Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Life is a Beach

Monday, December 22, 2008
Bless You...

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Happy Ramahanikwanzistmas Kipur and a Happy New Year! Part 3

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Tis The Season....

Get Your Ticket Now.....

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Celebrity Status

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Happy Ramahanikwanzistmas Kipur and a Happy New Year! Part 2

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Silver Ball In The Air...

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Johnny Cochran, Where Are You!

Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Last Piece

Happy Ramahanikwanzistmas Kipur and a Happy New Year! Part 1

Here Comes The Boom!

Monday, November 10, 2008
Fortified with 9 Vitamins and Minerals!

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Fashion Terrorism

Hey crazy cats! This week has proven to be a very busy week. However, I have manage to witness some things that would be considered, by others, to be a crime. Take, for instance, my case in point. Have you ever met someone who seriously needs to tone down the way they dress. You all know what I'm talking about. There's always that one person you know that either shows more cleavage than legally allowable, the wear their pants so tight that you can tell their religion, or they wear so much make up that they put Tammy Fay Baker to shame. They go through life committing crimes against fashion humanity! The funny parts is that they don't even know that they are doing it! This is the ultimate in tackiness!
My story isn't about a woman who is more tacky than saltwater taffy. It is about a GUY! We, at the clinic, all know who he is. He comes in dressed like Morris Day on speed! His lack in taste is only second to his courage to wear the most insane clothing on the planet. Not even the most flamboyant homosexual male would dare to wear the clothes he does ( not even in private!) It's amazing that he hasn't made anyone scream in terror or even rip their eyes out.
Let me give examples of the sheer audacity the this individual has perpetrated against our sanity.
- He glues glitter on the tips of his shoes! Holy Jesus H. "tapdancing" Christ! Who would ever do such a thing?!!!
- He once wore gray tuxedo pants with a cheap UnderArmour knock-off t-shirt! Feed me nails and call me Rusty!
- He finds it ok to wear dress pants and a dress shirt with white sneakers! Where's the gun? I'm gonna put him out of his misery.
- He owns a sky blue long coat with fake fur collar and cuffs! Now you're getting ridiculous!
- He has more shoes than the Chinese Army! Someone call Oprah! the boy needs counceling!
- Pinstipes are always in fashion with him! Now, I'm mad!!!
The man is a walking El DeBarge video! He makes us laugh every morning when he arrives. He's like a train wreck! We've tried to tell him to tone down. It was like giving Hellen Keller directions and the keys to the car. If the folks at Queer Eye were ever to get a hold of him, they'd all committ suicide! There is NO makeover for homeboy! Milli Vanilli were Amish next to this guy.
I thought I've seen everything. This guy's wardrobe has more color in it than there ARE colors! The thing is that they are all bright and neon colors. The 80's have nothing on this dude. i don't know why he thinks he is attracting women. The only thing he is attracting is a group of spectators like at the scene of a homicide.
So... here I am. I'm asking everyone of you. Help me! We need advise on how to get through to Mr.Prince and Revolution. All your suggestions will be duly noted. In the meantime, I'll keep my barf bag handy. Keep safe and dream big!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Check Yes or No

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Half A Heart

You know the old saying "It's better to have loved, than to never love at all." Well something like that I know you all know what I'm talking about.....
Who came up with that damn saying...It had to have been someone with Half A Heart! It's nice to be in Love but it's even better to be loved back...Trust me I'm the master at loving an not being loved...IT HURTS....But you live and learn the next time it comes around...Love that is..You take a deep breath and hold your breath and pray for the best! It's hard....VERY HARD...to want to be LOVED soooooooooooo bad that you'd do just bout anything...Well okay I'm lying you'd do ANY and EVERYTHING for the possibility of True LOVE! Don't give up...Just keep your fingers crossed and continue to be yourself..don't change for nobody and if you really LOVE the person you're with just keep focused.
Believe me it'll be hard..people will give you their opinion and you have to be strong enough to hear what they're saying and not act on everything they say...Yea statistics show 99.999999999999% of the time Friends w/ Benefits don't end up the way the person that is HEAD OVER HEALS really wants...
These are you're options when put in this situation:
A:Love...Love....Love like there's no tomorrow and enjoy all the good times before they run out...
B:Try very hard to keep your half of your heart that Loves to yourself and keep the benefits rolling...
C:Keep your Friend and cut the Benefits....Not you want I know but you save yourself the heartache and keep your friend. It sucks but this way you don't loose out on a beautiful friendship.
or good ole
D:Put everything out there from the beginning and talk EVERYTHING out...especially if you think your friendship is important....Don't assume...Cause we all know what that does...if IT..(the friendship w/Benefits) starts to confuse you...Then it's time to sit and chat again...Keep the COMMUNICATION lines open if you don't want IT to fail.
Well now YOU ALL have the keys...you know what to do and what not to do!!! Now let's see how many of you will do the (RIGHT THING) best thing! Keep your head up people it's not the end of the world even though sometimes it seems like it!When you think you've cried enough....take a nice cold shower cry some more and when you're finished squeeze your pillow really tight cry some more until you fall asleep.....Or you can do like I do and tell your little one your chest hurts ...he'll play Dr. by giving you a BIG kiss and hug..you can keep crying until they fall asleep then when you wake up...if you're without your FRIEND...Just pray your day goes by fast and wish for a better tomorrow! Believe it'll all be alright and it shall...Though things may not end up the way YOU want it will be OKAY!
Be STRONG....Loving people and continue to be YOU...One day You too will be LOVED!

Monday, October 20, 2008
Happy 50th Entry or How to Upset Your Friends And Have a Hit Put on You

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Ugly Eye!!!

Yes it's me the infamous 3-D....The mastermind Sammy has put your girl on the net to share....the FEMALE POINT of view! Well I hope he knows what he has done because I'm ready to open wide and share...wait a minute...that's exactly what Sammy wanted.Well ladies my story for the week is well you guessed it the Brow nightmare.You ever have that moment when you've gone too long without getting/doing your eyebrows...They kinda sit on the top of your forehead like little caterpillars waiting to be trimmed and snipped.You know you've gone too long when they start forming a union(formerly known as the uni-brow).Then you rise and shine on that beautiful Sunday to go to your favorite nail shop,(go figure..a nail shop to get your eyebrows done), just to find out the place is closed. So you decide to do them yourself. Sounds like a plan, you head back home pull out the wax, it's expired. You look for your tweezers (if our like me and you've just recently moved and have a 3yr old that thinks he can fix everything) they're not where they're suppose to be. So finally you go for the good old fashion eyebrow razor...You get started and notice the razor is a little dull. But so focused on getting your eyebrows right before work you continue to use the dull blade. The pain is so excruciating it feels as if every hair is being pulled from your face. Okay guys not all of you are in a rush to go out there and get your eyebrows done(though some of you need it) but just imagine a hair in an area so delicate and sensitive on your body being plucked....over and over again..ohhh the pain oh the agony. You want to stop but you can't because you don't want to look odd to the public.So here I am raking away at my face I can almost hear my pores yelling...."Please stop..you're killing me" But I keep moving this dull razor back and forward across my forehead. Let's be real I don't have the average sized forehead it's pretty big...(but there's a reason for everything,my forehead is handy) but I'm sitting there trying to balance these bad boys out...The worst part(which is the real reason my brows were crying) the cleaning...you know that rubbing alcohol that your Mom use to rub your wounds with (to keep them clean).But once the fire dies down and the burning has been numbed I was still left in a bad way.No luck so I'm stuck with one eyebrow looking aight and the other not looking so hot!I went to work and all I felt was all eyes on me! Man don't I hate long work weeks...
Where's The Nightlight?

Monday, October 6, 2008
The People On The Bus

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Updates to the Site
- First of all, I can't stress enough the subscription part of the site. It helps me track how many people the website (this creates a higher rating). So, please samscribe to the site.
- As all of you, who have visited the site, know, SamVidBlog News is now part of the website. Believe it or not, many of you look forward to it each week. Thank you. We will try to post up a video each week.
- The video bar is the small bar half way down on your right hand side. This contains videos that I have found on YouTube. You won't leave the page if you click on it.
- Last, but not least, we have the voting section. This is not a scam ad. I put this up regularly. I like to find out what the public is thinking.
- All entries have the option of leaving a comment. Let me know what you are thinking.
So, take advantage of the website. If I make you suffer, why don't you do the same? Anywho, take care and we'll keep making you gag with the bad jokes. Keep safe and dream big.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008
Hey Bro, Can You Spare a Dime?

Well folks, I'm back for another week. First of all, I want to apologize for the lack of the show last week. As you all know, I had a loss in the family. So, I decided to be greedy and have some me time, in order to mend my broken heart. However, I am back and we have lots to talk about.
It seems like the United States is going through its worse financial crisis. We're so broke that it seems like soon the federal government will be applying for food stamps. Our credit score just dropped some serious points. At least the fat cats are now going to feel what the rest of us have been feeling for quite some time. All I have to say is that the way things are going, you better stock up on food and ammunition.
As for the rest of the world, all hell has been braking loose. So where does that leave us? Well, it depends. If you have a home that you bought for $300,000 not too long ago, then I say that you're in a world of hurt. If you're that individual who was hoping that your ex-spouse loses their house and that all financial hell brakes loose on them, then your prayers have been answered.
As for me, I'll be working on my greeters skills. I've applied for work at Wal-Mart and Sam's Club. I'm not knocking the employees working at these places. They work their butt off everyday, for just a few dollars and no health plan. I can see myself being called to aisle 9. Hey, I don't mind working hard. We have to make our living someway.
So, me being the ultimate friend, I have a few suggestions to helps us stretch that dollar. My list is my list and my list only.
- can anyone say Ramen Noodles
- recycle toilet water
- carpooling on bicycles
- squirrel..it's what's for dinner. (if it's good for rednecks, it won't kill us.)
- mom?! dad?! I'm hoooommmmeeeeee!
- pick up a second job ( call-girl, drug dealer, hitman....)
- sell things that are old and you don't need. ( like the tv, clothes, books, grandma...)
- two words.... Bank robbery
- bathe every other week
- cross the border illegally into Mexico and work for pennies on the dollar.
Well, I hope you guys take into consideration the ways to save money. If not, oh well, I'll see you in the unemployment line. I'll save you a spot. Well folks, have fun. Have a great week and I'll see you here for the next update. Keep safe and dream big.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Learning to Cope

Monday, September 22, 2008
Sick Day
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Raise Your Hand If Your Sure

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Paging Ima Idiot...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Longest Mile

Monday, September 15, 2008
Stiff Competition

us as a people. Do you care about the problems with malnutrition? No! Do you care about the starving pygmy children of New Guinea? No! Do you care about your hair being angelically soft and to burn fat while you sleep? YES!!!
So my question is where is our priorities? Old men are wanting to use parts that lost their warranty years ago. I am surprised that they are not falling over from massive heart attacks from the exercise. I thought that people at that age would forget how to or even care about doing it. Oh well, I guess I was wrong.
I have noticed that the medicine that we recieve now-a-days doesn't cure you from the problems that you may have. They just help you cope with them. They figured out that the money isn't in curing diseases. The money is in helping you live with them longer. To me. that's really messed up. Oh well, we feed the machine.
So the moral of the story is that we should re-examine ourselves and see what we need to do to set our priorities straight. We don't need a pill for this or that. We need to take control of the situation or the situation will take control of us. Well... It's the start of a new week. Everyone take care of yourselves.
Before I go... I want to thank Roni and Moe for joining me on my journey into craziness. I love the way they can let loose and think way outside of the box. I hope that the little project we have can grow and bear beautiful fruits. Keep safe and dream big!