, just empty. Keep safe and dream big!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
A Little Rain
Hey crazy cats! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend (or what's left of it...). I just wanted to take this moment and just type away some things that have been in my mind lately.
Unfortunately, it hasn't been a bed of roses lately for me. Yes, even I get into some ruts. I've noticed that life is a lot like a roller coaster ride. We have our beginnings, ups, downs, screams, twists, loops, turns and finally ending. Depending on what the Divine Creator chose to gave you, you can have a fairly nice ride or you can have a cookie tosser.
I think that I'm going through a drop in my life. Granted, I enjoy the ride. I just don't like my heart and stomach pressing up on my uvula. The beauty of it all is that there's going to be an upswing. In essence, it's all part of life.
That brings me to my entry. I've noticed lately that people aren't really allowed to grieve. Whether it be the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, the loss of a job, or the frustrations of life, we have been told that it's not right to be sad.
Now before anyone jumps down my throat with the issue of depression, let me state that this is about being sad. If you are depressed, please seek the help. I believe that those who seek help for their depression are very strong and courageous people. However, this entry is about being slapped now and then by life.
We are continuously told that being sad is a weakness and we should do everything in our power to stop it. My question is then...why? I believe that we should feel sad from time to time. I feel that we need a little reminder of sadness and pain in order to make us appreciate what we have in our lives now.
I've seen many people say that their lives are better when a relationship ends. if there was drugs, abuse, or any violent crime, then I would say yes. It is better physically and emotionally the scars will heal. Again, I do not speak about the extremes.
I recently broke up with a woman who I found to be the best little gift from heaven. You may ask why the heck did I break up with her then?! Well, let's put it this way, love doesn't always win. Sometimes, respect has a lot to do with it.
When I was married, we made a rule in the house never to call the other names. I've never even used the word stupid. It was about having respect for the other's feelings. Towards the end, however, I was called everything to include some choice words that even Ike would've never said to Tina.
OK, back to the entry... Although I did what I that to be right, I still feel a sense of loss. There is an emptiness. I spent a lot of time getting to know this person. I walked away before things would have gotten worse. This does not make it any better.
Am I sad? Yes. I am very sad. Now I'm not going to say that it was her loss, or good riddance, or any of that other garbage. It's not true. However, time will heal the pain. Time will move forward. This experience will be added to my soul. I have learned.
Unfortunately, joy cannot exist without sorrow. Love cannot exist without pain. Even in sunny Florida it rains. It's a part of life. So let yourself be sad. Cry if you want to. It does the soul good. Tomorrow, it's a new chapter. hey, just because the roller coaster is at the bottom doesn't mean the ride is over. Hang on, the thrilling part is about to start! Keep safe and dream big!
Unfortunately, it hasn't been a bed of roses lately for me. Yes, even I get into some ruts. I've noticed that life is a lot like a roller coaster ride. We have our beginnings, ups, downs, screams, twists, loops, turns and finally ending. Depending on what the Divine Creator chose to gave you, you can have a fairly nice ride or you can have a cookie tosser.
I think that I'm going through a drop in my life. Granted, I enjoy the ride. I just don't like my heart and stomach pressing up on my uvula. The beauty of it all is that there's going to be an upswing. In essence, it's all part of life.
That brings me to my entry. I've noticed lately that people aren't really allowed to grieve. Whether it be the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, the loss of a job, or the frustrations of life, we have been told that it's not right to be sad.
Now before anyone jumps down my throat with the issue of depression, let me state that this is about being sad. If you are depressed, please seek the help. I believe that those who seek help for their depression are very strong and courageous people. However, this entry is about being slapped now and then by life.
We are continuously told that being sad is a weakness and we should do everything in our power to stop it. My question is then...why? I believe that we should feel sad from time to time. I feel that we need a little reminder of sadness and pain in order to make us appreciate what we have in our lives now.
I've seen many people say that their lives are better when a relationship ends. if there was drugs, abuse, or any violent crime, then I would say yes. It is better physically and emotionally the scars will heal. Again, I do not speak about the extremes.
I recently broke up with a woman who I found to be the best little gift from heaven. You may ask why the heck did I break up with her then?! Well, let's put it this way, love doesn't always win. Sometimes, respect has a lot to do with it.
When I was married, we made a rule in the house never to call the other names. I've never even used the word stupid. It was about having respect for the other's feelings. Towards the end, however, I was called everything to include some choice words that even Ike would've never said to Tina.
OK, back to the entry... Although I did what I that to be right, I still feel a sense of loss. There is an emptiness. I spent a lot of time getting to know this person. I walked away before things would have gotten worse. This does not make it any better.
Am I sad? Yes. I am very sad. Now I'm not going to say that it was her loss, or good riddance, or any of that other garbage. It's not true. However, time will heal the pain. Time will move forward. This experience will be added to my soul. I have learned.
Unfortunately, joy cannot exist without sorrow. Love cannot exist without pain. Even in sunny Florida it rains. It's a part of life. So let yourself be sad. Cry if you want to. It does the soul good. Tomorrow, it's a new chapter. hey, just because the roller coaster is at the bottom doesn't mean the ride is over. Hang on, the thrilling part is about to start! Keep safe and dream big!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Booyah! Motivation
Hello crazy cats,
It's another beautiful hot day in sunny Florida. Summer is trucking along and the fun is in full swing. Summer is a time for hot dogs, hamburgers, bbq, and vacation!
We are now into August. This year is flying by quickly. I was just sitting here daydreaming and thinking about yesteryear. A while back, the beginning of August was a time which I loved. It was full of fun and celebrating. Now, although it's still fun, it has become less of celebration and more of just normal fun time.
This brings me to the latest thought for this entry. We all seem to get complacent in the lives we live out. We celebrate anniversaries, birthdays, weddings, divorces, World Cups, and other life milestones. We sometimes forget that, although these things bring us great joy, they are temporary. We receive the good and forget that, sometimes, there is bad that accompanies them. It's all part of life.
Recently, one of my friends has been going through a tough time. He is very optimistic. He goes out with his friends and has a pretty good time. He's back into the swing of things. However, he did let us, his friends, know that things aren't all peachy-king. That's the way life works.
So you may be asking yourself what's the purpose of this entry? Well it isn't a sad entry. I'm here to motivate people to the point of self-combustion! Are tired of being down? Are you tired of waking up and thinking the day sucks? Are you tired of being sick and tired? Then just walk outside!
It sounds ridiculous, but it's true! We tend to let ourselves be sucked into our sadness. Well, the buck stops here! We all have bad days. We all go through rough moments. If we don't watch ourselves, we fall into this terrible spiral of despair.
I remember that when I went through a rough moment years ago. I was on my way to the Persian Gulf and I had to leave my then wife behind. She was going through a rough time. However, country came first. War was on the menu and I was being served.
As I was leaving, I couldn't help but think how big of a douche bag I looked like. No one understood why I just couldn't stay behind ( God only knows I tried). It was very tough for me to go and leave someone who I cared for go through such a trying time in their life. Yet in the end ( depends on how you see it), things turned out fine.
Life has a way of fixing itself. The only problem is we must accept the outcome. Sometimes it sucks. I admit it. Sometimes we are doing a little jig. Whatever the outcome, we must venture forward. Life is full of splendor and wonder. If I were to have gotten stuck in my depression when my life fell apart, I would've never have started my business. If I wouldn't have had a catastrophic event, I wouldn't have met the wonderful people in my life.
We shouldn't wait on anyone or anything to help us. People say that things happen for a reason. I say bull do-do. Things happen because they happen. It's up to us to take advantage of the moment and turn a negative into a positive. We must have an indomitable spirit. We must alway strive to win. Life is beautiful. Life is hard. Life is all worth it!
Now go out there and get them tigers! Keep safe and dream big!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Come Out Fighting!
Hey crazy cats! It's another day in beautiful tar-balled filled Tampa Bay!...well, not yet...but soon. I'm having quite a bit of problems thinking of some things to write lately. Then, (today actually) it hit me. Write about your friends!...all 2 of them. Well, if you include all the voices in my head, then we're talking about ...hhmmmmm...maybe 120,000!
Anywho, my entry today is that of how to help out friends who have gone through a rough patch in their lives. Many times, we think we are doing the right thing by tossing out some classic one liners. We've all heard them before..." it will get better", "it wasn't meant to be", or my favorite " look at the bright side".
Do you really think that they want to hear that? The answer is no. I would rather have a person tell me how much they know it sucks to be heartbroken, devastated, or whatever it is. I would rather hear my friend say that it bites, but this is what I did to begin to move on. I don't need Hallmark quotes. We don't need Hallmark quotes.
Recently, I had a nagging feeling that a friend of mine had been going through a problem. I did what a good friend would do. I reached out and contacted him. He responded. It was heartbreaking hearing a really good person going through a tough time.
He is the type of person who is the epitome of the word peaceful. This guy wouldn't even harm a fly. However, he has been going some troubles lately. His patience has been wearing thin. His happiness has become not-so-happy. With all the garbage he has gone through recently, I can't blame him for taking such an approach to the situation.
I, for one, am not going to feed him the stomach-churning nonsense that I spoke about earlier. All one can do is listen. Now that, my friend, is an art in itself. I, personally, prefer someone to hear me out. If they have something to say, let it come from the heart. We don't want to hear nonsense. We want to hear support.
So, back to my friend, he is having some troubles. He has tons of friends who talk to him everyday. He goes to church and his church friends do help him. Unfortunately, he is the only one that is going through stuff. No one can help him, but himself. Only he can help himself.
Sounds harsh huh? That's the way life is, unfortunately. We go through life and go through so much pain. However, life is beautiful. Each tear we shed is like water for our small plant that we're growing ( yes, more analogies).
So what's the moral of the story you may ask. Well... there ain't none. There is only one thing that we can take away from this. Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. Keep safe and dream big!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Reel to Real
Hey crazy cats! Another weekend is upon us. It's time to unwind and relax some. As for me, I'll be working on some projects on the burner. I really love doing the videography. It definitely is a very big stress reliever for me.
Since I started Caribbean Sun Productions, I have met so many people and done lots of fun stuff. I feel very liberated when I'm behind the lens of a video camera. I find that I can create a world that others may be intrigued to visit. It is one of the most enjoyable experiences I have ever had.
Sometimes I wish I had a partner that is as crazy and zany as I am. I could just imagine the ideas that would come out. For now, it's just me doing all of it. It does get kind of hectic at times, but it's always fun.
A few years ago, I started out by doing home movies (no, not that kind you perv!). I would shoot some stuff, edit it, burn it on DVD and send it to family. I managed to do three of them for the family. I don't know if they have them. It would be nice if they did.
From that little experience, I jumped in over my head and started doing weddings! Talk about a wake up call. I had no idea on how to do pre-production or anything. It made me think of way to work on my craft. I wasn't anywhere near good (not that I'm a James Cameron). However, the love of the art really helped me in pursuing the knowledge I needed.
The next step in my evolution was doing a small show that live for a half a season on this website (SamVidBlog News). I don't know why people liked it. If you ask me, it stunk..lol.My friends were great. I wasn't. I didn't like being in front of the camera. I was most comfortable behind it. However, this taught me alot about planned and improv materiel. It also taught me that my friends have hidden talents (time to exploit them! lol).
After a little time off, I was back into the swing of things. That's when things really began to take off. In less than six months, I have been blessed with so many opportunities that it makes me smile form ear to ear. I really love all the things that are happening.
Now, this entry isn't meant to gloat (not by any means). I just wanted to share some of the history behind Caribbean Sun Productions. I enjoy what I do and wish to share it with everyone. I'm always looking for people to get involved with and do some projects. There is nothing quite like the feel of having an idea and seeing it materialize before your eyes.
So to my friends, thank yo for supporting and believing in me. I have the best friends in the world! I'm looking for some people to share and work with. So if you're interested, look me up! I wouldn't hurt to do something cool.
Remember to always believe, even when people tell you different. Do it! There's nothing worse than a "what if?" in one's life. All you need is yourself to believe in it. You will accomplish it. Well, this one is tarred and feathered. Have a safe weekend. Keep safe and dream big!
Since I started Caribbean Sun Productions, I have met so many people and done lots of fun stuff. I feel very liberated when I'm behind the lens of a video camera. I find that I can create a world that others may be intrigued to visit. It is one of the most enjoyable experiences I have ever had.
Sometimes I wish I had a partner that is as crazy and zany as I am. I could just imagine the ideas that would come out. For now, it's just me doing all of it. It does get kind of hectic at times, but it's always fun.
A few years ago, I started out by doing home movies (no, not that kind you perv!). I would shoot some stuff, edit it, burn it on DVD and send it to family. I managed to do three of them for the family. I don't know if they have them. It would be nice if they did.
From that little experience, I jumped in over my head and started doing weddings! Talk about a wake up call. I had no idea on how to do pre-production or anything. It made me think of way to work on my craft. I wasn't anywhere near good (not that I'm a James Cameron). However, the love of the art really helped me in pursuing the knowledge I needed.
The next step in my evolution was doing a small show that live for a half a season on this website (SamVidBlog News). I don't know why people liked it. If you ask me, it stunk..lol.My friends were great. I wasn't. I didn't like being in front of the camera. I was most comfortable behind it. However, this taught me alot about planned and improv materiel. It also taught me that my friends have hidden talents (time to exploit them! lol).
After a little time off, I was back into the swing of things. That's when things really began to take off. In less than six months, I have been blessed with so many opportunities that it makes me smile form ear to ear. I really love all the things that are happening.
Now, this entry isn't meant to gloat (not by any means). I just wanted to share some of the history behind Caribbean Sun Productions. I enjoy what I do and wish to share it with everyone. I'm always looking for people to get involved with and do some projects. There is nothing quite like the feel of having an idea and seeing it materialize before your eyes.
So to my friends, thank yo for supporting and believing in me. I have the best friends in the world! I'm looking for some people to share and work with. So if you're interested, look me up! I wouldn't hurt to do something cool.
Remember to always believe, even when people tell you different. Do it! There's nothing worse than a "what if?" in one's life. All you need is yourself to believe in it. You will accomplish it. Well, this one is tarred and feathered. Have a safe weekend. Keep safe and dream big!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hey crazy cats! I recently had an interesting situation dawn on me. It wasn't so much about how to deal with work or dealing with the insane traffic here in Florida. It was, however, with an issue that really makes people stop and think for a moment. The issue is of letting go.
Within the last couple of weeks, I have experienced the loss of a friend, the graduation of a family member, and one of my close friends moving away. All of these issues dealt with letting go.
The first issue is quite obvious. the passing of a person unexpectedly really leaves one coping with so many questions. For what it's worth, I've gotten pretty decent in dealing with loss at this level. Sounds morbid, I know. However, once we accept the fact that we, as humans, aren't eternal then it becomes a little easier to accept when a close person or loved one passes.
The second issue is more like dealing with the fact that my family members are growing up. i remember when I arrived here 5 years ago, they were just little rugrats in middle school. It has been a wonderful experience seeing them grow and learn.
The third issue, well... let's just say that because of the Internet, there won't be a reason not to stay in contact. So I'm not going to put the person's name out there and say they better stay in contact. It wouldn't be right. It would be funnier that all holy hell, but it wouldn't be right. Plus, I don't want to get my teeth knocked out.
All these things have an underlying theme of loss and acceptance. We have a rough time doing this. We tend to like to hold on to things and people that makes us feel good and bring happiness in our lives. This isn't a bad thing either. It's just that things do change.
I, for one, can tell you about acceptance of things that we don't want, the feeling of sorrow when the change is so hard that you think you're going to die, and the anxiety that makes your heart beat so fast it wants out of your chest because its all overwhelming. Yet, we survive. We don't like the change, but we press on.
My whole outlook now on change is totally different from a few years ago. I look at it now with a sense of wonder and hopefulness. I'm not saying that I'm immune to the feelings that change may evoke. I'm just saying that I try to look at it in a different light.
We are always evolving. If we look, we see it everyday. Things never stay the same, no matter how hard we try. Sometimes, the change isn't good. Most of the time, if we look at it, it's for the best! we will enjoy the outcome.
Now, before I close this one out, I do have one thing more to say. However, it will be "encrypted". It is meant for someone. Let's see if they pick up on it. Yippee, a mystery!...
Me di cuenta que fuiste tu. Sabes que hay otras formas como conseguirme, si quieres. Creo que seria bueno que hablemos, sin nadie interesarse. Me gustaria...MNB.
OK folks, this one is heading off to Arizona to get deported. Have a great rest of the week. Keep safe and dream big!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Pass the Geritol!

Hey crazy cats! It's another day here in sunny (soon to be oil-soaked) Florida. The weekend is here and I, for one, need the rest. I've been working quite a bit lately. I'm not complaining about it. It's just nice to have a day of relaxation now and then.
Yesterday, I was treated to a nice event. A family member of mine graduated high school. It was held at the university's stadium across the street from where I work. As sson as I got there, I knew we were all in for a trial in patience like no other. Now, it wasn't the fact that we stood in line for 45 minutes just to get in. It wasn't the fact that they were selling bottled water for $4 (Holy Moses in lower rider jeans!)! it wasn't the fact that we were all sweating like Lindsey Lohan taking a breatherlizer test. It was the fact that the ceremony was slated to start at 3 pm and they had 631 to graduate! It was like the entire State of Florida was graduating! To make things worse, they were calling them off one by one! However, it was a very nice graduation.
As we left the stadium, I feeling came over me. I didn't know quite what it was. I was slowly sneaking up on me. Then, without warning, it attacked. It was the realization that I'm getting old! I'm no longer one of those guys! It's time to face the music. My greys are there for a reason.
When these kids were born, I was watching "In Living Color" on the newly launched Fox Channel! Oh my God, I thought. These kids never knew what it was like to live without cable, or the cell phone, or even the microwave! The only way they know about "The A-Team" is because of re-runs.
It's kind of funny. I still don't have kids. I haven't really figured everything out yet. To some, I'm not mature enough. However, I don't care. I love who I am. i have enjoyed my life thus far and will continue to do so.
Life is beautiful. It is up to us to make the best of it. Whether it be making millions on Wall Street or just enjoying the subtle things in life, we are what we make of it. I believe that every moment is worth our 100%.
So, after that long graduation, the incredibly long and iritating drive home, picture taking, and feeling all old I feel like I've done quite a bit. Do I have some regrets? Yeah, but just a few. My life isn't perfect, but it's the perfect life!
Ok folks, calling this one cut and capped! Keep safe and dream big!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Hey crazy cats! I can't say that I did much today, as in terms of work. I took the day off and headed to the beach!...sort of.... I spent the day at Ana Maria Island and Coquina Beach, soaking in the sun. I can't begin to tell you all the fun I had there. I revisited an old spot where they make homemade ice cream. This place is a must on any body's list. They have a wide variety of flavors. Although it's a bit on the pricey side, you'll be more than glad to pay the price for this delight. If you're wondering the name off the place...well, so am I! I forgot it! I'll find out and let you guys know.
Later, I shot some pool. Now, I'm not the best pool player in the world, but I know when I'm getting hustled. All I have to say is I'm on to your game there, missy...lol. I wasn't born yesterday.
I did take a few pictures and have posted them on my facebook account. I love to share my pics. So, swing on by and have a look! There will be more to come.
Later that night, I had the most amazing..... sandwich ever...Wow, people! Really? Get your minds out of the gutter! I'm not that type of guy. However, those sandwiches were flipping good! Then again, I was hungry. I was still good though.
So that's pretty much it. I took a day off, went to the beach, took pictures, played pool, ate ice cream, ate a sandwich, and went home. Not a bad day!
Tomorrow is off to work...Arrggg! Oh well, it's the weekend. I have plenty to do this weekend. I'm calling this one short and sweet. Keep safe and dream big!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Quiet on the Set!

Hey crazy cats! Another hot day here in Florida! As we're fast approaching the weekend, I can say that my week has had a lot of ups and downs. Several good things have happened to me this week. Caribbean Sun Productions, or CSP, did a small PSA, or public service announcement. for a team of young, motivated individuals that are the future of hospital administration in a local hospital here in Tampa.
For those who don't know, I started CSP about three months ago. Since then, I've had so much work that I find myself pleasantly and excitedly overwhelmed with the amount of projects I'm getting. CSP had it's start right here, when I created SamVidBlog News. My friends continuously pushed me into starting the business and taking the leap of faith ( which I did....finally). Since then, I have been floored by the response I have received.
I love doing this. I love creating. I really didn't have the opportunity before. I guess I had to get rid of all the negative people around me. It's amazing what happens when you're surround by positive re enforcement.
So, back to the subject, the shoot went really well today. I worked with a bunch of individuals that really wanted to present a great product. It made the job so much easier. In fact, they were more eager than me! Even though we would have awesome takes, they would request another ( just in case). That says a lot about the level of commitment on their behalf.
To say that I feel so happy is an understatement. I feel like I'm on cloud nine. As a matter of fact, a couple of friends and I are working on an idea for a new show. Hopefully, it will come to be. I love doing shows. Truth be told though, I like it behind the camera rather than in front of it. However, if I'm needed in front of it, I will do it.
Well, I'm calling this one DOA. I have to get back to editing. Keep safe and dream big!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Latent Image

Hello crazy cats! It's been awhile, but I'm back! (like a bad penny). I have great news, for all of those who have not been kept up to date with everything going on in my life. Caribbean Sun Productions is really off and running. We have several projects in the works and more clients keep coming! I feel great about all the positive things happening in my life. everything from my personal to my professional life is full of happiness. It's been a long road, but I finally feel great!
I want to thank everyone who has supported me throughout these years. You have been my wings to take flight! There is a certain person that know that she means the world to me! You have truly become my good luck charm! Since you came into my life, I laugh again. The world is full of color once more! Thanks for being a goober!
Ok enough with the sappiness! If you haven't noticed (maybe you were under a rock), I have the CSP facebook page up. Click on the link and join the group. CSP is looking for people who want to try their hands at film. For right now, it is all done for the love of the art. However, soon that will change.
If you were to tell me that I was going to be at this moment five years ago, I would've said you were crazy. Done and out emotionally, I was at rock bottom. Like a wounded dog, left to die, I found myself. It was quite possibly the worst moment of my life. It was even worse than the time I lost my sister, who I love so very much. It seemed like I had no future.
It wasn't until someone special in my life gave me a swift kick in the pants that I started realizing my full potential ( thanks Dad and Julio). So what I was dealt a nasty hand in life. So what I suffered for my sins of my past. So what I had my life handed to me in a diaper by the person I trusted with my soul. So what Joey got a spin-off and it sucked! Oops...sorry.
That is the moment you find out who truly loves and cares for you. That is when you find out who is willing to walk with you when others leave. The thing is, it doesn't make you bitter. It makes you love even more. It makes you see that the world is not full of hate and misery. There is still love out there! It's all around us and in us.
A really good friend of mine calls me the Zen Master. I think she's nuts! lol... sorry Luz... She once said to me that I have an old soul with a child-like innocence. I don't know about all that. However, I try. It is hard at times, but I seem to have a good grasp of it all.
I was once asked if I were to come face to face with the worst of my enemies, what would I do? My response would be the only worst enemy I ever had was me. I'm over that now. I have found inner peace. I greet all the same, even those who have wronged me. I'm not perfect, far from it! I still get some mad rage when I hit my toe in the middle of the night. I'm just happy.
There are some few people left to reconcile with. However, I cannot make the first move. It isn't because of ego, I just don't know where they are. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe it's not time yet. Maybe, just maybe, a miracle will happen. Hey, who knows. We were great friends. This person knows that even though they chose to go, I still value our friendship. Maybe I'll go and pay this person a visit this week. ( and there you go thinking it was the ex-wife...lol. Sorry, I tried that one. I understand f*** you in ANY language! but hey, who knows..never say never.)
Anywho, I'm calling this one deep fried! Take care everyone. If you want to keep in the know, follow me on facebook and (occasionally) here. Keep safe and dream big!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Zen Soup

Hey crazy cats, I know that's it's been awhile and I know it's really gut wrenching to wait for so long for a new entry.... who am I kidding? Anywho, I have been busy with so many other things, but I do try. It isn't that I don't like to write anymore. It's just that I hardly have time.
Anywho, let me move on to the subject at hand. For the past few years, I have been on a journey. I haven't paid a ticket, nor do I travel to exotic lands anymore ( did it in the Navy). I actually think that this journey has been the most fulfilling one of my life. As you've guessed it, I'm talking about finding out who am I.
It all started in 2005. I left on a cold January day for parts unknown in the Persian Gulf. What started out as a six month sea tour, has become a journey to find out who I am and why I am. Many people think that this makes a person a little self-centered, if not careful. However, the true journey makes one grow and realize the way one can grow and try to reach their full potential.
Many times, when an life-altering event happens in one's life, we tend to look at only the negatives of the event. If we look a little beyond the obvious, we find a full resource of knowledge. It's very easy to fall into depression or low self-esteem, if we let it control us.
Also, we, as humans, tend to shift the blame elsewhere. We reluctantly accept responsibility for outcomes of our actions. We see the acceptance as a weakness and not as a device to help us achieve a higher level of ones growth. We must remember that to err is human. It is ok to make a mistake. It is not ok to totally deny what happened.
What happens if the mistake or misfortune comes as a result of a series of unfortunate events? What happens if the the misfortune only needed a little dedication and we decide not to pursue it? It is not easy to see the future. It is not easy to accept that sometimes our actions become ultimatums that we purposely or involuntarily set on ourselves.
I have come to the realization and acceptance that my time I spent in the service and away from home, when my presence could've been a defining moment, may have played in part to the problems I had later. Without going into details, I truly do regret for causing pain to all around me. Although I believed with all my heart that I was doing right, I was actually doing damage. Back then, I didn't see this. Back then, I thought I was soley right. I have grown since then.
This was a catalyse that set in motion the start of a new day. I realized that life isn't about right or wrong. The world isn't black or white (thank God). It's actually full of diverse colors, from the darkest of dark; to the most brilliant of brights. There are definitely many sides to any issue. It just depends on one's willingness to accept this information and actually try to see it.
So this bit of info has brought me to where I am today. I have grown and continue to do so. No longer am I the person whose sole intent was to win an argument or fight. I now seek knowledge. i try very hard to see the world as others see it. If I agree with it, I incorporate it into my life. If I don't agree, I respect that person's viewpoint. Everyone has a right to what they believe in.
As for deep rooted anger and the unwillingness to even talk to the person, well...that's very petty and immature. There is no need for such drama. If we all just gave a moment to reason, we would see that it does us more harm than good. It is better to move on from that.
"Forgiveness is to set a prisoner free and realize that you were the prisoner." That sums it up. We mustn't just forgive others who have wronged us. We must forgive ourselves too. You would be very surprised what you can accomplish when you forgive yourself. Things will turn around.
Anyway crazy cats, I'm calling it done. Hope you enjoyed this entry's rants and raves. have a safe week. As always..... Keep safe and dream big!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Here We Come to Save the Day!

Hey crazy cats,
I was just reading the news on CNN.com (great product placement) and I noticed that the U.S. Navy is sending my old ship to Haiti! Yes, that's right the USS Carl Vinson (cell block 70)! The only aircraft carrier in the whole entire fleet who has an identity crisis...it thinks it's a Minesweeper! That damned thing once went out for a 40 day qualifications mission and returned 9 months later! Just ask my friends (those who didn't jump ship and swam to another country that is...). I swear that our captain was none other than Captain Hector Barbosa (Pirates of the Caribbean movies...for all you non-Disney movie watchers).
There's nothing quite like waking up in the middle of the ocean amongst people who are as just as depressed and missing out on life as you are. The food was outstanding....not. The living accommodations were a little better than those of a Turkish prison inmate. Those were the days!
Anyway, the Vinson is on her way to the crisis zone. Usually, this means there will be no airwing onboard. They may have a helicopter squadron. The rest of the space (the hangerbay) will be for supplies for the area, which means that there will be no space for pretty much anything else.
While on the subject, I also read that the president of Haiti is homeless. Wow...at least he now knows how the rest of his country lives. It's kind of sad when the government of a country doesn't even have a legitimate emergency response team. I heard Anderson Cooper, from CNN, say that the police are not stopping to help the people. No one knows where are they going to. It really is total chaos.
It's amazing the way we jump at the opportunity to help out a nation that got leveled by an earthquake. It took all of 40 hours. My question is the following. Could someone tell me why it took our same government 5 days to respond to Hurricane Katrina! Has anyone thought the same?! It seems ridiculous to me.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping out the Haitian Nation. I'm just upset at the fact that we jump out of our pants and help nations, who think we're Satan's righthand, in the blink of an eye and yet we drag our feet to help our own. It's nuts I tell you! Where the heck is our priorities?
I don't believe in Isolationist Ideas. I believe we should lead by example. I think we should help our neighbor. However, I don't see North Korea, Iran, or even Saudia Arabia jumping to the chance either. The United States is usually the one that even before one has time to digest the news of a disaster, we're there with our help and money.
I'm just tired of the way we shell out money like it's candy to nations, without any accountability, and yet we still have people living in sub-conditioned trailers in New Orleans! Why?! Why must we look so great to others when we have a problem, no one helps us. Double standards.
However, I'm glad that we're going in. At least we know things are going to get done. Hopefully, we'll be able to get more people out of the rubble alive. My heart and prayers go to those who perished in the face of this natural disaster.
Well, I'm calling this one done. Y'all be safe. Keep safe and dream big!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Issues and Issues

Hey crazy cats, It's finally starting to get a little warmer here in Florida. There isn't that much ice in the mornings. It isn't that we're complaining down here. We're just not prepared to the cold weather and ice for days on end. However, the sun's out and the heat is slowly coming back up.
Anyway, I woke up this morning and read on the news about the horrific earthquake in Haiti. The country's capital is apparently destroyed. That's pretty bad. We all know that the death count is going to be high. That's just terrible.
That got me thinking again. Yep, more smoke... more fire engines racing down the road. I know that I'm not the only one noticing the event that are unfolding. I know that the government told us that the concept of global warming is as real as the tooth fairy, but I'm beginning to doubt that. I know that the government will not not or hold secrets from us....(pun intended).
It seems like the planet is pretty much pissed at us and is letting us know it. We, as humans, have been a parasitic entity on this world. We rape its natural resources and never even think twice about our actions. We do not care about what our grandchildren are going to inherit. We believe that the planet will continue to give us its bounty without any forms of repercussions.
It is unfortunate that most think this way. Only a few actually are thinking what might happen if we continue in this way. As a matter of fact, we are already seeing the ramifications of our actions. Granted, some of the things are natural in origin. I believe that the natural events are happening as a secondary action due to our incompetence of being stuarts of the planet. Call me crazy, but that's my stance.
I'm the first to admit that I'm not the most earth-friendly dude on the planet, but I do try. I don't think that many of us are really taking what's going on seriously. It's usually the whole "me" attitude. Eventually, it will catch up to us. I just hope we can change before we get to that point.
Moving onto another subject, as some of you know, from an entry done a couple of years ago, I am the proud owner of two beautiful African Grey Congo Parrots (Jasmine and Stitch). They have been such a delight. They continue to amaze me on a daily basis. Their curiosity is only shadowed by their caring and love.
Lately, both have been learning a little too much. They imitate every single sound they here. When I'm around them. They imitate me until the point of nausea. However, they also listen to other sounds when I'm not at home. I guess I have to leave the radio on because I hate the sound of dogs barking. Either that or expensive "game hens".
Anyway, I woke up this morning and read on the news about the horrific earthquake in Haiti. The country's capital is apparently destroyed. That's pretty bad. We all know that the death count is going to be high. That's just terrible.
That got me thinking again. Yep, more smoke... more fire engines racing down the road. I know that I'm not the only one noticing the event that are unfolding. I know that the government told us that the concept of global warming is as real as the tooth fairy, but I'm beginning to doubt that. I know that the government will not not or hold secrets from us....(pun intended).
It seems like the planet is pretty much pissed at us and is letting us know it. We, as humans, have been a parasitic entity on this world. We rape its natural resources and never even think twice about our actions. We do not care about what our grandchildren are going to inherit. We believe that the planet will continue to give us its bounty without any forms of repercussions.
It is unfortunate that most think this way. Only a few actually are thinking what might happen if we continue in this way. As a matter of fact, we are already seeing the ramifications of our actions. Granted, some of the things are natural in origin. I believe that the natural events are happening as a secondary action due to our incompetence of being stuarts of the planet. Call me crazy, but that's my stance.
I'm the first to admit that I'm not the most earth-friendly dude on the planet, but I do try. I don't think that many of us are really taking what's going on seriously. It's usually the whole "me" attitude. Eventually, it will catch up to us. I just hope we can change before we get to that point.
Moving onto another subject, as some of you know, from an entry done a couple of years ago, I am the proud owner of two beautiful African Grey Congo Parrots (Jasmine and Stitch). They have been such a delight. They continue to amaze me on a daily basis. Their curiosity is only shadowed by their caring and love.
Lately, both have been learning a little too much. They imitate every single sound they here. When I'm around them. They imitate me until the point of nausea. However, they also listen to other sounds when I'm not at home. I guess I have to leave the radio on because I hate the sound of dogs barking. Either that or expensive "game hens".
Anyway, I have to continue working, since I'm doing this entry on my work time. I love the government! Well, I hope everyone has a great day. Keep safe and dream big!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Zen and Now

Hello crazy cats! Salutations from the frozen tundra known as Southern Florida! Wow, I thought that a couple of cold days and then back to normal, but not here. I left the north in search for warmer surroundings. I guess I have to cross illegally in Mexico to escape the cold. Hmm, what a concept!
Anyways, another week is in full swing. The weatherman says that the temperature is supposed to get back to normal really soon. Yeah right! This comes from a person who says 40% chance of rain and there's not a cloud in the sky!
I've noticed that people are becoming less tolerant during this cold spell. I've seen people go to punches. I'm wondering if it's the shivering or just that people go nuts with the cold. Whatever it is, I wish things would get better.
People waste too much time in arguing and going on. Sometimes the best thing to do is be quiet and let the situation die. However, some will tend to disagree. They cite their right to express themselves. They say that they're angry and they're entitled to it. They go on and on about stupidity and beat a dead horse till you want to kill yourself. If you try to leave the room, they follow you and continue. "I need to get this off my chest", is their battle cry. Whatever!
I totally believe in treating others as you wish to be treated. I think I've had enough experience to see that there is such a thing as karma. If you do bad, bad will happen to you. If you do good, then you're life is enriched with many blessings. At least that's what we hope.
How can anyone go through life and be so angry at anyone or anything? Why do we waste our time and energies on something so useless as anger? To me, we are entitled to become angry now and then, but we shouldn't let it govern our lives. It is like some people get so obsessed with letting anger ruin their lives. I feel that it's like a drug. They need to feel it. It gives them purpose.
Some people let it brew all their lives. They are totally content with anger letting govern them. If presented with the opportunity to let it go, they will not do it. They would rather die a slow and agonizing death than forgive and move on. Case in point, the Middle East. They've been going at it since the beginning of time. It's pretty much pointless now and everyone has forgotten why they originally started fighting for. It's just a big waste.
Yet, that is the way some people live their lives, unfortunately. I have seen some people not let the anger go. I remember someone, who actually was angry with a best friend, not letting go to the point of letting that person die without saying I'm sorry. The thing is that I know that person wanted to say those words, yet never got the chance to.
So the question is what do we do when we feel anger towards someone. Here's the answer... it's a lot harder to do it... let it go. It helps you out in the long run. I believe in the less negative things you have on your soul, the better. It helps you sleep at night. The less stress you have, the more life you have.
It seems that people don't seem to understand this concept. It is such a shame that so much precious time is wasted on worthless anger. If we all just listened, we would do better. We don't have to agree with what is being said. All we have to do is acknowledge the other person's ideas. We avoid anger this way.
Well folks, I'm calling this one done. Have a great day! Keep safe and dream big!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Calgon Take Me Away and Leave Me For Dead!

Hey crazy cats, another cold day here in Florida. Hey, it even snowed on Saturday! I thought I suffered a severe stroke and was seeing things, but it was really snowing! Anyway, I pretty much had a pretty day day from the get go.
It pretty much all started when I woke up and realized that it was two degrees below "holy crap! I think I crapped my pants from the cold!" I really didn't want to get out of my warm bed, but I dragged my semi-comatose body out of the bed and on my way to work. Trust me, and I know a lot of you will agree, no one wants to leave a perfectly warm comfortable bed at the start of a cold day. However, as I dragged my body throughout the house and made myself up, I had a funny feeling things weren't going to go as planned. Of course, they didn't...
I left my cozy warm abode and made my way to the car. The wind through the breezeway was enough make even the most sane person set themselves on fire! As I was thinking of a million excuses to go back and call in, I noticed the frost on my car. I thought "wow, frost and snow in Florida..." On a little side note, I don't understand why scientists are going on about global warming.. There's no such thing! We're freezing!
I made it to my car and tried to turn on my total chick magnet mobile (Rav4...you get the joke, right?). After several attempts, begging God, cursing up a storm, and finally hitting the steering wheel a couple of times, I gave up the notion that it was going to turn on without the help of jumper cables.
I stood out there, in the cold, for what seemed an eternity. I called everyone and their grandmothers. No one would answer. Finally, at around 7:30 am, someone finally came around. The Good Samaritan tried very hard to help, but to no avail. This time, the battery really died out. I abandoned all hope and left it in fate's hands. I finally realized that there might be a way out of the mess. Someone finally showed up with pair of jumper cables. I finally got the car started and dragged my butt to work.
When I got to work, I realized that my day was just getting better. Normally, my day is usually filled with maybe one bad person. It seemed like today it was full of it...literally. It didn't really matter to me. It made my day go by so much faster. As a matter of fact, I prefer it that way. Someone close to me works from home and she tells me that sometimes she wishes she had a job like mine.
So, to sum up my day, I got home (it was still cold out), made sure the car still worked, and thanked the Good Lord I made it home in one piece. Life isn't so bad when we take a moment to realize that no matter how much you fight, it's all messed up. We should enjoy every moment of it.
Well, I'm calling this one done. Keep safe and dream big!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Paging Dr. Phil!...

Hey crazy cats,
I usually take the weekends off, but today's entry comes as a surprise to me. I was sitting at home and minding my own business when I suddenly received a call! Usually, I let it go to voicemail. Who has time to listen to silly messages when you're watching Megan Fox running through a desert in a really tight outfit in Transformers 2 ( tell you don't do that and I'll call you a liar!). Anyway, I decided to answer it.
As it turns out, it was a relationship problem of some of my friends. I'm not going to go into detail, but it was pretty bad. Anyway, after two hours of listening and finally hanging up the phone, I began to think ( that's why you heard all those fire engines earlier). I know what you're thinking...oh no, it's another "relationship insight" entry!..Well, you're right!
I don't pretend to be an expert. Nor do I use this media as a platform to attack anyone. I just believe in finding peace and happiness. Sometimes, the ugly truth hurts though. It isn't easy realizing one's mistakes, accepting them, learning from them, and moving on.
Now, I know what alot are going to say now. Well, you're divorced! Yes Iam. And? I've learned from that moment in my life. Do I think getting married was a bad idea? No. I was very happy. Do I think getting divorced was a good idea? No. I hated it, but it made me better. I realized who I was after going through the fire of it. I realized that I love who I am and that I am capable of great love, even after such a destructive event. Do I hate my ex-wife?...no, I don't. I married her because I loved her, but that's in the past. Although I haven't spoken to her since it started, I do wish her the best in life. I can't say if it's reciprocated, since I haven't heard from her. However, her silence speaks volumes. That's ok.
Anyway, back to the topic. Relationships, nowadays, seem like that they have a fast shelf life. They usually last only a few years. If we look back in history, we notice that the relationship shelf life started in the mid-1960's ( Google it!)It pretty much started at the start of the sexual and cultural revolution. Both men and women awoke to a sense of not being bound by anything. To some degree, it was a fresh and radical way of thinking. In other ways, it was the start of the marriage decay.
Now, flash forward to 2010, 60% of marriages end in divorce in the U.S! What happened? When we get down to it, it's the lack of interest in making it work. Back in the day, people wanted their marriage to work. I know some people are thinking that women stood with their men because of money issues. To some extent, that's correct. However, women always had power.
I believe the problem really took flight in the 1980's. It was the "me" decade. What's in it for me? What can I get out of it? That was the common philosophy. That thought took root and found its way into the homes.
Divorces started to skyrocket! People didn't care that they were married for twenty years! They didn't care about the children. It was a mess. The problem became worse.
We are now a society that doesn't like to work for anything. we want satisfaction now! Just look at our everyday lives. We have remotes for everything. We don't even need to leave our house to shop ( Amazon....). We have our movies delivered to our door (Netflix)! We don't even care to show our children how a realtionship should be like (Hustler, Playboy, Penthouse, Spice, and countless others...).
We have forgotten how to be human. We would rather be angry at the other than forgive and move forward. We want to be angry. We want to hate. We want to wish ill to the other. We don't want to heal. We forgot how to truly love. It is easier to hate than to learn to forgive.
I agree that sometimes divorce is the only alternative. Not all stories have a happy ending. However, what would happen if we just hang in there a bit longer? What if we put more effort into our relationships? I'm just making an observation. Sometimes, being steadfast means being isolated. Compromise is the key.
So, my friend's relationship has ended. We're all saddened by it. I know it brought back stuff. I plan to help him the bet I can. It's not easy, but it can be done. All things happen for a reason (or at least we're lead to believe). All we can do is move forward and hope for the best. Keep safe and dream big!
A New Start

Hello everyone! it's been quite a bit of time since my last entry. I know. I know... I've been lazy. However, we are in a brand new year and it's time to kick it off right! For starters, Kalyki Films and Caribbean Sun Productions will be going online really soon. I'm trying to work on a plan for a show to showcase some of the talent we have here. Hopefully by the summer, we will have something already going full steam ahead. As for scripts, I'm working on a couple. I'm a slow typer so bear with me.
Moses, on the other hand, is doing great! You'll soon see more of him. I don't want to steal his thunder. So, I'm going to keep quiet. As for Veronica, well... we all miss her. She's just a phonecall away. I know we all want to see her again.
Last year was a very weird year. Lot's of good things happened to me and yet some strange things also happened. I hope this year things will be different...in a very good way. I really can't categorize it as a bad year, but it wasn't that great either. Oh well, that's the story of my life.
This year, I'm looking forward to the Winter Olympics in Canada. I'm gonna enjoy them, eh? I love them. I don't know how am I going to keep up since I don't like cable. I haven't had cable in over five years! Oh well, where there is a will, there's a way.
Well, i'm going to keep this one short. I'll try not to let half the year pass before another entry. Keep safe and dream big!
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