Hey crazy cats, it's the start of another week. If you are anything like me (chances are you aren't), then you had a weird weekend. I'm not one to complain. Don't think that this entry is about complaining. It's more like a drive-by shooting in the "Twilight Zone". You might think that I'm exagerating. Just wait, you'll see.
Anyway, ever since my breakup, I've been a little hesitant in jumping back into the dating pool. Truth be told, I'd rather sit it out. However, My friends did advise me to just take it easy and go out on "fun" dates. I knew that this was not my cup of tea, but I listened. I should've steered away from all of it. I should've just said no, but no like a a kid with a book of matches and a lonely gas-doused box spring mattress I was drawn into it.
This weekend, I was surprised by being placed into two, yes two blind dates. I hate things things. You usually get the really ugly girl with tons of issues going on. You know the type, she probably just got out of the mental institution and her friends want her to jump into the real world and leave her personalities and imaginary friends behind.
Anyway, both were not pyscho. However, they pretty much were a total disaster. God bless my friends for trying though. Although, I feel as if they did it on purpose just to have something funny to talk about at the cooler at work on Monday morning. Never in my wildest would I ever subject my friends to the mental torture, that far surpasses that of Gitmo Bay, of setting my friends up on a blind date. Anyway, Karma will take care of those ingrates.
Let me tell you about the first one. The first one started off like a regular run of the mill date. We were to meet up at a local restaurant at 7 pm. I like being early in the event of problems on the road. I was there at 6:45 pm sharp. I received a text stating that she was going to be a few minutes late. 45 Minutes later, she finally arrives. I'm very forgiving. I decided to look past it and go in and eat. I would've known that God was trying to tell me to abort and hit the silk when we walked in and they told us that the wait time was an hour. I didn't listen though. I decided to go to another restaurant. Well, this one was very nice and the waiter was great! We sat down and ate and talked. Well, more ate than talked. She ate like an Ethiopian at The Golden Coral. I mean, damn! The girl was like not just hungry,but HUNGRY! I had to count my fingers a couple of times just to make sure that they were all there. Her voice was like that of Fran Drescher, Edith Bunker, and the sound of a very long obnoxious fart. I tried to overlook it. I know that I'm not a prized catch, but I know that I'm not that messed up.
Anyway, after the black hole finished eating everything, to include light and time, I felt kind of bad that she came from long away and I was moved to go somewhere else. So, I decided to take her to a comedy show. It was one of the best that I have seen in a long time. Did that stop this slowly unfolding Greek tragedy? Nope. God was determined to piss his robe that night. I resigned myself to the fact that this was a terrible idea.
We got out back back to my car... yes, my car. I wasn't planning to waste my gas on a terrible ordeal. I was just going to call it a night. Except, she decided she wanted to talk. Oh boy, you know where this is going to. I made my hints clear enough that there wouldn't be as much as a kiss on this one. She said she had a wonderful time and she wanted to do it again. I smiled and readied my gun to shoot her. I'd rather be in prison and be some felons love toy for 20 years to life rather than go out with her again. As soon as I saw a break, I left. I peeled out and left tracks like the De Lorean in "Back To The Future".
When I got home, I took off my clothes, burned them, and then scrubbed my body with acid; just so I could forget the nights events. I couldn't believe that I was subjected to such crassness and just plain rudeness. I try to overlook things, but I have standards.
I'm not hard to deal with. I love having fun. Just ask a certain redhead. I'm very easy-going. I love having a good time and love to make people feel special. However, when you're as subtle as a wreckingball to the groin, things usually go bad.
So I stand here wondering what is the whole realtionship thing worth anyway? It's hard to find someone you're compatable with. Then, it's not a sure thing because you really aren't sure if it's going to work. However, the adventure is in finding out.
Yes there are times when we cry. There are times when we get angry. However, realtionships are fun. We can't live without them. My problem is that I can't seem to be in one long enough. it seems like I'm a nice guy, but not the guy. Oh well... I'll continue to go forward.
By the way, That date didn't end with me high-tailing it out like I was set ablaze. A couple of days later, I recieved a text from Broadzilla. She stated that although we had a great time ( I wonder what date she was on), she felt that we didn't have a chemistry. Oh really! Thanks for that info there Nostra-dumbass!
Well folks, I'm going to end this one for right now. I have another great date to tell you about, but I'll leave that fiasco for another entry. Keep safe and dream big!